Veterans Online

Veterans Online

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Nuked Cockroach  [utvikler] 22. des. 2020 kl. 13.28
Project Update
Dear Players,

We are working on a new update for Veterans Online, which will include new maps and other gameplay progressions features.

We have also just launched a new office in Canada Montreal in order to strengthen our team with top profiles.

Yet due to the pandemic, Tunisia was hit very badly and we found very difficult time financing the project. At the moment we are retaking the game into an Open Beta phase until we can get back to work in a more comfortable situation.

We know that we are not very communicative but the main reason behind our silence is the lack of visibility. We hope that in the next couple of months we can share with you new material and good news.

Keep supporting us, stay tuned, and see you on the battlefields of Veterans Online.

Happy holidays, be safe!
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Viser 13 av 3 kommentarer
KLATTERAL DAMIJ 9. feb. 2022 kl. 5.26 
Any news? Noticed your sites now up for auction and theres been no update in quite some time.
Knightmare 2. jan. 2023 kl. 8.36 
Opprinnelig skrevet av KLATTERAL DAMIJ:
Any news? Noticed your sites now up for auction and theres been no update in quite some time.
Thats actually a very good question. (F*** the community)
Vander Lee 16. sep. 2023 kl. 12.01 
Will this game ever be available to play? :steamsad:
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Dato lagt ut: 22. des. 2020 kl. 13.28
Innlegg: 3