Abandon Ship

Abandon Ship

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Gary  [desarrollador] 13 AGO 2019 a las 1:30
Hot-Fixes: Version Number "Early Access 0.5.12757"
We've put a hot-fix onto the main branch for the following issues:

1) Another guard ship would appear if you quit out during a battle with one, reloaded into it and defeated it.
2) Limiting no more than two of a type of weapon still resulted in some harsh AI weapon combinations. We've extended this so that some weapons will now not spawn more than one (i.e. berserk dart), and also won't spawn annoying combinations (so Web Gun and Berserk Dart shouldn't spawn together).
3) In the Cult Bases, the text at the top was being duplicated.
4) AI crew levels were too tough on higher difficulties, so these have been made easier now.

Thank-you for reporting these issues, as with any balancing updates they are an iterative process, so we appreciate the feedback.