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darlok3do Feb 15, 2019 @ 12:49am
Jumping ...
So i played this game about a year ago and it was realy fun. After that i decided to give game a little break and return to it later to see whats new will be implemented in game. Yesterday i tried to test it again.

Well, looks like many thing have changed - the tutorial, the new GUI, some new devices and slots for character, the whole new planet! It was all interesting and i was exited to try all this new features, but there was one thing that spoils all impression from the game - the gravity and jumping. Seriosly, what the hell happend to physics? Why on the moon where gravity is to low i make so low jumps that forces me to use jetpack to succesfuly navigate through the area? I even cant jump on platform half of my height. In earlier versions of the game character movement and jumping capabilites was ok but now i have to strugle with the physics even to do basic things.

Maybe i am missing something? Is this bug or feature? How you, guys, handle this?
Last edited by darlok3do; Feb 15, 2019 @ 12:51am
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Showing 1-15 of 25 comments
Heightmare  [developer] Feb 15, 2019 @ 1:24am 
It isn't seriously intuitive, but we tried proper moon gravity. It got annoying trying to stay grounded though, so added something of a 'gamey' feature where when you're close to the ground, normal gravity applies. It doesn't quite feel 'right' but trust me, it makes the experience better overall. Maybe we'll make it a toggleable option eventually, but the current behaviour is a result of the reasoning i just described. Does that sound like it explains what you're experiencing?
Lezren Feb 16, 2019 @ 7:04am 
I agree with the OP, the original physics just felt so much better. With the current situation you end up with large jumps/leaps if you happen to jump from a slightly raised position. Which then when you try to jump back, you take a tiny bunny hop.

Also when running, you get this weird skating or slightly fluid movement which makes it hard to navigate.

I've noticed this issue with all of the planets, and it just makes it feel like you're running through soup IMO.
November Mar 20, 2019 @ 9:33am 
If possible, how about trying different levels of gravity? Despite the realism, "1G" doesn't have to be 9.81m/s^2. If I'm on Mars, a bunny hop is fine, but on the Moon I'd like to be able to land on top of a single block, or at least clear a storage crate. I understand it doesn't have to be "intuitive", but also having that sudden gravity increase when you're <2' off the ground kinda kills immersion. I don't want my feet at 2G's and my head at 0.25G's

TL;DR Try different gravity levels, but please keep it consistent.
Last edited by November; Mar 24, 2019 @ 11:36pm
Elfblood Mar 22, 2019 @ 7:30am 
Originally posted by Heightmare:
It isn't seriously intuitive, but we tried proper moon gravity. It got annoying trying to stay grounded though, so added something of a 'gamey' feature where when you're close to the ground, normal gravity applies. It doesn't quite feel 'right' but trust me, it makes the experience better overall. Maybe we'll make it a toggleable option eventually, but the current behaviour is a result of the reasoning i just described. Does that sound like it explains what you're experiencing?

Haha, Trust me. It is a Feature ?
Also the sticking on every edge while jumping, and the big leaps of death you suddenly make sometimes are features ?
Be honest, movement is the second worst part of the game for now...
The biggest funbreaker after your tinfoil spacesuit and faulty collision. sadly.
THE kilroy Mar 25, 2019 @ 5:24am 
Also try walking through air currents. The space-ness is gone for me.

Back when they changed it, they cited users getting motion sick. You know just like you would if you were on the moon. This is my favorite game that i cant stand to play anymore. movement being very necessary to play, makes the user interface issue a deal breaker. For now i just keep popping in to check if i can play it every now and again.
November Mar 25, 2019 @ 7:20am 
It's amazing how this was supposed to be a hardcore (more specifically 'super detailed/realistic') game in the original vision, just like SS13. Since I bought this game over a year ago, we have seen the removal of the possibility for two of the most difficult challenges of SS13- when gravity lets you go, and getting blown out an airlock. They are the most difficult things to overcome (and sometimes survive), but also provide some of the most exciting moments in any of my hundreds of rounds in SS13.

I accidentally depressurized part of my base earlier today, and the rushing air knocked over my beacon and a portable light I had sitting outside. But was I affected? Not at all, yet I should've been slammed face-first into my doorframe.

What makes SS13 so damn awesome even despite the 2D graphics is the complete unforgiving realism (spes carps aside). The exact wrong set of circumstances could very well mean an airlock malfunctions (or the AI is rogue) and you're getting a toolbox hurled at you that shatters your visor or cracks your hardsuit. Losing hold of a wall when the gravity generator dies means you could find yourself slipping towards a slime, a plasma fire, Lord Singulo, or even just your friendly Syndy Op.

I understand some people get motion sick. Some people might get upset over gravity meaning you lose some motion control. But those people also aren't playing the game for what it's supposed to be. However, there are other workarounds that keep to reality while also keeping these people happy. A simple checkbox for being affected by air currents if you're playing offline would be enough. Motion sickness? You just won't move any more if you don't press a key. As for the gravity issue, I stand by my previous response, but will suggest an additonal thought- Gravity was never an issue in the first place. We have jetpacks, right? The standard keybindings could be improved. Following Space Engineers for Jetpack On/Off with 'X' means I could jump clear over my base, then simply pulse the jetpack and land exactly where I want, all without any clunky finger movements.

I could make a whole list of problems directly related to the character (gravity, depressurization, collision detection, stumbling through doors, my boots are apparently coated in space lube), and yet ironically these are the only problems in an otherwise beautiful game. The atmospherics and electrical simulations are spot-on, voxel deformation with the drill is very well done, and (as disheartening as it is when it happens) I'm very pleased with the destruction that can ensue following an overpressurized tank, or when my idiot friends ignite their welder near a volatile room. Even seeing a fellow stationeer engulfed in flames following a flare-O2 tank incident is enough to get me crying with laughter.

In short, please try again to improve the many movement mechanics in this wonderful game, or at the very least, revert them to how they were a few months ago. I adore this game, I'm getting sick of every update involving bodily function taking us one step further from the glory of Space Station 13.

Edit: Steam doesn't like some words next to each other
Last edited by November; Mar 25, 2019 @ 7:21am
Gyrus Mar 25, 2019 @ 10:42pm 
We needs mods for this kind of thing!
[FF]Pvtdonut Apr 2, 2019 @ 5:33pm 
I just tried the game for the first time and that movement is REALLY offputting, it seems like there's some kind of odd ghosting with my keys or something. Sometimes I would hit S and I would be moving at an angle, everything felt wrong. Air control also may be something to consider, it's more "gamey" as I understand you want to avoid but it's very annoying to need to running jump over small objects.

The game however looks like it has some great potential and I love the depth of systems.
Monty Apr 3, 2019 @ 3:07pm 
I recall someone suggesting that we need to have some control over how high we jump.

Holding the jump button to charge how much power to put into the jump. This would stop the super launch off edges, unless you go full charge for it, and allow Stationeers to get over pipes and floor grates without resorting to the jetpack or being catapulted back to Earth.
[FF]Pvtdonut Apr 4, 2019 @ 5:43am 
I just now realized what the issue is after watching someone else play. When doing the tutorial it never asks you to shut off your jetpack after you initially use it. Therefore if you're new to the game it feels like you just move horribly when in the station and causes many problems when trying to build the first setups in the tutorial.
Monty Apr 4, 2019 @ 2:53pm 
Originally posted by FFPvtdonut:
shut off your jetpack

Operator error is just another fun feature in Stationeers. Lucky you didn't try using rocket fuel for the jetpack before pulling out the welder. :steamfacepalm:
flux.faraday Apr 15, 2019 @ 1:13am 
Originally posted by Heightmare:
...It doesn't quite feel 'right' but trust me, it makes the experience better overall...
The experience isn't better for me. I tried both a year ago when that was still possible, and prefer natural low gravity. Is there an .xml control to turn off 'magnetic boots' yet? Please??
Farloc Apr 15, 2019 @ 4:49pm 
Agreed. You spend all this effort to make the gravity closer to the planet then ignore it when you are close to an object, which is majority of your game play. I would prefer to build bases around those quirks and enjoy the bounciness of limited gravity.

Plus I seriously hate getting stuck on stuff. It is sad that I had to reprioritize tank refill station for propulsion because the movement system is very unpredictable.
Last edited by Farloc; Apr 15, 2019 @ 4:49pm
Arran Chace Apr 16, 2019 @ 4:08am 
Only issue i had with my character, are his lubed boots, in combination with the old low grav moon, it was annoying, but the culprit is not gravity, but the boots, and that still hasnt changed, but the good part gravity is.

Most issues the game has in the character itself.. foremost the sliding.
If in base gravity is an issue, give us magnetic boots that can be turned on/off nearly everything is made of iron anyways, so if we really want to stick to something, Magnetic boots is far better as altering gravity in a unrealistic way in a game that has realism as its core play.
Last edited by Arran Chace; Apr 16, 2019 @ 4:08am
MeHeliuM May 3, 2019 @ 11:55pm 
Why not just make it so how long you press space changes how hard the pc jumps and still have actual moon gravity? So a tap will be just a sligh jump and holding for longer will be more like the old jumps?
The current jumping situation make me feel like I'm jumping in minecraft it totally ruins the whole games space feeling and frankly prevents me from enjoying the game.

And another thing is when jumping so that your pc is further away from the ground than the minimum you fly like a freaking cannonball that's more annoying if you ask me than the old system...

I just want the game to feel like its actually in space and at the moment whenever i play it just doesn't...
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