Ancestors: The Humankind Odyssey

Ancestors: The Humankind Odyssey

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The audible click/chime sound
I do not hear this chime/click sound in my game. I already got to my second generation making all the tools etc - but as hard as I try to listen I do not hear it. I hear the music - all the jungle sound. Anyone else not hearing it?
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Näytetään 16-22 / 22 kommentista
Same for me : The only time I hear a chime is when lifting rocks and fishing.

I hope it's not to late but i solve the problem.
It's not a bug. That came from my old ears. My son 18 years old ear the clic so WTF ? I'm crazy ??.

THE SOLUTION : set master volume at 20 and SFX volume at 100. Then amplify your
Earphones at the maximum. I get the clic ! Amazing, wonderflull i'm so happy ;-)))

LITLLE MORE HELP : install equalizer and boost +30 db to 6000 - 8000Hz frequency
This help me a little more.
Krall 2.11.2019 klo 14.20 
delp435 lähetti viestin:
The only time I hear a chime is when lifting rocks. I have music off.

Could it be that you have to gain certain skill levels before the game makes it a bit easier for you with an audio cue ?

There's a chime for lifting rocks? I ended up turning the music off and now I hear all the time. I suspect most people don't hear it because initially no one knows it's there.
Stopped playing this game because of this( and because the AI are incredibly stupid and the game gets boring fast). I can hear the sound when i wear a headset. I can hear it in videos, can hear it when i watch a buddy playing this game. Can´t hear it when i play with my 4.1 soundsystem. And i can´t play with my headset on all the time, because i need to hear my real life surroundings and my ears start to get hot after a while from wearing my 7.1 headset.

Can´t see me play it again after i learned that they will not even learn how to handle and start a fire in this part one here. Only eating, drinking, sleeping, mating, stripping sticks and trying to kill other creatures while following the river is not so funny after a while anymore. Such a game needs more crafting and building abilities, otherwise it get´s boring really fast. And what should they be able to craft and build if they even can´t handle fire in this first part. Can´t be that much.

And maybe they have better fighting mechanics in the next part, since you do not much more than killing animals in this game.
Dru 17.1.2020 klo 13.57 
Did this get solved? I cant groom or mate because I cant hear the clicking sound. I hear it when I am making tools.
So I was having the same problem for a while with the no audio and finally figured it out. When you hold a you have to immediately choose a direction and also hold it because it takes time for the hominid to adjust their body. If you didn't start doing the action with enough time the attacker will get you before you hear a chime. However if you hold A and direction early enough you will hear the prompt and then release and voila. Good Luck guys
Hody 17.2.2022 klo 8.22 
Guysmo lähetti viestin:
I hope it's not to late but i solve the problem.
It's not a bug. That came from my old ears. My son 18 years old ear the clic so WTF ? I'm crazy ??.

THE SOLUTION : set master volume at 20 and SFX volume at 100. Then amplify your
Earphones at the maximum. I get the clic ! Amazing, wonderflull i'm so happy ;-)))

LITLLE MORE HELP : install equalizer and boost +30 db to 6000 - 8000Hz frequency
This help me a little more.

What equalizer app did you use and what setting did you change, I am on Xbox (so I cant install much else) but there is an equalizer available that looks like this:
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Näytetään 16-22 / 22 kommentista
Sivua kohden: 1530 50

Lähetetty: 31.8.2019 klo 16.03
Viestejä: 22