Fix for dual core cpus
Download this zip file and extract it in the game's install location.


Note: this fix was made by "unknownproject".
Legutóbb szerkesztette: VGS-Eb; 2020. ápr. 20., 12:55
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Legutóbb szerkesztette: VGS-Eb; 2020. ápr. 18., 21:02
How's the performance? I don't have a dual-core but just curious.
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How's the performance? I don't have a dual-core but just curious.

It's good, not a locked 60 but it's definitely playable.
Has anyone who doesn't have a dual core cpu (eg 4/6/8 core) but still can't start the game - tried this ?
Yes I have a AMD FX 4300...it works now with this fix
Legutóbb szerkesztette: King-Fisher64; 2019. máj. 29., 14:56
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This worked for me. Thank you!
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I just removed "vvhttps://" from the link. it works.

Very glad to hear it!
Legion y520, driver up to date.
Cant run game, just nothing happend.
So refund done. 1/10 game.
Best procesor and graphic card can get now for this laptop.
Trying everything.. EVERYTHING.
Thank you very very much! This actually did the trick for me!
It did work for me too so i guess that needed 17 days to finaly enter the game ... God bless and thx sir.
there is also a fix for older cpu's with missing cpu instruction sets, people have managed to get the game to run fine on old pentium cpu's

cpu instructions are likely what avalanche messed up on

i remember when no mans sky launched, it said before launch that it required a quad core cpu to run, but enough people with dual cores wanted to play that the devs tiny team of i think 14 people spent the whole weekend right after launch which should have been their first weekend off after crunch recoding the exe and got it done and out by monday morning so that it would launch on dual cores

what has avalanche done in 17 days? 1 tiny patch that did nothing really and whose patch notes didnt contain any information about what bugs they fixed or how, it just said things like, fixes lag and stability, really?? how exactly does it do those things? what bug did you find and fix to make it do that?? because all the people i have talked to said the patch did pretty well nadaa.

all those nice people with better than recommended computers still cant get the game to even launch avalanche, but it you wait long enough the community will fix it i guess, because a AAA game studio should sure as hell be able to do more than 1 useless patch in 17 days and in the meantime convince people the bugs are their fault and that they just need to update their videocard drivers and it will magically fix all, except i just read on bethesda support that they are now telling people to trry reverting to older drivers.

and their new update says nothing really again with phrases like: menu optimization, really? what kind and is it the kind that will stop the game from crsahing 100% of the time when some people switch menu tabs? because saying menu optimization means nothing really

and also they say: several crash fixes, again crash fixes for what types of crashes?? what bugs did you fix to stop these crashes and what players are these fixes going to help???

because the last patch said similar vague things and did nothing

the other things in the patch are things like mouse smoothing, more amd picture sharpness, reducing the amount of wasteland wizard locations, all super easily fixed and not game breaking in anyway, what happened to the controller diagonal fix people really asked for and need? or the motor cycle control issue?? so they are doing those 3 menial tweaks, and adding 1 dialog prompt to kvasir and making races easier, maybe im dumb but those things look like they could have been done with a tiny team in 1 day,

actual game breaking crash fixes you dont mention specifically and are vague, its almost like you are trying to use misdirection to confuse the masses and give the illusion of actually doing something.

im sure all the people who cant launch the game or cant play it longer than a few minutes without it crashing or use the menu without it crashing will sure appreciate the smoother mouse and slightly sharper picture and they'll enjoy finding the wasteland wizard easier and winning races easier while they CANNOT PLAY gg.
Legutóbb szerkesztette: Fishboy11; 2019. máj. 31., 21:18
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Közzétéve: 2019. máj. 29., 11:35
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