Cold Waters

Cold Waters

Epic&Fun May 28, 2020 @ 9:03am
Cold Waters Epic Mod 2.46 (update 25.11.23)
Hi all!

Discord Server Cold Waters Epic Mod[]

Cold Waters Epic Mod 2.46 (25.11.23)

-Added contact explosions of nuclear warheads
-Added Automatic reloading of SAMs
-Added modification pr.667AU (Yankee) in 1984
-Added defensive weapons to DD Gearing
-Added MANPADS “Redeye Block III” FIM-43C (1968)
-Fixed targeting of anti-ship missiles to the player
-Fixed repair system
-Fixed interface of weapons and sensors
-Fixed the work of the in-game reference book
-Fixed spelling of warhead power in the reference book
-Fixed AI navigation in the Sea of Japan
-Fixed sounds of RBU explosions
-Fixed images in news events
-Fixed RBU on FF Chengdu
-Correction of countermeasures BB Iowa
-Correction of weapon SSBN Ethan Allen in 1984
-Correction of DDG C.F. Adams in USSR Campaigns 1984
-Correction of SS Oberon in USSR Campaigns 1984
-Correction of hydroacoustic station SSN Victor-I, Victor-II in 1984
-Correction of names of SSGN Oscar-I in 1984
-Correction of armament CGH Moskva
-Correction of visual effects SSN Han, Han Imp.
-Correction of noise level of Chinese nuclear submarines
-Correction of texture SS Gotland
-Correction of the probability of missiles being shot down
-Correction ofthe maximum depth of the Mark 46 torpedo
-Correction of the special forces landing point near Okinawa
-Correction of Aviation off the US coast
-Correction of visual effects of explosions
-Correction of radar signatures
-Correction of awards text in 2002
-Correction of texts in news events
and etc.

Download here: Cold Waters Epic Mod[]

How to install:
1) Throw "ColdWaters_Data" into the main folder of the game
2) Add. options are connected at will in the same way
3) Run ColdWaters.exe

-Metric system, text and voice acting language, Uninstall mod - in game options.

Have fun!


P.S. Many thanks to To Eugene "Ramius", Dominator, Bismarck, Dread, Dr.K ShulZ, Otto von Krebs, Killer_spb, Fenya, Mikhail Morov, Andrew Nemtsev, Max Safonov, Igor Mushket, Oleg Vygovsky, Konstantin Martynov, Skwabie, Max Panov, Alexander Krymsky, Lorenzo, Maria Sklyarova, Nikita Nichagin, SEMA Ivanov, Dmitry Bondarenko, Mich73b, Guibaesa, Rokvam and Frank G for partial translation into English, M〤patrosha and to all those who participate in discussions, bug detection and testing of builds! Epic&Fun
Last edited by Epic&Fun; Nov 25, 2023 @ 9:02pm
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Showing 1-15 of 1,048 comments
Dot May 28, 2020 @ 10:32am 
So now you can meet the mod leader) This is the guy who is constatntly developing and playing this mod for, i dunno... more than 2 years?))

For those who want to play "RPG_Mode" on other campaigns:
1. copy \language_XX\events\content\rpg_mode.txt to similar folder in other campaign
2. Add line RPGModeEnabled=TRUE to campaign_data.txt of that other campaign

Compatible with saves from 2.11 - after loading a save you will get a level 0 crew andd a random XO (who will write you reports until your vessel sinks))

Due to development mess, an older version of english rpg_mode.txt was distributed with the mod. For those with modding experience it is advised to get a latest one:

old one is working, but new has more translation and some explanations. Many thanks to ETR3(SS) from SUBSIM for help in naming divisions, I had no idea how they are called on western subs.
Have fun!)
Last edited by Dot; May 28, 2020 @ 10:33am
Frank. G May 28, 2020 @ 4:30pm 
Epic&Fun May 29, 2020 @ 10:54am 
Originally posted by jaegertier123:
news from the front 2002 nato campaign found a "Papa" SSGN alongside a Kilo, no Papa (SSGN) in the recognition manual:steamsad: (it was my first mission)
Thanks for the report, fixed, will be in the next version of the mod
zoso1371 May 30, 2020 @ 9:26am 
When play surface ships now when firing shells from the gun they dont hit the ships. They just fly around in a circle around the ship or crash into water while on the way.
Last edited by zoso1371; May 30, 2020 @ 9:26am
Erilaz May 30, 2020 @ 11:46am 
Originally posted by Epic&Fun:
Originally posted by jaegertier123:
news from the front 2002 nato campaign found a "Papa" SSGN alongside a Kilo, no Papa (SSGN) in the recognition manual:steamsad: (it was my first mission)
Thanks for the report, fixed, will be in the next version of the mod
Probably the same happens with Barbel-class in the Soviet 1984 North Atlantic campaign. The it has the recognition manual, you can open the card once the acoustic identify the target for you, but you can’t match acoustic signature manually. The only way to kinda speed up the process is to select some other diesel-electric boat, I prefer Oberon because it’s rare and has similar-ish signature. But that’s the only workaround.

Или, говоря по-нашему, нет сигнатуры у барбульки)
Last edited by Erilaz; May 30, 2020 @ 11:48am
Epic&Fun May 30, 2020 @ 11:04pm 
Originally posted by Røgnvaldr ór Moskviæ:
Originally posted by Epic&Fun:
Thanks for the report, fixed, will be in the next version of the mod
Probably the same happens with Barbel-class in the Soviet 1984 North Atlantic campaign. The it has the recognition manual, you can open the card once the acoustic identify the target for you, but you can’t match acoustic signature manually. The only way to kinda speed up the process is to select some other diesel-electric boat, I prefer Oberon because it’s rare and has similar-ish signature. But that’s the only workaround.

Или, говоря по-нашему, нет сигнатуры у барбульки)
lagrje May 31, 2020 @ 4:51am 
Just started to play this mod in the 2.12 version. I must say I'm impressed with this and the work you have laid into this mod.

Until now I've played a few single missions and started a NATO 1984 campaign, that's a bit difficult since the campaign briefings are in Russian only?

Since it's the first time I play the Epic mod some of the things I've come across may have been mentioned before, but here goes. BTW I play in "casual" level:

1. Seems that you have tweaked the torpedo behavior quite a lot. I find that the torpedos homing capability is very limited, even the best NATO and Russian torps can be fooled more easily with noise makers, and even seem to prefer to home in on a noise maker rather than a sub broadsiding almost right behind it?

2. To evade a hominig torp you now need to move at speed, change depths, curse and use noise makers, knuckles and other counter measures. That's fine. Gone are the days where you could move up and down using only full trim and at 5 knots, and then evade just about any torp. You have to work now, which is ok :)

3. Torpedos actual homing search cone is way smaller than shown on the map. I find that the torp needs to be much closer to a sub and smaller ships than the search cone that shows on the map suggest to pick up the target?

4. Looks like you've dealt with the almost "God like" ability of planes and helos to pick up your scent and then deliver their ordenance right down on your head. Kudos! :)

Keep up the good work!
Dot Jun 2, 2020 @ 3:44am 
Just noticed that for some reason google drive locked access by default( All who tried to download rpg_mode.txt - please try again, now it should be avaliable to download. My apologies for inconvinience.
Dot Jun 2, 2020 @ 3:55am 
Originally posted by lagrje:
Just started to play this mod in the 2.12 version. I must say I'm impressed with this and the work you have laid into this mod.

Until now I've played a few single missions and started a NATO 1984 campaign, that's a bit difficult since the campaign briefings are in Russian only?

Since it's the first time I play the Epic mod some of the things I've come across may have been mentioned before, but here goes. BTW I play in "casual" level:

1. Seems that you have tweaked the torpedo behavior quite a lot. I find that the torpedos homing capability is very limited, even the best NATO and Russian torps can be fooled more easily with noise makers, and even seem to prefer to home in on a noise maker rather than a sub broadsiding almost right behind it?

2. To evade a hominig torp you now need to move at speed, change depths, curse and use noise makers, knuckles and other counter measures. That's fine. Gone are the days where you could move up and down using only full trim and at 5 knots, and then evade just about any torp. You have to work now, which is ok :)

3. Torpedos actual homing search cone is way smaller than shown on the map. I find that the torp needs to be much closer to a sub and smaller ships than the search cone that shows on the map suggest to pick up the target?

4. Looks like you've dealt with the almost "God like" ability of planes and helos to pick up your scent and then deliver their ordenance right down on your head. Kudos! :)

Keep up the good work!
1. Yes. For now noisemakers are OP. Cant say much on that matter, I haven't dig much into torpedoes and targeting.

2.Yep) We're for a challenging figths) Glad you've liked it

3.No, search cone is equal to the one shown at map, but this cone is calculated for active guidance versus submerged target without coating. In most cases "effective" cone will be smaller. Check a new mod info in game help (Shift+F1) - search for a blue text, there are some explanations.

4. What goes up must go down)) Anti-Air Missile was made by Oleg, a really brilliant coder

Have fun!)
05hogsrule Jun 4, 2020 @ 11:05am 
I have concerns.
1st. This "expansion Pack" says I am leaving Steam and going to another page that is not hosted by the creator of this game. Legit or illegal?
2nd. I don't know how many other expansion versions are there, but I want to know how to search for them on STEAM in the library or store, I can not find them by any variety of version, title, topic. I only have the basic, original game. Am I that far behind the progress that I should just shoot myself in the head, now??
Erilaz Jun 5, 2020 @ 7:08pm 
Originally posted by 05hogsrule:
I have concerns.
1st. This "expansion Pack" says I am leaving Steam and going to another page that is not hosted by the creator of this game. Legit or illegal?
2nd. I don't know how many other expansion versions are there, but I want to know how to search for them on STEAM in the library or store, I can not find them by any variety of version, title, topic. I only have the basic, original game. Am I that far behind the progress that I should just shoot myself in the head, now??

There is no official Steam workshop functionality for Cold Waters, so no mod, let alone entire overhaul, can be delivered directly here, all custom content has to be hosted elsewhere and provided with links. This is also the the reason why it's hard to run a mod community here - discussions were never meant for this, so all modders have to find their way around that. There is nothing illegal about this, that's just how things work.

Anyway, the first link at the top, the VK one, leads to the mod community group in said social network, the devs are mostly Russians and we tend to gather there, it's the most popular one in our country, almost unrivaled. And the download link below surprisingly leads to google disk archive for you to grab the mod from the cloud, install it, and enjoy it. The mod itself has very straightforward structure, it basically is a bunch of assets managed with JSGME, an unofficial, but very well known and reliable tool used en masse by modders for all kinds of games, being the only executable file in the mod to my knowledge. There are some dlls, but I guess it's impossible to alter the game to the extent the developers did without using these, and oh man they overhauled a lot. I mean, new boats, new campaigns, crew experience in some campaigns, two voice-overs for you to chose, different weapon and AI behavior, floodings make more sense, anti-air missiles, even playable surface ships... From legal perspective, it's just a mod, and rightfully so as it does not include the game itself and you have to have vanilla version installed first. Mods are officially allowed.

It's always good to be concerned about security or legality, everyone has to keep his guard high these days, but if you ask me, I see no reason not to give it a shot.
Last edited by Erilaz; Jun 5, 2020 @ 7:21pm
Erilaz Jun 10, 2020 @ 5:31am 
Ok, another little bug. Well, maybe not a bug, but at least a thing to consider. All 1984 campaigns feature Trafalgar class, which was present at the time, but for some reason it has 1995+ torpedoes on board in all campaigns, which is a problem. You can either abuse the hell out of it, literally molesting the Soviets who usually don't even have enough ships with sonars at the time in the game from like... 20KYD? AND with 10 outboard MOSSes too, like improved 971 does in 2002.. That's dirty! :D Or you might find yourself being yought at with that nasty sPeArFiSh heading your way at 80kts on a wire. I mean, it's not too hard to dodge one in a 971 or one of the racing subs, especially if you take advantage of that big turn radius, but you have to pin the Trafalgar down with a rocket-propelled torpedo for it to loose the wire and good luck fighting against it in anything diesel-electric, and imagine it actually using those MOSSes...

As far as experimental experience functionality works, no issues so far. Can't wait for the feature to be implemented in all of the campaigns. My Yasen crew deserves a promotion :D
Last edited by Erilaz; Jun 11, 2020 @ 12:24pm
Raptor341 Jun 10, 2020 @ 2:14pm 
Agree - weapon load outs need to be adjusted for historical accuracy
zoso1371 Jun 14, 2020 @ 4:42am 
So for some reason all the subs I come up against in any campaign will only fire rocket propelled torpedoes at me. They never fire their normal, more deadly torps. What is up with this and has anyone else seen the same?
Frank. G Jun 14, 2020 @ 8:17pm 
Originally posted by zoso1371:
So for some reason all the subs I come up against in any campaign will only fire rocket propelled torpedoes at me. They never fire their normal, more deadly torps. What is up with this and has anyone else seen the same?

Not seeing it from my end. But apparently, the subs and surface vessels prefer to use air drop torp in medium or long range if available. In most cases for me, they spray air drop torps first along the line where they heard us and then shoot a salvo of two or three normal torps.
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