fireboytroy Jul 13, 2018 @ 8:22pm
An important suggestion for your trailer
This game looks like it might have been pretty or interesting, but I couldn't tell with that trailer. Most of the screen was covered by uninteresting title cards for most of the trailer. Few if any people care about the names of all the monsters. Further, if anyone did care, none of them cared enough to want to give up 2/3rds of the screen to find out. If it is truly that important to have that many title cards, perhaps it would have been better served to use smaller ones, with less intrusive backgrounds.

SHOW YOUR GAME! That's the interesting part. If you don't have enough confidence in your game itself, perhaps you should rework it until you do before you try to advertise it or sell it.

Imagine you are watching a foreign language film or cartoon that is subtitled. You can't disable the subtitles and they are the same size and background as your title cards here. How much would you enjoy the film at this point?