Natural Selection 2

Natural Selection 2

Newbie's thoughts
Just wanted to share my thoughts. This surprisingly isn't a whining thread. I have about 8 hours total on this game and all of it's been a lot of fun. I like the depth and all the different things you can do on both Aliens and Marines. Balance seems spot on. It's obivous when your team loses because you have people with bad aim or a bunch of lone wanderers. I'm slowly learning the maps and strategies, and I've even had a bit of commander time. Commanding is a mixed bag for me. It's a lot of fun, but players even on rookie servers are so quick to call you bad because you didn't build something fast enough. I guess I'm expected to read and memorize a guide or something.

That brings up another point, which is the playerbase. I think they're mostly positive overall, but not very tolerant of new players. Every once in a while you get racist/homophobic players in the rookie servers which leads to some somewhat amusing fights, but that's the internet at work I guess.

As for the few things I don't like....
Marine weapon aim feels oddly floaty compared to other shooting games
I'm sure I'm just missing something, but I never know when I'm getting hit as an Alien unless I watch my health bar.
Leap takes too long to unlock. I know it's a big advantage for skulks and all, but since that's what you play most of the game, it takes too long to get.

Overall though, this is my new favorite MP title for the moment. Also, what's all the rage about over the DLC?
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1-15 / 17 のコメントを表示
Its so hard with those guys who dont use teamspeak or sth like that ......if you dont speak english or the tongue of the server and u wanna chat go ♥♥♥♥ off. i have also my language problems.....but thanks god there are some laid-back admins outthere.

want i wanna know is why nobody uses 20 games it was only once "granted " ---ok its said by op...
最近の変更はNotSureが行いました; 2014年2月16日 8時36分
It is indeed not a whining thread, but please do expect some guys here to say "play the game a bit more before you talk about the game!". Because of the different teams, tactics, weapons, evolutions etc. it takes a rather long time to get to know them and to get to know what they are good for and when they suck. Did you know that the lerk can glide through the air? I didn't, and I have 200h on my record. Simply because I don't go lerk that often. It's basically the same with everything else.

Many call the community "elitist" "fanboys" or other things, but the vast majority just wants to enjoy the game. I don't rant about rookies on a rookie friendly server, I tell them what to do different to improve their skills. You can't expect a rookie to know that you target pgs/observatories first during a rush. You have to tell them. The rookies I dislike are the ones who ignore such tips. They are most likely on the first building they see and think they are helping, while the marines rush through the pg or get teleported to the base. It's very frustrating to see perfectly times rushs fail because some guys go for low priority buildings. :/

Oh, and then there are the commanders. I am very tolerant in general, but this ends when it comes to commanding. Of course every rookie comm has to get real experience, but please, PLEASE do us all a favor and learn what every building does, the general placement and the hotkeys before you enter the hive/cc. I have seen too many games lost because the commander was totally helpless and didn't even place a single extractor or didn't know that he had to cyst. Those are the rookies I hate, from the bottom of my heart. You had the chance to learn the basics about commanding, the game gives you a traning room, (horrible) bots and there are lots of guides. You had your chance and you didn't take it.
Now, the other comms, the ones who know the basics...I think it should be etiquette to announce that you are a rookie commander before you enter the cc. Give experienced commanders (who most likely also have a mic) the chance to take the seat, although you may of course ask them to let you lead the team, because you have to learn that too. Ask them to lead the ground forces, new commanders tend to be under a lot of stress even when just building the structures. They usually can't do both, placing structures AND lead the footsoldiers. But please remember, you may be ranted at if you take the seat unannounced, but many players will understand it if you tell them that you don't have much battle experience yet. Simply because they have a certain expectation of the average commander.

Hm, I think I noticed the same when I started playing. You'll get used to it, but you can also change the mouse options in the menu. Trust me, it'll be better after you've racked up some hours. ;)
True, the only tip I can give you there is to check your health every now and then and to get a feeling for how much you can take. Many Oni have died because they didn't notice that they were getting shred to pieces. Skulks die after 10 bullets (?), gorges after half a mag, Oni shouldn't engage without backup against 3 or more marines. And be even more careful without carapace (for whatever reason you may have for not having it as an onos).
Trust me, leap early on would make NS2 a nightmare for marines. Most comms go early celerity and some marines already have problems with that, leap in addition without any major upgrades on the marine side make the game imbalanced. ;) Train your wall jumping skills, it will be useful for both engaging and moving around the map.

Hmpf, it's the usual "DLCs are bad" "DLCs are made by Satan" and "DLCs ruin games" arguments. And to be honest, I do ask myself whether those guys even now what these "DLCs" are all about. They are mere emblems to support the NS2 tournament, nothing wrong with that...But hey, every game has its haters. Ours like to gnaw at the "bad community" and "UWE's incompetence/greediness". *shrug*

Glad to hear it, welcome to NS2. :) May your exosuits crush those space dogs and may your oni impale those puny humans!
最近の変更はShadowSoulが行いました; 2014年2月16日 8時33分
dont teamspeak is not a big problem. not listening is the problem for me. sometimes judging from their ping they probably dont speak english then i'll try chinese, which is my native language on them. but usually that doesnt work either. its really frustrating when someone ruined an entire stealth operation by attacking non essential things. making the rest of the team like idots talking to a stone.
And its also good to hear some positive feedback from a new player. NS2 is actually not very newbie friendly so im really glad to hear that u enjoy the game. and yes i did find the gunplay is not very convincing when i first came to NS2 as well. when ur firing the smg it only gives u a little recoil that u wont even notice. and pistol have completely no recoil. but even they are this easy to handle i can hardly get a shot on a moving skulk. guess they're floaty for a reason lol.
As for the health management of aliens, when u get hit ur alien will scream in agony. when ur low on health ur screen turns red but usually its too late when its red. i usually start running away when 50% health as onos, 30% as a gorge and no armor as the other classes. just a tip for u to survive easier.
and just like ShadowSoulAssassin said, those whinners probably knows nothing abouth these dlcs. the only possible reason they should rage at the dlcs is that they have some sort of mental disorder which makes them buy ever dlcs they see.dlcs are not entirely bad. bad dlcs are something u cut away from the base game and sell it seperately cough* ea cough*. or something that affect the balance of the game. but for gods sake those are just arm patches! and they're more like donations to ns2wc and the developers. u buy them u show ur support. i dont see anything wrong with them either.
Sorry if we bother u with these walls or text. but i guess its a nice way to show how we apperciate a rational new player. welcome to ns2. u'll soon fight like a man and die like a dog.......uh i mean skulk XD
最近の変更はEyeballが行いました; 2014年2月16日 9時17分
there should be a receive bacon button for the commander..lawl? the more bacon the bigger ur honor.
or marines comm should be able to assign 1-2 officer
最近の変更はNotSureが行いました; 2014年2月21日 11時38分
This game is rather competitive and competitive people don't have that much leeway for "noobs". The more relaxed games are the 24 man servers where people aren't so uptight on skill.
Animal の投稿を引用:
Its so hard with those guys who dont use teamspeak or sth like that ......if you dont speak english or the tongue of the server and u wanna chat go ♥♥♥♥ off. i have also my language problems.....but thanks god there are some laid-back admins outthere.

want i wanna know is why nobody uses 20 games it was only once "granted " ---ok its said by op...
Nobody uses leap because its not as effective as it was in NS1.

The only time most people leap rather then bhop is to xeno marines.
I find it's more likely that people in pubs don't use Leap because the alien commander doesn't research it. It's still an extremely powerful ability for skulks.
最近の変更はHobocopが行いました; 2014年2月17日 0時56分
yeah i agree. leap is really useful in many circumstances. but most of the time u have to remind the commanders to give u leap or else they tend to focus more on keeping higher life forms alive. and in order to use leap effectively u need to have some dicipline with ur energy. so i guess its also good for commanders to be passive with the skulk upgrade unless someone on ur team knows how to use this ability.
yeah leap is nice if unexpected......and last game was a guy with zero deaths.....nothing u can be proud of either alien nor human...even if comm....i die laughing taking 2 foes with me to honored.fields..but thats somrthing mama havent told ´em. rarrrw
to much fracking text in this thread

Not a whinning thread, and there's a happy rookie in there? welcome aboard bro. Check out some tutorials on google and youtube to get better faster, have fun, and watch 6v6 games on youtube and Twitch (semi-finale and finale of the natural selection 2 world championship this week-end, worth watching, trust me).
Hobocop の投稿を引用:
I find it's more likely that people in pubs don't use Leap because the alien commander doesn't research it. It's still an extremely powerful ability for skulks.
Most comm's don't realise it is a Whip ability.
They think whips are just a tool for base defense or the Alien version of Arcing, when it's much more.
IronHorse  [開発者] 2014年2月21日 11時10分 
In my experience, 95% of the vets will be very friendly and patient with new players.. its the rookies who are used to bashing each other from the other gaming communities that they came from.
can sby tell me what was better in NS I , sry if wrong thread...but im curious what could be better in this game....brainstorming right now....have a nice weekend ! btw i find the post by op is good!
最近の変更はNotSureが行いました; 2014年2月21日 11時47分
1Blood の投稿を引用:
can sby tell me what was better in NS I , sry if wrong thread...but im curious what could be better in this game....brainstorming right now....have a nice weekend ! btw i find the post by op is good!

NS1 seems better to the vets because it's the first one in the series that they experienced. Try telling a 12-15 year old how good much better the original Halo was than all the other ones released.
最近の変更はInternetHateMachineが行いました; 2014年2月21日 13時37分
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投稿日: 2014年2月16日 7時50分
投稿数: 17