Cant find online matches
Is it only me that can't find any matches? Im curently trying to find match 15 minutes.
Edit: After 40 minutes I gave up. btw, Is the matchmaking region based?
Legutóbb szerkesztette: Samtar; 2017. júl. 16., 2:34
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111/11 megjegyzés mutatása
It's due to the very small player base and the difference in ranks in it. Are you searching on casual or ranked? Cause most players are on ranked.
Gustav Badanka eredeti hozzászólása:
It's due to the very small player base and the difference in ranks in it. Are you searching on casual or ranked? Cause most players are on ranked.

I was searching ranked
Seems like the game is dead before it got started. Cannot join any Casual or Ranked online games. No other competitors. Guess this game only sold 100 copies and most do not play. Join this discord, we're a few people that time play eachother.
The devs are there too.
I dont use discord. I just hope to play a few games now and then. But I guess the player base is that small that the game did not sell well and it will only be worthwhile for those who use discord or organise matches here. It sad. I do hope this game sells more, so a bigger player base establishes and more fun can be had.

edit: still waiting to join a ranked game...
edit2: found game and won. Was good fun. Maybe 10mins later I get another.
Legutóbb szerkesztette: Cosmic Keys; 2017. júl. 17., 6:59
Yeah it's too bad about the playerbase because it's very fun.
Uncle S4 eredeti hozzászólása:
100% correct
Yes same for me (Europe), waited 10min in casual and ranked, nothing
Yeah cant find any games at all it really sucks because the challenge mode is fun but boring after a while I'd really like to find an online match
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