Railway Empire

Railway Empire

Mission 4 perfect score?
I just finished playing the 4th mission for a second time. Score: 29.9/30. Everything finished easily within half time. Atlanta (the city you need to grow) constantly had 60+% and thus was always growing. (Most of the time it was 80%+.) Still I did not get the gold check because this was too slow.

The attempt before I was much slower at the start and got the city later. Thing is, the city is growing when you don't have it. So as long as you always have it 60%+ it does not matter when you get it.

Hence... you cannot get perfect score without changing the options to "no pause mode"?
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That is the one task in the prepared scenarios/campaign that you can't finish in half time without luck (e.g. getting a Promoter to speed up the growth.)

You don't have to do that one without pause as other factors can also multiply score, namely AI competitors set on higher levels give a big boost.

One of the last scenarios has no AI competitors so it must be done on normal pause or Trainiac.
Sorry chaney, once in a while you're wrong. You've mixed up [Campaign] Mission 4 and Gone with the haywind Scenario. Anything else is correct.

As I've said somewhere else not a long time ago, and as Entropy Wins - no doubt - concluded, Campaign Missions can't be finished as President in Pause mode. Same is true for any other game without competition like Gold rush, as of now the only scenario without competition.
Thanks for the correction. The description from the OP is accurate for "Gone with the headwind" but NOT for Campaign 4, "Civil War" in which it IS possible to grow Atlanta for the gold checkmark without a Promoter.

Entropy Wins, can you confirm which setup you are trying?
I was talking about Campaign Chapter 4: Civil War.

For me the AI competitor levels are locked for this mission. Which makes sense since there kinda are none.

How do you get the golden check without a promotor? I did laundry for some time while the game was on +2 because there was nothing left to do but wait for the city to hit 60k. And still no perfect score because of "too slow". Meh mission.
To grow Atlanta to 60,000 is also a task in Campaign Mission 4: Civil War, chaney. So yeah, it sounds like Gone with the headwind but it's Campaign Mission 4: Civil War indeed.

You may think you can wait to connect Atlanta but you've proven yourself that this doesn't work out for you. So stop pretending that relaying on enthalpy is enough cause entropy wins. Just grab the city asap and don't waste time waiting for other tasks to be finished. Get rid of those old rails and build a modern network pulling in goods and passengers to Atlanta and Jacksonville.

Just to be sure, you know how to speed up those weapon deliveries, don't you?
The description fitting Headwind *only* was the claim that Atlanta was *always* growing yet did not make gold. Growing Atlanta most of the time in Civil War will get the gold. It does not start out growing. Growing it always in Headwind fails without a Promoter. At least that's how I remember it but that was a while back.

Ok, how to fix the problem, it's hard to achieve. Thineboot has the right suggestion, get to Atlanta ASAP and connect up as many supplies as you can. It isn't easy, but can be done. You need to get there early for the passenger task anyway, so focus on Atlanta whenever you can.
Laatst bewerkt door chaney; 30 sep 2019 om 17:44
Your recollection is correct, chaney. His impression that Atlanta is always growing with or without his help is simply wrong. Planning ahead to finish as President is something you have to learn and it seems he has finally reached the equilibrium. Unless he adds goods to the system he won't become President.
That's where the game gets fun! Knocking out easy tasks in order isn't much challenge, but seeing a difficult (and time consuming for City growth) task ahead means a triage that puts priorities in a different order from how they are listed. Managing that well is very satisfying :)

The issue with some of these scenarios is that by the time the player is informed of the task, it becomes too late to complete it on time, so ... back to the beginning to try again! That general concept is fine, but some of the tasks can be a little tedious and frustrating to repeat several times. You can look ahead using the internet, or just take your lumps, whichever you prefer :)
Origineel geplaatst door Thineboot:
Just to be sure, you know how to speed up those weapon deliveries, don't you?

PLEASE educate me. I feel SO stupid. I have YEARS of transportation sims under my belt. I've tried to win this one 3 times only to fail...
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