Abandon Ship

Abandon Ship

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Gary  [vývojář] 19. úno. 2018 v 7.25
Dev Team & Forums
I thought it might be helpful to explain the set-up of the team, and how we approach the Steam forums, for those wondering about the Developers behind Abandon Ship.

Dev Team
The team consists of:
  • Me (Hi!) - I handle leading the team, the creative vision, production, the day-to-day design, business, marketing, QA and managing the forums.
  • Adam - Programmer
  • Alex - Artist
On top of that, team-members that were crucial in making Abandon Ship but are freelance and so come on and off the project as necessary:
  • Aaron Miller - Visual Effects and Music
  • Mark Angus - Sound Design
  • Danny Wadeson - Narrative Designer

Despite our small size, we are extremely efficient and are all dedicated to making this the best game we can.

Office Hours
We are based in the UK, so our Office Hours are 9am - 6pm GMT. You'll often receive support outside of these hours.

Forum Management
For the vast majority of the time, it'll just be me posting in the forums. Please be patient if you do not receive an instant response from a Developer, we will get round to it promptly.