Life is Strange 2

Life is Strange 2

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Zeddjr10 Sep 27, 2018 @ 5:25pm
Why do people bring politics into everything?
Like I get that the game kinda "started" it but ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ people are just going nuts and its just dumb
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Showing 1-15 of 58 comments
Arsenekinz Sep 27, 2018 @ 6:28pm 
I said this before but.

Everything is political, You can't tell a story without having politics somewhere, even if its unintentional. Politics have almost always been in games, People are just whining about them now.
Last edited by Arsenekinz; Sep 27, 2018 @ 6:28pm
Berghain Sep 27, 2018 @ 7:29pm 
Originally posted by Miss John’s Sunny Patch Gamers:
Everything is political, You can't tell a story without having politics somewhere, even if its unintentional. Politics have almost always been in games, People are just whining about them now.

There comes a time with adulthood and age were you, inherently, have to become politicized. For better or worse, depending on your education, upbringing, etc.
When it happens, go back to reading/playing/watching something old and try it. You'll find there were politics in everything, all along. Even in stuff you thought didn't.
Last edited by Berghain; Sep 27, 2018 @ 7:29pm
Genki Sep 27, 2018 @ 8:01pm 
Originally posted by Diao Bombsky:
Originally posted by Miss John’s Sunny Patch Gamers:
Everything is political, You can't tell a story without having politics somewhere, even if its unintentional. Politics have almost always been in games, People are just whining about them now.

There comes a time with adulthood and age were you, inherently, have to become politicized. For better or worse, depending on your education, upbringing, etc.
When it happens, go back to reading/playing/watching something old and try it. You'll find there were politics in everything, all along. Even in stuff you thought didn't.

Double this
Reqruiz Sep 27, 2018 @ 8:32pm 
Yeah, and everyone repeat same ♥♥♥♥ like mindless zombies. Trump reference, wall reference, racists blah blah blah. Like there is no wall on the border, like there are no racists in US.

I really don't give a ♥♥♥♥ about those real world references because they are part of the story and this is just a game ffs. People are crazy with all that hate for so called SJW's. Oh boo hoo.

I'm glad there are people just enjoying games without seeing any stupid agendas under every rock.

Zorlond Sep 27, 2018 @ 8:42pm 
Too much tribalism. Like it or not, the US is currently run by two tribes of cavemen hooting and howling at each other from opposite sides of the same cave. Eventually the echos just drown out everybody and their only response is to scream louder.
AugustusCaesar Sep 27, 2018 @ 10:03pm 
Originally posted by Diao Bombsky:
Originally posted by Miss John’s Sunny Patch Gamers:
Everything is political, You can't tell a story without having politics somewhere, even if its unintentional. Politics have almost always been in games, People are just whining about them now.

There comes a time with adulthood and age were you, inherently, have to become politicized. For better or worse, depending on your education, upbringing, etc.
When it happens, go back to reading/playing/watching something old and try it. You'll find there were politics in everything, all along. Even in stuff you thought didn't.

Yeah, but as someone who hasn't played the game yet, the problem seems to be not that it has politics, the first game had it and barely anyone complained (or at least by far not as much), rather that the politics is so obvious, it's almost rubbing it into people's noses.

You are right, most things are in some way political, but most things try to at least hide it or make it so that people with a different political opinion won't feel attacked or singled out.

This game doesn't. And you can't blame people being annoyed by it if it indirectlyand constantly makes them out to be horrible people (and in such an obvious and in-your-face way). Even if it doesn't affect you personally.
(ADORA)ble 🌈👊 Sep 27, 2018 @ 10:42pm 
People are seeing what they want to see even though it isn't there.
mcramer451 (Banned) Sep 27, 2018 @ 11:06pm 
Originally posted by AugustusCaesar:
Originally posted by Diao Bombsky:

There comes a time with adulthood and age were you, inherently, have to become politicized. For better or worse, depending on your education, upbringing, etc.
When it happens, go back to reading/playing/watching something old and try it. You'll find there were politics in everything, all along. Even in stuff you thought didn't.

Yeah, but as someone who hasn't played the game yet, the problem seems to be not that it has politics, the first game had it and barely anyone complained (or at least by far not as much), rather that the politics is so obvious, it's almost rubbing it into people's noses.

You are right, most things are in some way political, but most things try to at least hide it or make it so that people with a different political opinion won't feel attacked or singled out.

This game doesn't. And you can't blame people being annoyed by it if it indirectlyand constantly makes them out to be horrible people (and in such an obvious and in-your-face way). Even if it doesn't affect you personally.

I tried to point out the difference between this game in the previous ones like this –

LGBTQ issues were in the first games, but they didn't attempt to highlight an opinion or throw it in your face either way. You could either be Rachel's best friend or you could be her girlfriend it was your choice. You could be Chloes friend or GF - again your choice.

The issues in this game are blatantly stereotypical, from the white cop shooting the unarmed hispanic dad to protect the white racist boy laying on the ground with no weapon in evidence, nevermind the fact that he pulled his gun on unarmed children in the first place. Then we have the old white man shouting build the wall while the immediately suspects the hispanic boys of being shoplifters for no reason. Then we have the text references where the girl says she doesn't want to live on this planet if Trump wins.

The difference between these two games is that this is alienating literally half of the people that buy these games whereas the first games didn't. And no I don't have statistics to back that up I mainly going off of the forum posts that I'm seeing of different people that have noticed it.

If they had made the LGBTQ issues in the first games so in-your-face, such as if Kate the religious girl had given a two-minute lecture to you about the evils of homosexuality and how you will burn in hell if you have these feelings, followed by other references to gays not having the same rights are being like normal people – the Internet would've gone insane and the forums would've exploded.

But things that's against cops and showing white ppl racist?

Now that's fine....
Last edited by mcramer451; Sep 27, 2018 @ 11:09pm
Genki Sep 27, 2018 @ 11:15pm 
What are you even trying to say ?

The old white man did know from the beginning, who Sean and Daniel were.
Also, stuff like in the beginning did already happen in real life.

How in the world would you tackle this issue without being "in-your-face" ?
Should we stop portraying racist white people, because it offends racist white people ?

Also, this game is not anti white. Did you forget about Brody ?
Last edited by Genki; Sep 27, 2018 @ 11:16pm
mcramer451 (Banned) Sep 27, 2018 @ 11:31pm 
Originally posted by Genki:
What are you even trying to say ?

The old white man did know from the beginning, who Sean and Daniel were.
Also, stuff like in the beginning did already happen in real life.

How in the world would you tackle this issue without being "in-your-face" ?
Should we stop portraying racist white people, because it offends racist white people ?

Also, this game is not anti white. Did you forget about Brody ?

The first time we encounter the old man he doesn't say anything about yknowing them from anywhere, he just walks up accuses him of shoplifting and we don't even get a chance to defend ourselves. When we do pick discuss, it sounds like you're being sketchy and then we try to run and he attacks us. What part of seemingly racism are you missing here? It's only after in the office does he say he knows us. But that's not the reason he accosted the two boys in the first place – he saw two Hispanic boys and just accused him of being shoplifters simply because they were Hispanic. Two different things going on here.

As far as the cop shooting goals, no police officer even an inexperienced one would pull a gun on unarmed kids regardless of the scenario portrayed. You need to go talk to a police officer or writer please organization if you don't believe me. And, no cop would shoot a unarmed man that is clearly unarmed. I know every time I say this someone immediately jumps up and wants to link to Yahoo articles where police are shot unarmed people before – but when you actually read into the stories, it turns out that the people shot word either robbing cars, robbing houses, wouldn't show their hands, attacked the police, the list goes on.

How would I tackle this issue without being in your face? Let me think...hmmm... Maybe I would tackle it in the same way that the LGBTQ issues were handled in the first games without being in your face – wow what a concept!

No we should stop portraying racist white people because it further harms race relations as well as propagates the stereotype of the old white man is racist. This is been a popular liberal trope that the reason that conservatives are older is because older folks are also typically racist – this is a stereotype and it is offensive. But portraying racist white people in this fashion only harms race relations and continues the stereotype.

No I didn't forget Brody and Brody is frankly creepy. I would bet that in the upcoming episodes he will attempt to either molest or kidnap one of the two boys.

Scorpion242 Sep 28, 2018 @ 1:02am 
Originally posted by Miss John’s Sunny Patch Gamers:
I said this before but.

Everything is political, You can't tell a story without having politics somewhere, even if its unintentional. Politics have almost always been in games, People are just whining about them now.
There is a difference between having politics in there and placing them as the central point of everything told.
ketamine addict Sep 28, 2018 @ 4:59am 
omfg ,if you can't get used to this , then don't buy any story games , politics are a thing , deal with it or simply just don't care like I don't .
alberto_ragusa Sep 28, 2018 @ 5:46am 
I would like to make some observations:

1) For as long as I remember, the first lis doesn't have politics in it (someone may correct me with some examples)

2) politics are everywhere (even Brody says that during the episode), that's true, but from a game like lis I expect neutrality, not an agenda. The trump supporter is the ignorant, violent guy, the liberal leftists like Brody and Layla are the good guys. I want games like this to show us that no one is completely right or wrong, nothing is black or white, and that ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ can be found on every side. For now I only saw "trump is bad and his supporters are criminals that beat children". And trust me, I'm no trump supporter, rather the opposite
Sommertristesse Sep 28, 2018 @ 6:08am 
Originally posted by mcramer451:
The first time we encounter the old man he doesn't say anything about yknowing them from anywhere, he just walks up accuses him of shoplifting and we don't even get a chance to defend ourselves. When we do pick discuss, it sounds like you're being sketchy and then we try to run and he attacks us. What part of seemingly racism are you missing here? It's only after in the office does he say he knows us. But that's not the reason he accosted the two boys in the first place – he saw two Hispanic boys and just accused him of being shoplifters simply because they were Hispanic. Two different things going on here.

It is clearly implied that Stamper knew Sean and Daniel from their pictures in the newspaper. There is a paper lying around directly next to the entrance of the gas station which has their faces on the front page and an article mentioning that they are wanted for questioning. The whole part of going back into the gas station and checking if they have stolen anything is just an excuse to get them back indoors and lock them up until the police arrives. Stamper doesn't really care if they have stolen anything or not.

Originally posted by mcramer451:
As far as the cop shooting goals, no police officer even an inexperienced one would pull a gun on unarmed kids regardless of the scenario portrayed. You need to go talk to a police officer or writer please organization if you don't believe me. And, no cop would shoot a unarmed man that is clearly unarmed. I know every time I say this someone immediately jumps up and wants to link to Yahoo articles where police are shot unarmed people before – but when you actually read into the stories, it turns out that the people shot word either robbing cars, robbing houses, wouldn't show their hands, attacked the police, the list goes on.

This is an outright lie. There is no other way to put it. A member of the police force shooting an unarmed person is probably not a "regular" occurence, but it has happened multiple times in the US over the last few years. Yes, in some cases there might have been some confusion as to what was going on exactly, but there are multiple cases where the person shot was clearly unarmed at the moment and not posing a threat in any way. One of the most known is probably the case of Philando Castile. Now I want to make it clear - since apparently you have to these days - that I don't think that every cop is somehow a murderer or that the police force is just generally bad. I think most police men and women are good people genuinely trying to be a positive force in society, but there is no denying that there have been structural problems in regards to how situations like these have been handled, especially when people of color are concerned. The scene in LiS 2 is not based on one single real event, but given the history of police shootings it is not an unreasonable scenario either.

Originally posted by mcramer451:
No we should stop portraying racist white people because it further harms race relations as well as propagates the stereotype of the old white man is racist. This is been a popular liberal trope that the reason that conservatives are older is because older folks are also typically racist – this is a stereotype and it is offensive. But portraying racist white people in this fashion only harms race relations and continues the stereotype.
Nobody is portraying all white people as racist. The truth is some white people are racist. Black people, hispanics and every other ethnicity have their share of racists too, there's no question about that. But we should not stop portraying racism for at least as long as it is an issue. And some white people being racist against minorities in the US is an issue of our current time, there's no way around that. If you think that pointing out that some white people are racists and portraying this is nothing more than a liberal trope or an attempt to somehow slander all white people you are delusional.
Last edited by Sommertristesse; Sep 28, 2018 @ 6:09am
Originally posted by It'sJustCasey:
omfg ,if you can't get used to this , then don't buy any story games , politics are a thing , deal with it or simply just don't care like I don't .
your right some people have a problem
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Date Posted: Sep 27, 2018 @ 5:25pm
Posts: 59