Grim Dragons

Grim Dragons

Azarokkusu Apr 17, 2017 @ 3:25am
Bug report thread
Since one of these hasn't been made yet, I figured I would start one up!

Bugs I've found so far:

-The flames can be very inconsistent in how they hit (Not sure if this is really a bug or is intentional though)

-Flying above things will not activate cutscene or objective triggers (e.g. flying above the houses in the second scene won't activate the "burn all the houses in the first/second field" objectives, for example). Perhaps expand the cutscene triggers in the Z direction so that no matter how high up you are they will trigger?

-Expanding on the above point, if you complete an objective before triggering the cutscene or dialogue for it, then activate the dialogue/cutscene, it will display the objective as complete, which will disappear as normal, but it won't count as complete and you will be able to keep re-triggering the objective. This also puts the scene in an unwinnable state.
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Showing 1-15 of 16 comments
glowric  [developer] Apr 17, 2017 @ 7:57am 
Thanks Remy, I'll keep an eye on these and fix for upcoming releases. I released the game like this because it felt playable enough. (As you point out, there are still some annoying things that have to get fixed or get improved mechanics.)

Flames: true - I'm not that happy with how they work yet. I think it has to do with overlapping hit boxes. I'll keep figuring this one out.

Triggers and objectives: I tried to make sure that completing objectives before they get triggered at least completes the objectives. That's supposed to let things progress and levels complete. (Though the objective system is complex enough that maybe I didn't cover every case well enough.)
Last edited by glowric; Apr 17, 2017 @ 8:08am
glowric  [developer] Apr 17, 2017 @ 8:06am 
To all bug thread commenter,

I will also keep testing and fixing what I find - this is my commitment to my fans. To help me better, please try to provide specific examples of what you encounter. Some bugs can be harder to explain. (That also makes it harder for me to understand.) In that case, a helpful bug report can look something like this:

I did this: x...
I expected: y...
What actually happened was: z...
Vanilla May 28, 2017 @ 11:18pm 
in the 2nd scene I can't kill the field captain(blue suit with a bow). His health bar never low down. it made me stuck.

I completed all those quest (burn all building and kill all human) inside the wall except kill field captain first then I tried everythings but he can't die his health bar stuck at full gauge.

About the castle gate I'm spamming pressed the 'E' key to get through it. Idk if it will break the game or not.
Last edited by Vanilla; May 28, 2017 @ 11:27pm
glowric  [developer] May 29, 2017 @ 12:05am 
Ok - I apologize for the field captain and will check that out. I haven't seen that happen before and will do my best to reproduce that bug behavior. How many times have you played the level?

For the castle gate, it doesn't break anything to spam E. But you supposed to fly over the gate. ;)
Vanilla May 29, 2017 @ 1:46am 
2 times and I did the same on quest.
glowric  [developer] May 30, 2017 @ 12:27am 
Hi Vanilla, I wasn't able to reproduce your bug today. I see one occasional bug where the health bar didn't appear over the Field Captain. That was annoying because you don't see the health but, it wasn't stuck at 100% and you could kill him. It sounds like that's different from your problem.

Tonight I was trying to find the bug. I will try to create a patch in the next day or two. But, since I can't reproduce your actual bug I can't guarantee it will fix your problem. I let you know when that's ready - it will be an auto update of the game.
Vanilla May 30, 2017 @ 4:04am 
glowric  [developer] May 30, 2017 @ 11:54pm 
I made a fix and a new build tonight. I'll be uploading it and testing it on Steam tomorrow night before making it live.
glowric  [developer] May 31, 2017 @ 10:42pm 
Success! The fix is published. I think I changed things enough at the keep to get rid of whatever was causing the Field Captain bug. I also found and fixed a few more unrelated bugs. Let me know how it works for you.
Vanilla Jun 1, 2017 @ 12:39am 
It worked fine. Hope to see more update :nekoheart:
glowric  [developer] Jun 1, 2017 @ 1:03am 
Awesome! More is coming... but I run late with new content because I went back to a full time job this month. I will start posting progress updates again soon.
Feritas Dec 24, 2017 @ 4:43am 
I found a bug in scene 2, where the last objective with killing all the humans wont get completet. I entered the keep, startet fighting with some pisky humans, then the cutscene started, i did all objectives, but i cant find any humans, all are dead, on the whole map. After clearing the full map, i went back to the keep and the 2 bosses were standing again. I have a feeling, the objective wont be completet because the game thinks they're still alive. I dont know.
glowric  [developer] Jan 1, 2018 @ 3:20pm 
Interesting - I'm really sorry you're having that bug. I did fix the same thing before and it looks like you're having the same issue but for a different technical reason. At this point, I might recommend getting a refund. I'm not sure how much I'll be able to do over the next month or two - I'm moving to a new state soon and will be pretty busy with that for a while.
MrFoxly Feb 10, 2018 @ 1:46pm 
Let's see, I had a few flickering shadows while flying. They were a rare occurance though.

The one major bug I found was after flying extremely high in the first scene, the music just stopped.
I came back down and started attacking humans again but the music wouldn't come back. I had to go back to the title screen after reaching the world map just to make sure the music wasn't permanently gone. Thankfully that wasn't the case.
glowric  [developer] Feb 11, 2018 @ 4:22pm 
hi - yes, if you go too far above the action, the music is meant to stop and switch to some ambiance. And, yes, it is 'supposed' to come back when you get back down to ground level. :)
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