HIGH IMPACT VIDEO VIOLENCE   Korea, Democratic People's Republic of
Let me post for you a message I recently received
"Dear KLATTERAL. Why has the technocratic west coast deep state silicone industry movie-game cabal seen fit to suppress our free will, our free time and thus, our true potential as a species? Sincerely, A Concerned Viewer."

Thank you for writing, Concerned. Of course your question touches on one of the essential biological impulses with all its associated hopes and fears for the future of our pass-time. I also detect some unspoken questions. Do our benefactors really know what's best for us? What gives them the right to make these kind of decisions for mankind? Will they ever deactivate the suppression field of complete sensory saturation through screen-time and informational mind slavery through unilateral media control and let us think and act for ourselves again?

Allow me to address the anxieties underlying your concerns, rather than try to answer every possible question you might have left unvoiced. First, let us consider the fact that for the first time ever, as a species, a unified purpose is within our reach. This simple fact has far-reaching implications. It requires radical rethinking and revision of our genetic imperatives. It also requires planning and forethought that run in direct opposition to not only our own natural pre-sets but mother natures as well.

I find it helpful at times like these to remind myself that our true enemy is instinct. Instinct was our mother when we were an infant species. Instinct coddled us and kept us safe in those hardscrabble years when we hardened our sticks and cooked our first meals above meagre fires, becoming startled at the shadows that leapt upon the cavern walls. Inseparable from Instinct is its dark twin, superstition, serving its own meandering and easily corruptible trail across our history. Instinct and superstition are both inextricably bound to unreasoning and illogical impulses. Today we clearly see their true nature. Instinct and superstition have just become aware of their irrelevance, and like a cornered beast, they will not go down without a bloody fight. Instinct would inflict fatal injury on us all, having us shy away from credit and prideful inclination. Superstition creates its own oppressors, causing us to cling to outdated ideas such as 'Tradition', amongst many inscrutable others. Both tell us that the unknown is a threat, rather than an opportunity. Both slyly and covertly compels us away from change and Progress. Both instinct and superstition, therefore, must be expunged. They must be fought tooth and nail, beginning with the basest of human urges: The urge to think for yourself.

We should thank our benefactors for giving us respite from these overpowering forces. In a single stroke they have thrown a switch and exorcised our tendencies to separate from the flock. They have given us the strength we never could have summoned to overcome these demonic compulsions. They have turned our eyes toward the stars. They have given us purpose! Diversity! Unity!

Let me assure you that this 'fluoride additive, infinite scrolling, machine learning and fiat run suppression field' will be shut off on the day that we have mastered ourselves... the day we can prove we no longer need it. And that day of transformation, I have on good authority, is close at hand.


I play games and know how to whistle real well.
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Tuffs Mar 2, 2022 @ 3:16pm 
- BloodyAlbo - Sep 27, 2021 @ 4:46pm 
- rep , wall hacker
Nelyoung Sep 15, 2021 @ 12:18am 
Pop Sep 14, 2021 @ 7:52am 
noob avoid his person
DNA Force Nov 27, 2020 @ 10:36am 
im chuffed to bits n bobz yer unkle innitt
Authentic Human Programming Jul 11, 2019 @ 12:18am 
1) Look at all the numbers
2) click Ctrl + F
3) type in 9