Warhammer 40,000: Inquisitor - Martyr

Warhammer 40,000: Inquisitor - Martyr

Do we get a reset season option?
I have completed all seasons now. Do we get a way to reset the seasons or do we just have to continue in the all finished ones.
This will make players burn out of the game sooner than later.
The fun part of seasons is the season journey, and now when i have done them all, there is not much to do anymore tbh.
I love the game, but the thing that makes me continue play the game is having goals like season journey.
There should just be added a reset season, at the time the players want to. If i want to reset the season a month after starting it, it should be possible. Specially when offline will be added.
The seasons where to long to begin with. So a faster reset in all cases would be nice.
I hope this is a thing that will be added fast.

To make it easier to do, you do not have to carry it all over to non season each time. We can send what we want to non season.
When we use the reset option it could just delete all we have not moved. This would make it easier at your end to implement this option.

I personal do not care if my characters do not go to non season. With all seasons now added permanent to the game, there is no reason to play non season. And if you want to do it, its very fast to level up a new character in non season, with all tarot cards max level and such.

I would like an official answer if this will be added.
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Maybe Oeregharcos will bless you with an official "probably not".
Or even a "currently not planned".
Yeah unfortunately this won't be integrated. It was entertained when deciding on how the seasonal journey should work like, but didn't end up with enough Steam. It's a valid point though
Автор сообщения: oeregharcos
Yeah unfortunately this won't be integrated. It was entertained when deciding on how the seasonal journey should work like, but didn't end up with enough Steam. It's a valid point though
Hmm then the game will die faster than I thought, its kinda sad....
I am already bored of the finished seasons.
I wanted to buy the new class when it gets released, but now I do not want it since the game is kinda dead if seasons cant be reset.
I am very disapointed in that decision, to say it the least. I have played since release of the game, and this is a smack in the face. Do the seasons at least reset when we get offline, so we can complete them again in offline mode?
If thats the case then i might stick around a bit longer.
Отредактировано Mitrell; 4 апр в 9:43
Автор сообщения: Mitrell
Автор сообщения: oeregharcos
Yeah unfortunately this won't be integrated. It was entertained when deciding on how the seasonal journey should work like, but didn't end up with enough Steam. It's a valid point though
Hmm then the game will die faster than I thought, its kinda sad....
I am already bored of the finished seasons.
I wanted to buy the new class when it gets released, but now I do not want it since the game is kinda dead if seasons cant be reset.
I am very disapointed in that decision, to say it the least. I have played since release of the game, and this is a smack in the face. Do the seasons at least reset when we get offline, so we can complete them again in offline mode?
If thats the case then i might stick around a bit longer.

Just out of interest, how many hours did you play this game?
Автор сообщения: Regal Hog
Автор сообщения: Mitrell
Hmm then the game will die faster than I thought, its kinda sad....
I am already bored of the finished seasons.
I wanted to buy the new class when it gets released, but now I do not want it since the game is kinda dead if seasons cant be reset.
I am very disapointed in that decision, to say it the least. I have played since release of the game, and this is a smack in the face. Do the seasons at least reset when we get offline, so we can complete them again in offline mode?
If thats the case then i might stick around a bit longer.

Just out of interest, how many hours did you play this game?

2400 hours
Автор сообщения: Mitrell
Автор сообщения: Regal Hog

Just out of interest, how many hours did you play this game?

2400 hours

Nice. Testament to a great game. I hope they make a sequel.
Автор сообщения: oeregharcos
Yeah unfortunately this won't be integrated. It was entertained when deciding on how the seasonal journey should work like, but didn't end up with enough Steam. It's a valid point though
"not enough steam"? I don't get why so hard to let us exit/end a season at will I recently finished a season with a character I 100% the season and while yes I can still farm in said season and mail out the items but tbh I would much rather just END the season and make the character share my storage stash so I don't have to be wasting time mailing items out of the seasonal character... Speaking of which if that could be an issue just let us decide to ERASE the seasonal stash when exit the season.
For now you could create another Steam account, and use it, either buying the game again for it, or trying Steam family share, could work perhaps.
I'm also in the camp that being able to reset the seasonal journey should be a thing it feels out of place after opening all seasons instead of rotating them that you can only go thru them once more and that's it. you guys seem to be future proofing towards some sort of maintenance mode or end of support. this would be a welcome addition.
Can you create a new character and play season again?
Think snowglobe- you are NOW in snowglobe, that once connected to other snowglobes..and now it does not...
Автор сообщения: chrishecksterman
Can you create a new character and play season again?
no , say you start two chars in inferno they will share stash and everything including the objectives for seasonal journey
I assumed each character started fresh in the season of choice. Guess not.
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Дата создания: 3 апр в 9:47
Сообщений: 13