Grim Dragons

Grim Dragons

MrFoxly Feb 10, 2018 @ 1:40pm
Conclusion after one playthrough.
Have to say, this game shows promise despite having only two levels at the moment. The graphics are gorgeous, flying around is pleasant and combat while simplistic, is satisfying.

Is there room for improvement? Yes there is.

The hit detection of the fire is a little questionable and it feels pointless breathing fire in the air when there's nothing to hit up there and it doesn't travel towards the ground meaning you can't burn villages while flying without getting really close. (take some notes from Skyrim's Alduin)

Also, with the vastness of the maps and frequency of search and destroy missions, a dash button and a map wouldn't go amiss.

It would also be helpful if I could see my health bar when I'm not getting hit. That way, when I see a crowd of soldiers to one side and a flock of sheep on the other, I'd know which one to slaughter first.

And this is just a personal thought, but I'd love to be able to grab fodder/enemies and either drop them from a massive height while flying or eat them in the midst of battle to save a bit of back and forth.

In conclusion, I look forward to seeing how this game grows. Heck I've missed playing good dragon games since Spyro became that "thing" in skylanders.