Yore VR

Yore VR

 This topic has been pinned, so it's probably important
Tectonic VR - YORE VR  [developer] Oct 25, 2016 @ 11:30am
Performance and Motion Sickness
  • Turn off the Vive camera entirely
  • Graphics Settings can be accessed by pressing the small round button above the touch pad
  • The higher the settings the crisper things look so you might want to put things to ultra and turn shadows off
  • In advanced there are options for video output for streamers.
  • Disable and close the video output window on your monitor, this can make a big difference You'll need to edit the "C:\Users\Username\AppData\Local\YoreVR\Saved\Config\WindowsNoEditor\Engine.ini" file and change "WindowMirrorMode=1" to "WindowMirrorMode=0"
  • In your steam VR settings make sure Interleaved Reprojection is on
  • In your steam VR settings make sure async is on

Motion Sickness
  • Teleport as much as possible. The current teleportation range is 10 meters, so as long as you do plenty of quick hops instead of pointing the target off in the distance you'll stick to teleportation. You'll know when you're about to walk instead when the line and/or target circle goes from blue to green
  • Avoid D-Pad movement mode as much as possible
  • Make sure that Async and Interleaved reproject is on in Steam VR.
  • Go into the graphics menu and set the graphics quality to medium or below, this will prevent objects in the far distance from being drawn which might help, it should also improve your frame rate
  • Try going into the Advanced Graphics settings and turn AA intensity down. The lowest setting will produce some shimmering but it will reduce the blurriness and that also might help
  • If chopping down trees try to avoid the biggest trees and go after the smallest trees as people have mentioned standing in front of the huge tree's makes matters worse.
Last edited by Tectonic VR - YORE VR; Jun 14, 2017 @ 6:33am
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Showing 1-12 of 12 comments
caliban Oct 25, 2016 @ 2:50pm 
hello, can you make the possibility to turn off AA and a slider for super sampling in the options menu?
Lvl1. Slime Oct 25, 2016 @ 2:54pm 
Originally posted by caliban:
hello, can you make the possibility to turn off AA and a slider for super sampling in the options menu?

There's already a resolution scale option in the menu, but it goes downwards rather than upwards. I'd recommend supersampling through Steam VR and then adjusting the game accordingly. A bit of a pain, but the only option at the moment.
Tectonic VR - YORE VR  [developer] Oct 25, 2016 @ 2:59pm 
Originally posted by Broken Matt Hardy:
Originally posted by caliban:
hello, can you make the possibility to turn off AA and a slider for super sampling in the options menu?

There's already a resolution scale option in the menu, but it goes downwards rather than upwards. I'd recommend supersampling through Steam VR and then adjusting the game accordingly. A bit of a pain, but the only option at the moment.
Super sampling via SteamVR tends to break a lot of games.. It's the reason Raw Data is getting such bad performance reviews, among other things.

We will definitely put an AA and SS slider in, it is now officially on our list thanks to you!
Lvl1. Slime Oct 25, 2016 @ 3:11pm 
Also managed to get the game to stop jittering by disabling the mirror window if that's any help to anyone. Still constantly reprojecting on my end, but it made it playable at least.
Tectonic VR - YORE VR  [developer] Oct 25, 2016 @ 3:23pm 
That's a relief, what GPU are you running again? Have you experimented with different combinations of the advanced graphics settings from the in-game menu?
Lvl1. Slime Oct 25, 2016 @ 3:34pm 
Originally posted by Tectonic VR:
That's a relief, what GPU are you running again? Have you experimented with different combinations of the advanced graphics settings from the in-game menu?

980ti. Lowest settings don't increase the performance at all.
Tectonic VR - YORE VR  [developer] Oct 25, 2016 @ 3:46pm 
Hmm, at the lowest settings shadows are completely disabled which is a massive performance drain. If you have reprojection on then what is happening is Steam VR sticking you at 45 for anything below 90 and 90 for anything at or above. So you could be seeing a jump from 40 to 60 but because of that it will stay firm at 45 no matter way
Tectonic VR - YORE VR  [developer] Nov 19, 2016 @ 12:20pm 
Originally posted by caliban:
hello, can you make the possibility to turn off AA and a slider for super sampling in the options menu?

Hey Caliban, as of last week we have a slider for AA, the supersampling slider is coming soon
Atharil Nov 25, 2016 @ 7:43pm 
Originally posted by Broken Matt Hardy:
Also managed to get the game to stop jittering by disabling the mirror window if that's any help to anyone. Still constantly reprojecting on my end, but it made it playable at least.

Hello Matt,

How did you disable the mirror window? I'm currently running on a Radeon HD7970 that is REALLY showing its age with this game. Any performace increase would be nice.
Tectonic VR - YORE VR  [developer] Nov 25, 2016 @ 8:25pm 
I believe it's I the steam vr settings, but if you go into advanced graphics settings in game you can choose the video output mode and one of those might disable it, not 100% sure though, will have to check when I'm back on the office
Lvl1. Slime Nov 25, 2016 @ 11:31pm 
Originally posted by Athanaric:
Originally posted by Broken Matt Hardy:
Also managed to get the game to stop jittering by disabling the mirror window if that's any help to anyone. Still constantly reprojecting on my end, but it made it playable at least.

Hello Matt,

How did you disable the mirror window? I'm currently running on a Radeon HD7970 that is REALLY showing its age with this game. Any performace increase would be nice.


Off the top of my head there's a line that mentions mirroring in that file. Change the 1 to 0.
Tectonic VR - YORE VR  [developer] May 16, 2017 @ 1:48pm 
yep, that's it. You'll be happy to know though that the next update delivers a solid 30-40% boost in FPS
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