Asian price changed list / 亚洲价格变动清单
199 - 412 - China / 中国
190 - 249 - Malaysia / 马来西亚
1899 - 2190 - Thailand / 泰国
2599 - 2899 - Philippines / 菲律宾
570000 - 799000 - Indonesia / 印度尼西亚
57900 - 75700 - South Korea / 韩国
69.90 - 82.90 - Singapore / 新加坡
1950 - 1790 -Taiwan / 台湾
429 - 428 - Hongkong / 香港 -
Отредактировано ♪パドルパドル♪; 27 апр. 2017 г. в 10:17
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Сообщения 115 из 46
吃相太难看了 就中国涨这么多
... Now I think about it, did the exchange rate in SEA took a nosedive or something? o.O
Автор сообщения: Makoto Niijima
200 - 412 - China / 中国
190 - 249 - Malaysia / 马来西亚
1899 - 2190 - Thailand / 泰国
2599 - 2899 - Philippina / 菲律宾
570000 - 799000 - Indonesia / 印度尼西亚
SGD and Ph is actually changed too. before it was 50 ish for all asia exc japan. suddenly all asia is like 60 USD + and after that SG,PH is dropped from 60 USD something to 57. prolly someone ♥♥♥♥♥♥ up the conversion rate today. and IDk why Indonesians and taiwan who actually kinda "poorer" compared to america is more expensive than the murrica lol i think this is the 1st game that actually more expensive in indonesia compared to the US
Отредактировано OmegaV-Rex; 27 апр. 2017 г. в 9:47
Автор сообщения: Makoto Niijima
200 - 412 - China / 中国
190 - 249 - Malaysia / 马来西亚
1899 - 2190 - Thailand / 泰国
2599 - 2899 - Philippina / 菲律宾
570000 - 799000 - Indonesia / 印度尼西亚


56000-75000 - Korea
一个字 丑
两个字 再见
Good information for us.
Square Enix seems like asking us to become an non premium user.
Отредактировано OXFORD; 27 апр. 2017 г. в 9:53
You know maybe all the begging for release in the SEA region has sent them a wrong message. And it starts with the letter D.
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Дата создания: 27 апр. 2017 г. в 9:38
Сообщений: 46