Magic: The Gathering — Duels of the Planeswalkers 2012

Magic: The Gathering — Duels of the Planeswalkers 2012

I have a beast of a PC tower, yet this game is running like poop on Taco Tuesday
You're welcome for the visual, and the title is not an exaggeration. I won't post a laundry list of specs, but I have an i7 and an overclocked Nvidia 1080ti. So what the heck is going on? Out of my 800+ Steam and GoG library, no other game runs like this. Meanwhile, this is just a darn card game from 6 years ago.

As soon as I set the game to my native resolution - 1920x1080 (which is not selected by default), everything runs slow as hell, and the opening movie is too choppy to even make out the dialogue. I don't recall it being this poor on my older rig.

Has anyone else run into this? Is there a solution that doesn't involve reg edits and/or virgin sacrifices? Or was it simply not made to run any higher than 720p? (Which would be laughable.)
Messaggio originale di Silver:
you sure you didnt mean to say constipated? because if it runs like poop on taco tuesday, you should get be getting a constant stream of smooth and fluid gameplay :D

set the framerate in the cfg to 60, save, close, then right click the .cfg file and see if you can checkmark read-only.
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Whelp, I found the problem.

I took a look at the .cfg file, and lo and behold...the refresh rate was set to 23. Why? Who the heck knows? lol. At any rate, I manually changed it to 60, and now it runs smooth as butter - as it should. Problem now is, it seems to revert back every time you exit the game - meaning you have to change it back to 60 before each launch. What an irritating bug.
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you sure you didnt mean to say constipated? because if it runs like poop on taco tuesday, you should get be getting a constant stream of smooth and fluid gameplay :D

set the framerate in the cfg to 60, save, close, then right click the .cfg file and see if you can checkmark read-only.
Ultima modifica da Silver; 13 mar 2018, ore 14:42
Messaggio originale di Silver:
you sure you didnt mean to say constipated? because if it runs like poop on taco tuesday, you should get be getting a constant stream of smooth and fluid gameplay :D

set the framerate in the cfg to 60, save, close, then right click the .cfg file and see if you can checkmark read-only.
I stand corrected! :D

Yeah, I thought of the read-only bit. Still no luck, as it still seems to reset once you exit. It's a pain to have to do it each time, but at least it's easy enough to find.

I was joking about a reg edit, but it does in fact look like that might be the only way to keep that from happening. (Which is not something I'm comfortable with.)

Has anyone else encountered this issue with the refresh setting? Or is it just me?
ages ago when I first bought and played this game I do remember having to sit through a choppy intro which I then managed to fix, sadly I forgot how.

apart from the usual (updating drivers, verifying integrity of game cache) have you tried running the game with vsync off or on to see if that might change it? Playing around with the anti-aliasing? right clicking the shortcut and making it run on older windows compatibility mode?

may also be a video codec problem. years ago I remember youtube videos getting green and glitching out, I fixed that by turning off hardware accleration but that was a browser thing. thats all I can think of right now
Ultima modifica da Silver; 13 mar 2018, ore 19:19
Quick update on this, but checking off "read only" after changing the refresh setting did in fact solve the problem permanently. I was a bit tired at the time, and wasn't looking at the correct setting in the config file.

Thanks for the suggestion!
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