Where is Kirk? - Side Quest Problem
So I activated this quest through an audio log when I was in the Talos Bridge.I went to Life Support after that to try to find Kirk Remmer. When I arrived, the marker disappeared. Then I went inside of the security station in Life Support, and I found him in the Crew List under the Cargo Bay tab. I marked him, but then I got a message with the red symbol in the left corner [picture link down here], and I still didn't see Kirk as an objective on my screen. I don't know where to find him.

Legutóbb szerkesztette: DaemonX_HUN; 2017. máj. 6., 15:41
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He is supposed to be in the Cargo Pod area in life support, though if you kill him b4 Audio log, then doesn't spawn and can't find him.
Ulysses eredeti hozzászólása:
He is supposed to be in the Cargo Pod area in life support, though if you kill him b4 Audio log, then doesn't spawn and can't find him.

Wait how can you kill him before he spawns?
Same issue for me.
1. Mark him in a Terminal
2. Marker show you Life Support
3. Enter Life Support
4. Now marker is gone
5. Enter Security booth (in Life Support) and mark him again
6. As soon as you exit the Security booth the quest get marked as Failed.
He didn't spawn for me either. so this quest is clearly bugged.
As of 1.04 he still has a 50:50 chance of spawning. E.g. on my current Nightmare run when I go to the escape pods in life support there's either:

1. A voltaic phantom and no Kirk or
2. A thermal phantom and Kirk

If you're unlucky here's the solution (assuming you're entering from Cargo bay and have already hit the issue:

1. Go back to Cargo Bay and save your game
2. Go to your save game slot and move lifesupport.level to a safe location
3. Load the save, enter life support - note that this would have reset the whole level so you'd have to do some killing/repairing to reach escape pods
4. Check escape pods - is Kirk there? Good if not rinse and repeat
5. After you find him and loot his body go back to cargo and save your game
6. Overwrite the lifesupport.level file to return it to the state you left it in at the very beginning. Make sure you do this in the save slot from step 5.

This technique can be used for fixing other spawn issues. Just make sure you're careful - create a backup of all your saves and make sure you're overwriting files in the right slot.

Good luck!
Legutóbb szerkesztette: Breach; 2017. jún. 11., 1:54
I just finished another playthrough and had the exact same issue. I did the main and side missions involving Life Support and Renner never materialised. Locating him on the security console would not work as others described above. I then went on through the Power Plant missions to repower Talos and lift the base shutdown. Not too long after that, I decided to take another look for Remmer. By that time, Life Support was fully repopulated with Typhons and covered in coral. Went into the escape pod section, and guess who was waiting there - Remmer. Took him out with the shotgun and got credit for finding him.
Legutóbb szerkesztette: Warc1; 2017. jún. 11., 8:14
Breach eredeti hozzászólása:
As of 1.04 he still has a 50:50 chance of spawning. E.g. on my current Nightmare run when I go to the escape pods in life support there's either:

1. A voltaic phantom and no Kirk or
2. A thermal phantom and Kirk

If you're unlucky here's the solution (assuming you're entering from Cargo bay and have already hit the issue:

1. Go back to Cargo Bay and save your game
2. Go to your save game slot and move lifesupport.level to a safe location
3. Load the save, enter life support - note that this would have reset the whole level so you'd have to do some killing/repairing to reach escape pods
4. Check escape pods - is Kirk there? Good if not rinse and repeat
5. After you find him and loot his body go back to cargo and save your game
6. Overwrite the lifesupport.level file to return it to the state you left it in at the very beginning. Make sure you do this in the save slot from step 5.

This technique can be used for fixing other spawn issues. Just make sure you're careful - create a backup of all your saves and make sure you're overwriting files in the right slot.

Good luck!

Thank you very much, that worked!
However, the quest did not continue for me even when I found him.
What should be the next step in that questline? (I did blow of some hatch from the exterior before)
Krisdahl eredeti hozzászólása:
Breach eredeti hozzászólása:
As of 1.04 he still has a 50:50 chance of spawning. E.g. on my current Nightmare run when I go to the escape pods in life support there's either:

1. A voltaic phantom and no Kirk or
2. A thermal phantom and Kirk

If you're unlucky here's the solution (assuming you're entering from Cargo bay and have already hit the issue:

1. Go back to Cargo Bay and save your game
2. Go to your save game slot and move lifesupport.level to a safe location
3. Load the save, enter life support - note that this would have reset the whole level so you'd have to do some killing/repairing to reach escape pods
4. Check escape pods - is Kirk there? Good if not rinse and repeat
5. After you find him and loot his body go back to cargo and save your game
6. Overwrite the lifesupport.level file to return it to the state you left it in at the very beginning. Make sure you do this in the save slot from step 5.

This technique can be used for fixing other spawn issues. Just make sure you're careful - create a backup of all your saves and make sure you're overwriting files in the right slot.

Good luck!

Thank you very much, that worked!
However, the quest did not continue for me even when I found him.
What should be the next step in that questline? (I did blow of some hatch from the exterior before)

Which quest is that? Blowing the hatch is a different quest altogether in Shuttle Bay. The "Find Kirk quest" is the one you get on the Bridge (I think) - normally if you already have had it under objectives finding him/his tracking bralet/transcribe should complete it. Did you have the quest before? If you didn't nothing will update.
Breach eredeti hozzászólása:
Krisdahl eredeti hozzászólása:

Thank you very much, that worked!
However, the quest did not continue for me even when I found him.
What should be the next step in that questline? (I did blow of some hatch from the exterior before)

Which quest is that? Blowing the hatch is a different quest altogether in Shuttle Bay. The "Find Kirk quest" is the one you get on the Bridge (I think) - normally if you already have had it under objectives finding him/his tracking bralet/transcribe should complete it. Did you have the quest before? If you didn't nothing will update.

Ok, but so the questline ends with just finding his body? He had a Transcode that I listened to and it felt like maybe the questline could continue but maybe not...
The quest ends with finding Remmer. With regards to Breach's method, it works fine if you have an old save game just before Life Support and want to cycle through replays until Remmer appears. Not sure about the need to overwrite the old save file since the game continued fine for me without doing so.

I was also able to reconfirm my post above in case you have already gone through Life Support, didn't find Remmer and don't have a save file from just before entering. If you go back to Life Support shortly after restarting the reactor and lifting Alex's station shutdown, Remmer will be in the escape pod area, along with numerous other typhons.
Warc1 eredeti hozzászólása:
The quest ends with finding Remmer. With regards to Breach's method, it works fine if you have an old save game just before Life Support and want to cycle through replays until Remmer appears. Not sure about the need to overwrite the old save file since the game continued fine for me without doing so.

I was also able to reconfirm my post above in case you have already gone through Life Support, didn't find Remmer and don't have a save file from just before entering. If you go back to Life Support shortly after restarting the reactor and lifting Alex's station shutdown, Remmer will be in the escape pod area, along with numerous other typhons.

No, that's the good thing about it - you don't have to have an old save file before entering life support. Essentially if you're in cargo and move liftesupport.level (my step 2) when you re-enter life support the game would recreate the level from scrath (=never been there). Moving the file back (my step 5) is only necessary if you want to revert to the state of the level from your "normal" run after doing what you needed doing. Note that on some levels (e.g. Lobby) this method may lead to some quest issues - e.g. in the lobby the main quest will restart even if you have already progressed some way into it. Doesn't break anything from what I've seen, but you never know.

Good to know about Kirk appearing/things being also reset post-Apex arrival. I guess the game baselines levels using a different config as many things are quite different from that point on.
Thanks for the elaboration. I obviously misunderstood your method.
I discovered that Kirk Remmer appears as an Alive Phantom in the Lifesupport Escape Pods area, and if you kill him BEFORE gaining the quest, and loot him, he'll despawn, causing him to effectively not exist anymore.
That's what I did on my first playthrough and it didnn't stop me from completing and getting credit for the quest and getting credit for finding him. I found the transcribe that starts rhe quest long after I killed and looted Remmer. After playing the transcribe, I got the notice of a new objective that was immediately follwed with the notice that it was successfully completed. There will only be an issue if you don't loot Remmer, in which case the game does not record that you found him and it will be impossible to complete the quest.
Breach eredeti hozzászólása:
As of 1.04 he still has a 50:50 chance of spawning. E.g. on my current Nightmare run when I go to the escape pods in life support there's either:

1. A voltaic phantom and no Kirk or
2. A thermal phantom and Kirk

If you're unlucky here's the solution (assuming you're entering from Cargo bay and have already hit the issue:

1. Go back to Cargo Bay and save your game
2. Go to your save game slot and move lifesupport.level to a safe location
3. Load the save, enter life support - note that this would have reset the whole level so you'd have to do some killing/repairing to reach escape pods
4. Check escape pods - is Kirk there? Good if not rinse and repeat
5. After you find him and loot his body go back to cargo and save your game
6. Overwrite the lifesupport.level file to return it to the state you left it in at the very beginning. Make sure you do this in the save slot from step 5.

This technique can be used for fixing other spawn issues. Just make sure you're careful - create a backup of all your saves and make sure you're overwriting files in the right slot.

Good luck!

The level dosen't reset for me...I follow your steps but when i load the game up again and enter Life Support from Cargo Bay, Life Support isn't reset. :steamsad:
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