Natural Selection 2

Natural Selection 2

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I really want to like this game but there are too many issues.
- Alien vision sucks.
- Marines have no Night vision or thermal vision which makes no sense.
- Why do I always have to hold down C to see the map as an alien? Just annoying.
- The game should make you feel powerful, instead it makes you feel weak as on either side.
- What is the point in the exosuit? It's weak as ♥♥♥♥.
- The rifles feel like bb guns
- Friendlys are constantly blocking and getting me killed, why is there player collision? It sucks.
- Why doesn't the camera rotate when you go up a wall or on the ceiling? I keep falling off as a result, just makes the controls so confusing.
- My ping can be like 20 and there is still tons of lag
- My FPS goes from 100+ to 0 all the time, I get so many graphical hitches and I do not get why, it gets really bad in big fights.
- The load times take forever, this game takes longer to load than ANYTHING I've played and I cannot see what it has to load? A tiny map, everyone has the same models... hardly frigging loading a world like GTA V.

There are just too many issues that constantly hit me as I'm playing, it's such a shame as I really want to enjoy it, I love the core idea, it just isn't implemented well and I have to say it's mostly the performance issues that get to me. I mean I have a 4770k, 780, 16gb ram, SSD and it runs so poorly for me and all my friends who have tried it, just had the same result and uninstalled.
Viimeisin muokkaaja on Private 1st Class Jeffrey Bison; 22.12.2013 klo 18.11
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Hobocop 22.12.2013 klo 17.39 
Private 1st Class Jeffrey Bison lähetti viestin:
- Alien vision sucks.

Get a mod. Alien vision is no longer consistency checked by default, so you can use alien vision mods in virtually any public server. Try Minimal Alien Vision or Old Alien Vision to start with.

- Marines have no Night vision or thermal vision which makes no sense.

Budget cuts. And thermal vision when you have weapons in your arsenal like flamethrowers and no guarantee that thermal vision will even be worth using against aliens (i.e. what makes you think that they aren't cold-blooded) sounds like a terrible idea.

- Why do I always have to hold down C to see the map as an alien? Just annoying.

Change the keybind to one that's more convenient for you like a thumb button on the mouse. Even on marines, you should be checking the map at all times because the minimap simply doesn't give you the same strategic overview.

- The game should make you feel powerful, instead it makes you feel weak as on either side.

I dunno. I feel pretty powerful when playing as any of the higher lifeforms on aliens, or when I get shotguns as a marine.

- What is the point in the exosuit? It's weak as ♥♥♥♥.

Heavy fire support. Only minigun exosuits are capable of putting out that level of sustained damage by themselves, and railgun exosuits are terrors against anything lighter than an Onos. They are not tanks or one-man armies.

- Friendlys are constantly blocking and getting me killed, why is there player collision? It sucks.

Promotes the importance of proper positioning and keeping firing lines and escape routes clear.

- Why doesn't the camera rotate when you go up a wall or on the ceiling? I keep falling off as a result, just makes the controls so confusing.

Because having the camera rotate all the freakin' time when bouncing around in combat as a skulk would bring no end of motion sickness to many players, and it's much too disorienting with how fast-paced the combat is even if motion sickness wasn't an issue.

- My ping can be like 20 and there is still tons of lag

Depends on server performance most of the time. When it begins to dip as the game progresses on the less beefy servers, you'll often see rubberbanding issues and lag spikes.

- My FPS goes from 100+ to 0 all the time, I get so many graphical hitches and I do not get why, it gets really bad in big fights.

Performance isn't the greatest, sure. I find the biggest culprits are shadows, ambient occlusion, and high textures. Possibly resolution as well (I run 1280x1024 because my monitor is ass). Lower these settings or turn them off entirely. Stuff like bloom and atmospherics also tends to really get in the way in heated combat situations despite how nice they can look, so I turn those off, too.

- The load times take forever, this game takes longer to load than ANYTHING I've played and I cannot see what it has to load? A tiny map, everyone has the same models... hardly frigging loading a world like GTA V.

With the recent patches, I get load times of less than a minute on first load if I'm not ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ around and alt-tabbing to check other stuff the whole time, and this is just on a 1TB platter. Try disabling consistency checking on your own system as detailed here and see if load times improve.
Viimeisin muokkaaja on Hobocop; 22.12.2013 klo 18.32
Private 1st Class Jeffrey Bison lähetti viestin:
- Alien vision sucks.
- Marines have no Night vision or thermal vision which makes no sense.
- Why do I always have to hold down C to see the map as an alien? Just annoying.
- The game should make you feel powerful, instead it makes you feel weak as on either side.
- What is the point in the exosuit? It's weak as ♥♥♥♥.
- The rifles feel like bb guns
- Friendlys are constantly blocking and getting me killed, why is there player collision? It sucks.
- Why doesn't the camera rotate when you go up a wall or on the ceiling? I keep falling off as a result, just makes the controls so confusing.
- My ping can be like 20 and there is still tons of lag
- My FPS goes from 100+ to 0 all the time, I get so many graphical hitches and I do not get why, it gets really bad in big fights.
- The load times take forever, this game takes longer to load than ANYTHING I've played and I cannot see what it has to load? A tiny map, everyone has the same models... hardly frigging loading a world like GTA V.

There are just too many issues that constantly hit me as I'm playing, it's such a shame as I really want to enjoy it, I love the core idea, it just isn't implemented well and I have to say it's mostly the performance issues that get to me. I mean I have a 4770k, 780, 16gb ram, SSD and it runs so poorly for me and all my friends who have tried it, just had the same result and uninstalled.
what is your GPU? it might take longer to load some of the assets. if you have a mid range card then you might benefit from lowering graphics. i myself am using a low end card but when there is no large rhino sized mechs running around the frames are around 40 to 50. onos's dont cause frame lose but somehow exosuites like to drop frames. i cant understand why heavy battle causes frame lose, too much smoke? i really dont see a ♥♥♥♥ ton of particale affects in this game but i could be wrong. (i play on medium settings which suprisingly is consistent until exos pop up and stomp their big asses everywhere)
Private 1st Class Jeffrey Bison lähetti viestin:
- Marines have no Night vision or thermal vision which makes no sense

They also have teleporters but no gas mask. Let's not get started on that.

- Why do I always have to hold down C to see the map as an alien? Just annoying.

Because the game isn't team death match where the only goal of the game is to rack up kills. A single gorge who gets zero (or 1) kills in a game can be the deciding factor. Thus, you must be aware of what's going on around the map.

- The game should make you feel powerful, instead it makes you feel weak as on either side.

Nothing by itself is over powered and it's good that way because it otherwise impact balance. A jetpack shotgun however is arguebly the most powerful combo in the game though. Spore + Xenocide comes close, but that requires two players. With a JP SG, I have no issues with flying over a boneshielding onos to kill his gorge friend.

- What is the point in the exosuit? It's weak as ♥♥♥♥.

Probably because your commander didn't get armor 3. Furthermore, nothing is supose to be a one man army. Exos in combination with regular marines and ARCs are a deadly combination.

- The rifles feel like bb guns

And if they were stronger, any rookie could take down skulks left and right making the game horribly unbalanced. Relatively weak starting weapons even the game out. And if you can aim well they aren't bb guns.

[quuote]- Friendlys are constantly blocking and getting me killed, why is there player collision? It sucks.[/quote]

I take it this your first non-team death match multiplayer game?

- Why doesn't the camera rotate when you go up a wall or on the ceiling? I keep falling off as a result, just makes the controls so confusing.

No rotation provides a stable point of view. If your camera was constantly rotating there would be no way to reliably control skulks in combat.
SanCo 22.12.2013 klo 22.07 
No one with a sane mind would think skulks rotating camera makes it easier, lmao. Cant believe you guys actually spent all that time typing
I don't like how Aliens lag about all over the place, it is as if there is no enemy collision. They just seem to be too fast for the animation and ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ just dart about all over the place. I've played aliens a lot and it is like that playing, you don't have to be accurate with your hits at all, you can be behind someone and still hit them because the netcode is so ♥♥♥♥.

They need to reduce their speed by about a third to make it all smoother and give them leap as standard or something.

The flying one especially is just a nightmare to keep track of because it's all so laggy.
I dont know... this game is awesome for me =)
Kane 23.12.2013 klo 7.50 
- What is the point in the exosuit? It's weak as ♥♥♥♥.

The problem is, u need more experience.
Viimeisin muokkaaja on Kane; 23.12.2013 klo 7.57
I don't like how Aliens lag about all over the place, it is as if there is no enemy collision. They just seem to be too fast for the animation and ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ just dart about all over the place. I've played aliens a lot and it is like that playing, you don't have to be accurate with your hits at all, you can be behind someone and still hit them because the netcode is so ♥♥♥♥.

They need to reduce their speed by about a third to make it all smoother and give them leap as standard or something.

The flying one especially is just a nightmare to keep track of because it's all so laggy.

This game has performace problems you need to have a best CPU to run it very well and the game is based on team work theres no way in hell you can do anything right without strategy thats why the games is like it is
Swansong, is that you?

Private 1st Class Jeffrey Bison lähetti viestin:
- Why doesn't the camera rotate when you go up a wall or on the ceiling? I keep falling off as a result, just makes the controls so confusing.

Someone should make a mod for this just to show how ridiculously horrible it would be in practise. When walljumping I just keep thinking to myself: "If only my vision would snap to different orientations three times every second, that would improve this game so much."
Viimeisin muokkaaja on Pajander; 23.12.2013 klo 14.12
A. Pajander lähetti viestin:
Swansong, is that you?

Private 1st Class Jeffrey Bison lähetti viestin:
- Why doesn't the camera rotate when you go up a wall or on the ceiling? I keep falling off as a result, just makes the controls so confusing.

Someone should make a mod for this just to show how ridiculously horrible it would be in practise. When walljumping I just keep thinking to myself: "If only my vision would snap to different orientations three times every second, that would improve this game so much."

That's really the only thing I don't like about the aliens, also. Aliens vs Predator 2 (the good one) did this and it was perfect.
A. Pajander lähetti viestin:
Swansong, is that you?

Someone should make a mod for this just to show how ridiculously horrible it would be in practise. When walljumping I just keep thinking to myself: "If only my vision would snap to different orientations three times every second, that would improve this game so much."

That's really the only thing I don't like about the aliens, also. Aliens vs Predator 2 (the good one) did this and it was perfect.

If the game had that it will be bad it would be super annoying due to the fast pace of the game and wall jumping which is how skulks get around really fast
nothing is more fun than having less control of your camera. wow really
hona 25.12.2013 klo 3.08 
there are some issues in game but they are few
razdaz 27.12.2013 klo 19.03 
These aren't issues, they are personal gripes YOU have with the game with the exception of FPS and loading times. Your opinion is not magical and special thus you have no creative control or input.
Viimeisin muokkaaja on razdaz; 28.12.2013 klo 13.54
All I could read in the first post was "Why won't the game just let me win?" over and over again.
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Lähetetty: 22.12.2013 klo 15.55
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