Aliens: Colonial Marines
TemplarGFX's ACM Overhaul - Gameplay, Graphics, AI, The Works
Aliens Colonial Marines Overhaul (ACMO for short) has always been about getting the best out of every aspect of the game. There is denying the game even after patches was lackluster at best. The AI sucked, the gunplay sucked, the story was eye-roll worthy and the characters under developed and overly cliched. It was not all bad though, and it had its moments. The levels could look fantastic, the weapons look great and the sound is very faithful to the source.
ACMO is primarily focused on three areas of the game, AI, Gunplay and Graphics. Each area has been heavily tweaked, playtested, balanced and tweaked some more to get the best out of every mechanic possible.
While there is nothing that can be done about the story the rest of the game is much more enjoyable than it was before with more varied and improved gunplay, unpredictable and deadly xenomorphs and darker atmospheric lighting and effects.

Full details and changes are avialable at the ModDB page


My site :

Unfortunately ACMO is not a miracle patch that turns the game into what was promised and teased back in the day and there are still many bugs and issues that remain that cannot be fixed with a hex editor.
Despite that buried under bad design choices, rushed development and typo's there is a decent game to be found, certainly better than the one that was released by Gearbox. When you play ACMO you are still playing the same game, its just everything works better, everything looks better and as a result the game is much more enjoyable.
The AI can still get stuck, and sometimes they still bug out and just stand still but it happens less often and is much less likely to impact gameplay progression than before. Human vs Human combat is not exactly what you would call tactically sound and their choices are often still suicidal
Due to how these changes have been applied to the game, it is one change for the entire game and all the modes. This can lead to pacing issues with your ally marines either leaving you behind or not following at times. Triggering the next sequence will make them catch up if they are behind or they will wait there for you. If you are seperated to much they will eventually be teleported to you.
When its all working however you can expect much more satisfying and enjoyable encounters, especially with the xenomorphs who move much more like they did in the bullshot video crawling over everything and being much less predictable foes

This project is a work in progress and will be expanded and improved over time to try and refine the game even further to an enjoyable experience. We're open to suggestions and feedback to help shape the future iterations of the mod!

If you would like to thank TemplarGFX for the Aliens: Colonial Marines Overhaul and help support future updates, you can now donate to James through PayPal. Donations aren't expected, but they are greatly appreciated!

Want to join a community of like minded ACM gamers, organise COOP and Bug Hunt and just hang out with awesome people? Join the official discord for ACM Overhaul :

Install Guide for V6 by TheSpoons313

ACM Modded vs UnModded Comparison by AlexPlaysVideoGamez
Отредактировано TemplarGFX; 16 сен. 2020 г. в 2:16
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Agree, after 1h of gameplay, it becomes slowly irritating.
Holy reaction time, BatmanGFX ! : less than 4 seconds after my post...

Автор сообщения: TemplarGFX
Автор сообщения: Franz
I think, you should bring back a limit (at least, a tiny one) to the soldiers' pouncing. Not that it's bad, but it gets way too repetitive and frustrating, especially with just a single animation.

Автор сообщения: Deuswolf♎
Agree, after 1h ol gameplay, it becomes slowly irritating.

Отредактировано 𝕯𝖊𝖚𝖘𝓦𝖔𝖑𝖋; 25 дек. 2018 г. в 1:22
Автор сообщения: TemplarGFX

those settings were to fix the HUD disappearing, the pistol thing is something I will need to fix

Whats specs do you have?
thank you for your work and sorry for late answer, other time zone.

Win 7 x64
8-core no HT i7-9700K @ 3,9 GHz fixed
1080 Ti 11GB no OC (I think 398.11 or 396 Driver version from June 2018)

Somehow I see no death screen when I die....
Xenomorphs shot with shotgun with incinerating round show no flames burning but light effects and animation only.
Dead (white) alien in canalisation moonwalks, really.
Dead (white) moving alien glowed with green spots while moving, but not every walking alien.
Additional possible problems, which i will double check later: The fog in the barricade area with exploded dropship, where you protect the hacking marine was so dense, that I could not see aliens running thorugh it on the floor or single burning flames within it. Will double check it, because could be a contrast settings issue.
Отредактировано livinghell; 25 дек. 2018 г. в 14:28
ACM Overhaul V6 RC4

RC4 Full :

*New users should install V6 RC4 on a fresh game, it is NOT compatible with V5 or any earlier versions of ACM Overhaul. Check and Rename/Delete the My Documents\My Games\Alien Colonial Marines\PecanGame folder before starting the game so that the correct config is loaded*

*If you have an older version of V6 installed you will still need to remove the My Documents\My Games\Alien Colonial Marines\PecanGame folder. This is very important as it fixes a bug that causes Statis Interrupted and Sulaco Falls maps to potentially crash the game


Verify your game installation, DO NOT INSTALL OVER V5!!

Extract EVERYTHING from the zip file into your games main install directory. Replace all files.
Double-Click 'ACMOverhaulV6Install.bat' file in the games root folder to complete the installation. (note, DO NOT right-click and select 'run as administrator')
Rename/Delete My Documents\My Games\Aliens Colonial Marines folder to allow the game to recreate the files for you (only required if you have run the game previously)

The Base INI files have been updated to include all the graphics tweaks and required edits for the mod, no more read-only files or having to edit manually. Install the mod, run the game, use the menu and enjoy!

Changes this update :

Adjusted Recoil mechanics - Another go at lessening the COD feel of the guns while still keeping it fun and action oriented. feedback is welcome

Updated Damange Feedback - More pronounced camera kick for feedback to try and better convey the damage your taking from gunfire. this helps alot in combat versus Mercs and makes Xeno swipes even more dangerous!

Fixed Death Ragdolls - Humans in particular die much better with their limbs reacting in a much more realistic fashion. Also applies to Xeno's but is mostly noticable when they aren't on the floor or leaping.

Blood and Acid Effects - More effects create decals on surfaces to increase the battle damage look (especially against Xenos). May be a performance hit, let me know

Buddy AI update - Another pass at getting the AI to stick with you, and prefer following your lead instead of running ahead.

Mercenary Weapons changed - Grunts can now carry SMG's or Shotguns without any grenades and instead carry a Pistol, which they will use in close range. Elites now carry the Assault rifle instead of the Battle rifle making them less dangerous however they do have grenades. The Brute still carries the Smart Gun

Buddy Marines can throw Grenades!

Adjustements to Xeno AI - Soldiers Pounce less often but are slightly more likely to try and kill you with their little mouth. Slightly adjusted their response to taking damage so they don't slow down as much. Lurker AI bug fixed that had them stand still sometimes (unfortunately for you they are even deadlier as a result)

Buddies can't die again but go down a bit faster and stay down a bit longer as a trade off.

Some global adjustements to graphics to try and squeeze a bit more quality out of the lighting and special effects.

Reduction in friendly fire damage

There are 3 primary changes in this version that need testing before I can do a full release :

Marines aren't allowed to Push - This is a feature which stops the AI from leaving you behind however it may have unintended side-effects in portions of the campaign I have not tested.

Weapon Recoil - The difference is subtle but the mechanic is different. Im interested to know what people think. These changes make the weapons feel more dynamic and less rigid.

Special Effects - Especially Blood splashes are boosted in rate and quality distances which does effect performance. the slider in the options should assist for older machines

These changes to Mercenaries and combat mechanics really improve the battles against Mercenaries with the grunts only having close range weapons and your AI preferring distant combat. The damage feedback being much more noticable also really helps you to stay alive in the larger open areas against the mercs making it less frustrating.
Xeno's are very dangerous but if you focus with the AI you will have an easier time against them giving you a bit more reason to care for them. With their improved combat they are actually helpful in alot of scenarios (maybe a little too good?) but in non scripted sections they get taken down very quickly to try and balance it.
Отредактировано TemplarGFX; 26 дек. 2018 г. в 22:58
I have not had a chance to try out the gameplay changes but why does V6 appear to look worse than V5? The image is more blurry (FXAA enabled) or very jaggy with FXAA disabled and seems to be missing some of the atmosphere the previous versions had. Also Film Grain does not seem to work regardless of the setting.
well, i think is normal, this v6 seems to dont include anymnore, reshade!

i had time to check a little v6, just first checkpoint of the game and to my rig, run much much smoother compared to v5 or v5.5
Отредактировано Taki; 28 дек. 2018 г. в 12:32
It runs much smoother and personally I prefer the look of v6.
Автор сообщения: WackedOut
I have not had a chance to try out the gameplay changes but why does V6 appear to look worse than V5? The image is more blurry (FXAA enabled) or very jaggy with FXAA disabled and seems to be missing some of the atmosphere the previous versions had. Also Film Grain does not seem to work regardless of the setting.

Hey WackedOut, I have updated the DOF, SSAO and AA in the engine to improve the base game look, and I run a custom Reshade 4 profile which is not included in the test download but is seen in the video. This adds SMAA which smooths it better than the game FXAA as well as colour balances. I will include the reshade profile with the release version

Автор сообщения: Taki
well, i think is normal, this v6 seems to dont include anymnore, reshade!

i had time to check a little v6, just first checkpoint of the game and to my rig, run much much smoother compared to v5 or v5.5

Spot on! Reshade 4 is not nearly as demanding as Master Effects from V5

well, seems you dont added reshade 4 at all atm, in this version at least!
Автор сообщения: Taki
well, seems you dont added reshade 4 at all atm, in this version at least!

This is a test version, you'll have to wait for the full release on ModDB if you want all the bells and whistles ;)

you could just add the Master Effects of V5 to your install for now

The M56A2 Smart Gun finally got the love it deserves in this game. Its now a pure joy to wield!
:datashard:Good Lord, templar! This here is the best ACM will ever get: : tyVM for your dedication here:datashard:
Автор сообщения: TemplarGFX
Автор сообщения: Taki
well, seems you dont added reshade 4 at all atm, in this version at least!

This is a test version, you'll have to wait for the full release on ModDB if you want all the bells and whistles ;)

you could just add the Master Effects of V5 to your install for now

Nono, i prefer to run much smoother like is in this v6 "beta" :D

i wanted just to point it now atm dont have reshade at all, also because of this run so smooth!
Автор сообщения: Taki
Автор сообщения: TemplarGFX

This is a test version, you'll have to wait for the full release on ModDB if you want all the bells and whistles ;)

you could just add the Master Effects of V5 to your install for now

Nono, i prefer to run much smoother like is in this v6 "beta" :D

i wanted just to point it now atm dont have reshade at all, also because of this run so smooth!

Ah! sorry for the mis understanding! :)
OMG thank you so much! So instead of Mod DB its on google? K lemme try =) Cant wait to use this, ive been using the vanilla game at 6K resolution so it looks good but still, the Xenos are loco...
I will report back with an update within ONE solar day.

UPDATE: OK so, i did everything that was indicated in the install instructions, but i didnt get a dll file, or any indication that the Templar GFX had succeeded in applying when i started the game, is that normal?
Отредактировано xWÜLFGARx360; 29 дек. 2018 г. в 5:53
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