Nioh: Complete Edition

Nioh: Complete Edition

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MrHeriV2 Jul 11, 2018 @ 5:06am
Best armor?
So ive been playing this game for like a week something like that and iwas wondering can someone tell me which armor set si the ebst? Warrior of the west seems liek best for me but is there somethign better? Also i am lvbl 50
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Showing 1-12 of 12 comments
_Oin_ Jul 11, 2018 @ 5:07am 
There is no "best" or "worst", everything is build dependent.
puzzlefox Jul 11, 2018 @ 5:31am 
^ what he said

But we can make suggestions...?
What type of build are you after? What weapons? Light medium or heavy armor? Do you want A agility or are you ok with B? Do you want a glass cannon critical build, or do you want to tank’n’spank?
MrHeriV2 Jul 11, 2018 @ 6:10am 
So there is no best armor or best weapon its like dark souls right?
Shalashaska Jul 11, 2018 @ 6:12am 
Tatenashi is the "best" since you can use it with every build and it gives big damage reduction.
Deostades Jul 11, 2018 @ 7:47am 
^ What they said - there's no single "you must use this armor or be laughed at for your poor life choices" set in the game. There are, however, some pretty common late-game builds that tend to use the same armor sets:

Dragon Ninja: the full Dragon Ninja set comes with an immense damage increase, "Dragon Sword: Truth", that allows you to thoroughly and properly murder almost everything. Being light armor, however, means that you're going to die literally every mistake you make.

Last Great General: the 5-set bonus is almost OP, and the armor itself is pretty good, if heavy for medium armor.

Tatenashi: the objective best armor for defence, this armor opens up the possibility for you to become 100% immune to firearms damage (meaning all physical ranged attacks), elemental damage, along with extremely high damage reduction. Heavy as heck, though.

Kigetsu: like Dragon Ninja, opens up the possibility for extremely high damage, adding some %s on for every status "ailment" (including buffs) you're "suffering" from.

Karakawa: probably has the best stats for a no-fixed-set armor, which makes it pretty handy for defiling for Ethereal Graces.

One of the great things about Nioh is that you aren't locked into one or two paths; you can make near any build viable in the highest levels of difficulty.
Pekorin Jul 11, 2018 @ 7:56am 
Lv 50 then I vote Dragon Ninja too. Because I think you can't wear heavy armor, Dragon Ninja set effect is useful to strongen attack power.
puzzlefox Jul 11, 2018 @ 7:59am 
There aren’t very many outright useless sets tbh. Some do much better than other in endgame, but until you track lvls 30+ in the abyss, you can make virtually anything work.

Dragon Ninja would be a good choice for an early set. But I’d recommend getting used to B agility first. It would be harder to adjust from A to B later on that the other way around. But dragon uses sword and it would be a good idea to get good with sword early on too.

Conclusion: it doesn’t matter. Use whatever.
Last edited by puzzlefox; Jul 11, 2018 @ 8:01am
Zefar Jul 11, 2018 @ 1:17pm 
Late game as in Way of Nioh it isn't really gonna matter much because enemies deals such ridiculous damage that can't be tanked unless you're in LW weapon mode at all times.

Just aim for some sets and see what bonus they give.
Adran010 Jul 11, 2018 @ 5:08pm 
^ what everyone else said.

Although, there is a HUGE difference from going from light sets to medium sets to heavy sets in terms of the number of mistakes you can make before you get dead.

I started with the light l'il red dragon set in WotSam, and was getting pretty frustrated at OHKO from nearly everything by the end of it, changed over to Warrior of the West (easy to get), which is medium. Ahhhhhh releif. used this, and transitioned into 4 piece medium and 1 piece heavy through to WotWise.

Some time in WotWise, i started getting spanked pretty hard again for every mistake. So I farmed up 4 piece tateshani set (heavy), and 1 piece light or medium armour for my feet. I'm now slowly not keeping up with puzzlefox as he blitzes through the abyss. I just completed lvl 49 abyss last night. Everything feels fair. Sometimes I feel like a god. Depends on the boss.

100% firearms reduction has made some fights go from being OMG this is bullox, to oh ok, now its a fair fight :) Also, the heaviness of the armour means I can stuff up and not get insta dead.

100% ele resist, can be a joke on some levels, but i would prioritise 100% firearms over this. Which means you can use Tateshani, or Hiriashi to get to 100% firarems resistance. both heavy sets.

but yeah, anything is doable.
MrHeriV2 Jul 12, 2018 @ 4:40am 
Thank you all for the help and i will take notes on what to searchh for and everything. Much love <3
puzzlefox Jul 12, 2018 @ 11:11am 
I’m helping Deo get up to lvl 90 in the abyss so I won’t be progressing much until then. But we got from 61 to 74 last night in just a few hours so it prob won’t take long xD
YOJIMBO May 26 @ 10:51pm 
Originally posted by puzzlefox:
^ what he said

But we can make suggestions...?
What type of build are you after? What weapons? Light medium or heavy armor? Do you want A agility or are you ok with B? Do you want a glass cannon critical build, or do you want to tank’n’spank?
IM ok with B agility I use a katana and which armour should i go for.
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