Realms of Magic

Realms of Magic

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The Library
The Library quest requires books that got, but sold as I didn't need them and I figured they wouldn't be needed for anything. Are there other ways to acquire these books after you first find them, or am I SOL?
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Exit town, or just exit game and load back in and check with merchant. Unless things changed, doing the above causes what the merchants is selling to change as well
I had the same problem but remembered a dwarf merchant in the mine shaft; he actually sells the books.
I then checked other merchants and found the elve books in the starting town

Dwarf books can be bought at Hardsoil Bulwark (West of the Stonebridge City)
Elven books can be bought by Edbert in Woodbury (starting town)

(this is just for future players)
Dernière modification de derw4tz; 27 avr. à 9h07
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