Life is Strange 2

Life is Strange 2

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Space Joker Sep 28, 2018 @ 11:56am
I don't think Dontnod should have dragged politics into this
It's kinda offensive to be honest. Personally, I'm against illegal/mass immigration. But I have my own thought-out reasons to be. I'm not just someone who hates blacks or mexicans (I'm not even American so I've never met a mexican in my life btw). But then this game comes and tells me that wanting to stop illegal immigration ("the wall") makes me like a douche redneck who locks up teenagers in their cabin. Like, what the ♥♥♥♥ Dontnod. If you want to bring politics at least have some nuance, some shades of grey...
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Showing 1-15 of 101 comments
Space Joker Sep 28, 2018 @ 12:12pm 
Originally posted by Candy Balls:
there are enough topics about this already, stop your braindead spam
I haven't seen them
mcramer451 (Banned) Sep 28, 2018 @ 12:16pm 
Doesn't matter if there's other threads on this topic or not. He has a right to express his opinion if he wants to, same as you.

And i agree with him.
ㄥoㄥıʞɐꞱ Sep 28, 2018 @ 12:17pm 
Originally posted by mcramer451:
Doesn't matter if there's other threads on this topic or not. He has a right to express his opinion if he wants to, same as you.

And i agree with him.
right, thats why they all get closed by mods when they see it. Just keep at the topics already talking about exactly this instead of flood the forums with the same topic

I agree aswell, but this is not a reason to flood the forums with the same topics. They're not called "Topics" for no reason
Last edited by ㄥoㄥıʞɐꞱ; Sep 28, 2018 @ 12:19pm
mcramer451 (Banned) Sep 28, 2018 @ 12:20pm 
Originally posted by Candy Balls:
Originally posted by mcramer451:
Doesn't matter if there's other threads on this topic or not. He has a right to express his opinion if he wants to, same as you.

And i agree with him.
right, thats why they all get closed by mods when they see it. Just keep at the topics already talking about exactly this instead of flood the forums with the same topic


You realize that people can see when a topic is closed right? It's not like when the topic is closed the thread is deleted. And scanning back the Mods have not closed any topic on this subject. Nice try though.
mcramer451 (Banned) Sep 28, 2018 @ 12:21pm 
And by the way just a thought -

If multiple people are starting the same topic threads that probably means there's an issue that should be looked at and discussed instead of swept under the rug because it annoys you.

Just a thought.
ㄥoㄥıʞɐꞱ Sep 28, 2018 @ 12:21pm 
Originally posted by mcramer451:
Originally posted by Candy Balls:
right, thats why they all get closed by mods when they see it. Just keep at the topics already talking about exactly this instead of flood the forums with the same topic


You realize that people can see when a topic is closed right? It's not like when the topic is closed the thread is deleted. And scanning back the Mods have not closed any topic on this subject. Nice try though.

nice try man :)
mcramer451 (Banned) Sep 28, 2018 @ 12:24pm 
What do you know - day locked one out of the 6 I noted in the threads.

Probably a real risk for them to do that because if they stifle opinion it going to backfire on them badly.

But yeah you got me they locked one thread

ㄥoㄥıʞɐꞱ Sep 28, 2018 @ 12:25pm 
Originally posted by mcramer451:
What do you know - day locked one out of the 6 I noted in the threads.

Probably a real risk for them to do that because if they stifle opinion it going to backfire on them badly.

But yeah you got me they locked one thread

Did i said they get automatically blocked? :3 Go move on and spam in some other forum kid
Drakensson Sep 28, 2018 @ 12:26pm 
I think only americans are offended by it. And if you're not american but still offended by it......well I find that very disturbing
Space Joker Sep 28, 2018 @ 12:26pm 
No one's spamming dude.
Space Joker Sep 28, 2018 @ 12:27pm 
Originally posted by FiresOfFaith:
I think only americans are offended by it. And if you're not american but still offended by it......well I find that very disturbing

What pisses me off is the liberal culture of pointing fingers for "racism" or whatever negative label they wanna give.
mcramer451 (Banned) Sep 28, 2018 @ 12:28pm 
I didn't say you said that.

I can see what you're doing - you want to derail this topic so that a thread gets locked and you win. So this is the last time I'm going to respond to you on this subject

Back to the OP - it's a real risk for them to have done this but they must have assumed that the controversy generated by doing this would equal into game sales.

Unfortunately in my personal opinion I think the tolerance level for this kind of insightful game mechanic wanes fast in the real world.

We can only hope that we get better story writing in future episodes that equal the 1st 2 games rather than an increase of what we have seen so far....
ㄥoㄥıʞɐꞱ Sep 28, 2018 @ 12:28pm 
Originally posted by mcramer451:
I didn't say you said that.

I can see what you're doing - you want to derail this topic so that a thread gets locked and you win. So this is the last time I'm going to respond to you on this subject

Back to the OP - it's a real risk for them to have done this but they must have assumed that the controversy generated by doing this would equal into game sales.

Unfortunately in my personal opinion I think the tolerance level for this kind of insightful game mechanic wanes fast in the real world.

We can only hope that we get better story writing in future episodes that equal the 1st 2 games rather than an increase of what we have seen so far....
Sure, big masterplan. You're sick dude :')
Drakensson Sep 28, 2018 @ 12:32pm 
Originally posted by Space Joker:
Originally posted by FiresOfFaith:
I think only americans are offended by it. And if you're not american but still offended by it......well I find that very disturbing

What pisses me off is the liberal culture of pointing fingers for "racism" or whatever negative label they wanna give.

I suspect that if this game was made about 5 years ago, nobody would have been complaining about it being "anti-white" or whatever. I sincerely believe macho men like Clint Eastwood are laughing of them now XD
mcramer451 (Banned) Sep 28, 2018 @ 12:34pm 
Originally posted by FiresOfFaith:
Originally posted by Space Joker:

What pisses me off is the liberal culture of pointing fingers for "racism" or whatever negative label they wanna give.

I suspect that if this game was made about 5 years ago, nobody would have been complaining about it being "anti-white" or whatever. I sincerely believe macho men like Clint Eastwood are laughing of them now XD

I think you're 100% correct - 5 years ago was the height of the Obama wave of liberalism and being on the right side of history - fast forward to today and quite frankly people are getting sick of being told that they're wrong, racist, wrong side of history, whatever new thing the media tells them.
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Date Posted: Sep 28, 2018 @ 11:56am
Posts: 101