Deep Rock Galactic

Deep Rock Galactic

Update 33 Experimental build 49617
Fixed a bug that caused bosco to stop what he was doing if something he has used before was used
Fixed Linecutter and Flying nightmare receiving frozen damage bonuses that they did not have before.
Fixed Deep Dive title not displayed in several asian languages
Fixed Ice mactera having one green weakpoint
Fixed Mactera bomber goo dropping sound being active when it spawns
Fixed Steeve not doing correct amount of damage
Minor Space Rig material and model tweaks to fix reported Jira bugs
Tweaked Footsteps in Hollow Bough
Deactivated light on fireballs from dreadnoughts when they impact
Rebinding cycle item up/down to something else, now also works when zooming in/out on the terrain scanner + small ui changes to the controls option menu

Dreadnought stuff

OG Dreadnought
- Extended the AoE warning time a tiny bit more
- The dreadnought now scales it's speed down a little bit for low hazard multiplayer games
- Extended the time before the dread regrows it's shield on lower hazards

Dreadnought Hiveguard
- Fixed Hive Guard not turning between aoe rock attacks
- Sentinels now leave a puddle of sticky goo when killed
- Increased damage of sentinel attacks slightly
- Sentinels dissolve even faster

Dreadnought Twins
- Fixed Lacerator's bite attack not always connecting when it should
- Made the twins move faster underground
- Decreased the duration of their meeting
- Increased base health some more
- Fixed impact sound on twins armor.
- Fixed Dreadnought Twins armor regrow only working visually but not providing damage reduction and could not be broken again

All Dreads
- Fixed dreadnoughts not receiving the 3x damage bonus when frozen
Última edição por Nick GSG; 4/fev./2021 às 0:11