Warhammer 40,000: Inquisitor - Martyr

Warhammer 40,000: Inquisitor - Martyr

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Controller Support? Local Co-op?
Hard to sit back on the couch with your friends if the game doesn't have have shared/split screen local coop and controller support. What's the roadmap for implementation?
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Visar 1-15 av 19 kommentarer
Randy Marsh 12 sep, 2017 @ 22:50 
its not lol, its online only as it has been stated time and time again.
✪ megapull  [utvecklare] 13 sep, 2017 @ 1:54 
We are online only, but controller support is coming and it already looks pretty good on the internal build.
Irrelevant 13 sep, 2017 @ 2:11 
If you use a controller will you have a aiming help like a laserpointer or something?
✪ megapull  [utvecklare] 13 sep, 2017 @ 6:21 
Ursprungligen skrivet av Irrelevant:
If you use a controller will you have a aiming help like a laserpointer or something?

Yeah, there will be target locking of some sort.
Faluzure 13 sep, 2017 @ 8:06 
Ohh yeah, EZ mode here I come!
wwwizzarrdry 13 sep, 2017 @ 9:45 
Looking really good so far.
vandurlast 2 nov, 2017 @ 0:53 
Shame about the lack of local co-op. That changes this game to a "buy on release" to a "wait and see" for me and my kids.
Sooth Sayer 2 nov, 2017 @ 1:22 
I too would love to see a local co-op of this game. I've got a split screen setup and I am curious if that would be realativly easy or not for them to implament.
Syrus 2 nov, 2017 @ 2:52 
Strange thing to ask or to expect. They probably have a game concept, and start development like 3 years ago. And people are just asking something that is clearly out of scope for more then years for them.It's like wondering why this game is not a MMO or a racing game. Why not ask them to change it to a dating simulator or a puzzle game ? ))) why not? game development is just 3 clicks with your mouse after all, right?

PS: No it is not.
Senast ändrad av Syrus; 2 nov, 2017 @ 2:53
vandurlast 2 nov, 2017 @ 16:26 
Kir. Yes, i understand that and I dont actually expect the Devs to add local co-op based on my comment.

I was just expressing my reaction to having just heard of this game for the first time. Warhammer + local co-op is an automatic buy in my house as i can play it with the kids. Another game for Dad (me) to play on his own, even if it is excellent beyond all expectation becomes just another game in the pile of games i wish i had enough time to play.

Do the Devs care to hear about this? Probably not. Maybe they or GW will keep it in mind when planning future projects though?
Syrus 2 nov, 2017 @ 23:45 
Well, probably not. Read this post by the devs. They clearly have an opinion on why they dont want to do local coop in the games they make.


Offline coop is so 90s. Now the trend is online gaming.

And on a personal note i dont realy like family circumstances (or politics) interfeer with gaming. First you need local coop to play with the kids, after someone will request games to be less violent cuz of kids. After that someone will require pink unicorns in a warhammer game, cuz kids love pink unicorns, why not right?

Gaming has already sufered a lot from politics. Mass effect franchise is a perfect example of a liberal meltdown. And beside all of that its a violent game, should kids play it? is there are age restriction for the game? I presume that if you need to play with them in coop they are young. Im not here to educate on how to raise your kids, but is it whise to play with them such games?

Senast ändrad av Syrus; 3 nov, 2017 @ 0:06
vandurlast 5 nov, 2017 @ 3:27 
Just read the Dev post you linked to and thats all fair enough. I can understand and agree with most of the points there, since i am also a MMORPG fan as well.

I guess my original comments were a bit off target then, since i initally assumed that this would be a newer/bigger/better version of WH40K: Killteam.

As for not letting family circumstances/politics interfere with gaming well it always will unless Devs are going for peniless artist/philosopher as a career goal. lol. Not that this is a problem in this instance.
I am sure there is a big market for this type of game and at the end of the day there is probably going to be a 75% chance that i will buy it myself anyway. I forget what my point was... i guess i was just saying dont be so defensive about the "think of the children" thing.

As for how wise it is to play these games with kids... well i dont really know either. I play it by ear and i tend to overlook the hyper-violence so long as its animated and against monsters/aliens. Games with morality lectures and the "grey morality" stance where there is no real evil/good worry me alot more than blowing up 50 zillion Tyranids.
Syrus 5 nov, 2017 @ 4:11 
Dont take it personaly mate. Im just at the age when all friends are getting kids, and they just can not make one step without asking the wife or thinking about the kids.... its just annoying.

And adding to that, we have social groups of people in the part of the world where i live. Lower class multi children families that think they are entiteled becouse that they have made kids. Yelling moms in public places what want special treatement cuz they are parents. So im little biased about it :P
wwwizzarrdry 5 nov, 2017 @ 9:36 
Ursprungligen skrivet av Kir:
Dont take it personaly mate. Im just at the age when all friends are getting kids, and they just can not make one step without asking the wife or thinking about the kids.... its just annoying.

And adding to that, we have social groups of people in the part of the world where i live. Lower class multi children families that think they are entiteled becouse that they have made kids. Yelling moms in public places what want special treatement cuz they are parents. So im little biased about it :P

Only a community as disgusting as Steam's could find a way to to turn a comment about controller support into diatribe about class economics in America or wherever you're from.

The point was, and is, simple:
Controller support would make this playable for broader audiences. Developers should know by now to design their games with gamepad support from day one.
✪ megapull  [utvecklare] 8 nov, 2017 @ 0:12 
Not sure if you missed it guys, but the latest content patch brought controller support.
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Datum skrivet: 12 sep, 2017 @ 20:15
Inlägg: 19