

Aserian May 21, 2021 @ 4:47pm
Dedicated Server Update?
This is the main thing keeping me and my friends from playing. It's great and all that we can sort of play together if we schedule it, but leaving one of our computers running 24/7 is REALLY not ideal.

I feel like this should be a focus point for development, but considering we heard "soon" over a year ago, I think this has been put on the back burner.

I think you'd see a big boom in your player base if people could run dedicated servers, it's not just a good decision for what the players want - but for sales.
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Showing 1-14 of 14 comments
GI Ged May 21, 2021 @ 5:01pm 
if you use the search engines you find serverhoster like fatalityservers or zap-hosting where you can rent one
Last edited by GI Ged; May 21, 2021 @ 5:03pm
Aserian May 21, 2021 @ 5:26pm 
I want official support to run our own dedicated servers. I don't want to pay someone to set up some hacky version of it that I don't have full control over.

Since there isn't official support for dedicated server, there's no way to determine how they are setting these servers up.

Edit: Besides, even looking at these it's ~20-25$ a month to set up a small satisfactory server. Highway robbery when we could just set them up ourselves if we had support.
Last edited by Aserian; May 21, 2021 @ 5:32pm
Maehlice May 21, 2021 @ 5:34pm 
Dedicated servers are still in the same state as they've been for a while. CSS has already stated they need to resolve the issues with MP before dedicated servers can happen. MP bug fixes are an ongoing thing. Dedicated servers are most likely to go live in conjunction with the v1.0 release.
Aven May 21, 2021 @ 8:47pm 
Originally posted by Aserian:
I want official support to run our own dedicated servers. I don't want to pay someone to set up some hacky version of it that I don't have full control over.

Since there isn't official support for dedicated server, there's no way to determine how they are setting these servers up.

Edit: Besides, even looking at these it's ~20-25$ a month to set up a small satisfactory server. Highway robbery when we could just set them up ourselves if we had support.

I find the psychology around spending money fascinating. People will drop $20 on a pizza without a second thought and then complain about spending $20 over a month for their own server, something of which they could potentially get a few hundred hours a month of enjoyment.

Dedicated servers will happen, eventually, when multiplayer has reached a point where the experience will actually be enjoyable for everyone participating. Be patient. It's early access.
Mastoras May 23, 2021 @ 2:22am 
Server working well, they just make a session with a "ghost" player being there doing nothing. You join and play. You can also move your single player save game there and continiue as I did.
Last edited by Mastoras; May 23, 2021 @ 2:22am
Maehlice May 23, 2021 @ 6:36am 
Originally posted by Aven:
Originally posted by Aserian:
I want official support to run our own dedicated servers. I don't want to pay someone to set up some hacky version of it that I don't have full control over.

Since there isn't official support for dedicated server, there's no way to determine how they are setting these servers up.

Edit: Besides, even looking at these it's ~20-25$ a month to set up a small satisfactory server. Highway robbery when we could just set them up ourselves if we had support.

I find the psychology around spending money fascinating. People will drop $20 on a pizza without a second thought and then complain about spending $20 over a month for their own server, something of which they could potentially get a few hundred hours a month of enjoyment.

Dedicated servers will happen, eventually, when multiplayer has reached a point where the experience will actually be enjoyable for everyone participating. Be patient. It's early access.

And let's not forget whatever is our daily vice -- coffee, energy drink, donuts, whatever -- all "luxuries" we could easily do without but are willing to drop $100+ a month on without even realizing it.
Maehlice May 23, 2021 @ 11:19am 
Originally posted by UnscriptedVert:
Gotta love the strawman argument of this post.

Meh. "Strawman" gets overused -- like how everything seems to be a 'bug' or a 'glitch' these days.

It's really not an argument at all. It's just an observation of the interplay between value and worth.

If I had enough friends wanting to share a world and didn't have any more expendable income, I'd split the cost between us and skip a couple Monsters each month to afford my part.

If it only has so much worth as to need it for free, then I guess we wait and hope it doesn't cost extra. (I paid extra for a Minecraft realm, too.)

EDIT: I can't argue against wanting to host and control it in-house. But, if it were me, I'd just buy an extra copy and be done with it. I'd buy it on a second account that I could at least give away in the future. I think it all comes down to cost and the question of what you're willing to spend.
Last edited by Maehlice; May 23, 2021 @ 11:28am
Maehlice May 23, 2021 @ 11:44am 
I'm not putting anybody down.

It's literally just an interesting observation. I'm not evaluating the valuation.

We all value things differently. There's nothing wrong with that.

$20/mo isn't chump change. It elicits serious consideration of how much that service is worth.

The observation is simply of the psychology of the expense. Same with all the "luxuries" -- things we don't _need_ and could typically get for less in a different brand or by making ourselves.

Two goods or services of equal value can have wildly different worth to the same person, and I find that valuation interesting.

If it's not worth it to the OP, then it's not worth it to them. NBD. They certainly aren't wrong for coming to that conclusion. It's their own money to spend, and I hope nobody faults them for it.

Again, I'm not arguing against or putting down the OP over it.

In any case, if this is a strawman, you took the bait hook, line, and sinker. ;)
Maehlice May 23, 2021 @ 11:44am 
I'm not putting anybody down.

It's literally just an interesting observation. I'm not evaluating the valuation.

We all value things differently. There's nothing wrong with that.

$20/mo isn't chump change. It elicits serious consideration of how much that service is worth.

The observation is simply of the psychology of the expense. Same with all the "luxuries" -- things we don't _need_ and could typically get for less in a different brand or by making ourselves.

Two goods or services of equal value can have wildly different worth to the same person, and I find that valuation interesting.

If it's not worth it to the OP, then it's not worth it to them. NBD. They certainly aren't wrong for coming to that conclusion. It's their own money to spend, and I hope nobody faults them for it.

Again, I'm not arguing against or putting down the OP over it.

In any case, if this is a strawman, you took the bait hook, line, and sinker. ;)
Ruges Jun 7, 2021 @ 4:31am 
Ugg wanting a dedicated server so you could put it in your basement on an old potato using crappy internet. Granted if your only paying 20 a month to have your game hosted, then maybe your better off puting it on your own potato.

Now I am not against dedicated servers. Infact its actually what I am waiting for before I get into a major game with my friends. Because its going to take a dedicated server to host a game with multiple people doing a max build and hundreds of hours.
TheTool Jun 7, 2021 @ 12:07pm 
Licenses does not equal ownership.
Services does not equal a product.
Snutt  [developer] Jun 7, 2021 @ 5:10pm 
Haven't typed this out in a while so here's an update:

Dedicated Servers are still being worked on. The major issue is the systems we've had to remake to work better on the client side. This is both in terms of performance, but mostly there are still a bunch of bugs that are critical on client and if/when people run in to these not having a host that can resolve them it makes playing the game in multiplayer impossible in certain situations. We've made a ton of progress the last couple of weeks but there's still a lot of work left.

Releasing dedicated servers before we're ready to fully support them would add to slowing down the general development of the game and that is something that hurts both us and you. We want to get to a good enough point where we feel like we can continuously support all version of the game (including dedicated servers) before we release anything.

As some people have mentioned there are a couple of services already that host Satisfactory servers, we don't endorse these for the following reasons:

The major one is because of the aforementioned client side issues. There are certain things in the game that is (for now) straight up inaccessible as a client and without a host around to resolve them there is no way to get around these issues.

We also have no means to ascertain the validity of the build that is running on the host instances that exist at the moment. There are services that claim to run dedicated headless servers but honestly for all we know this could be some shady dude running a modded pirated copy of the game on his dell laptop.

Some of these services are hella expensive for what could essentially be the same as having a friend leave their computer on while they're at work so you can connect to it. But if it's worth it for you and you're aware of the risks then follow your heart.

So that's the state of things right now. Obviously if this was easy we would've released any version of dedicated servers a long time ago but we wanna do things proper. We also won't play any favors in terms of getting access to early releases of dedicated servers. Once we feel confident to start publicly testing them, we'll make them available for everyone, and not just partnered hosting sites.

TLDR; we're still working on them. It be much work to make em the good good.
Last edited by Snutt; Jun 8, 2021 @ 6:40am
Aserian Jul 11, 2021 @ 2:08pm 
Originally posted by Maehlice:
Originally posted by Aven:

I find the psychology around spending money fascinating. People will drop $20 on a pizza without a second thought and then complain about spending $20 over a month for their own server, something of which they could potentially get a few hundred hours a month of enjoyment.

Dedicated servers will happen, eventually, when multiplayer has reached a point where the experience will actually be enjoyable for everyone participating. Be patient. It's early access.

And let's not forget whatever is our daily vice -- coffee, energy drink, donuts, whatever -- all "luxuries" we could easily do without but are willing to drop $100+ a month on without even realizing it.

I make my own coffee, I make my own deserts, I don't drink energy drinks. I don't spend money on these "daily luxuries" so your point is moot.
Aserian Jul 11, 2021 @ 2:09pm 
Originally posted by Snutt:
Haven't typed this out in a while so here's an update:

Dedicated Servers are still being worked on. The major issue is the systems we've had to remake to work better on the client side. This is both in terms of performance, but mostly there are still a bunch of bugs that are critical on client and if/when people run in to these not having a host that can resolve them it makes playing the game in multiplayer impossible in certain situations. We've made a ton of progress the last couple of weeks but there's still a lot of work left.

Releasing dedicated servers before we're ready to fully support them would add to slowing down the general development of the game and that is something that hurts both us and you. We want to get to a good enough point where we feel like we can continuously support all version of the game (including dedicated servers) before we release anything.

As some people have mentioned there are a couple of services already that host Satisfactory servers, we don't endorse these for the following reasons:

The major one is because of the aforementioned client side issues. There are certain things in the game that is (for now) straight up inaccessible as a client and without a host around to resolve them there is no way to get around these issues.

We also have no means to ascertain the validity of the build that is running on the host instances that exist at the moment. There are services that claim to run dedicated headless servers but honestly for all we know this could be some shady dude running a modded pirated copy of the game on his dell laptop.

Some of these services are hella expensive for what could essentially be the same as having a friend leave their computer on while they're at work so you can connect to it. But if it's worth it for you and you're aware of the risks then follow your heart.

So that's the state of things right now. Obviously if this was easy we would've released any version of dedicated servers a long time ago but we wanna do things proper. We also won't play any favors in terms of getting access to early releases of dedicated servers. Once we feel confident to start publicly testing them, we'll make them available for everyone, and not just partnered hosting sites.

TLDR; we're still working on them. It be much work to make em the good good.

Thank you for the update, your time is very much appreciated.
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Date Posted: May 21, 2021 @ 4:47pm
Posts: 12