Dragon Age: Origins - Ultimate Edition

Dragon Age: Origins - Ultimate Edition

Bhelen or Harrowmont
Finished Bhelen quest, I think I have made the wrong decision tho...
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It really doesn't matter. Most choose based on the quests given. Harrowmont want's you to fight in the proving, Bhelen sends you to the deep roads.

Bhelen is ruthless but he does actually improve the lot of the poorer dwarves, Harrowmont is mostly a incompetent boob (story-wise).
Naposledy upravil DrZann; 12. srp. 2014 v 4.18
Did you preserve or destroy the Anvil? - I preferred Harrowmont as a story choice.
Harrowmont is a better man but Bhelen is a better leader if you have played the dwarf origin you will know how dirty Bhelen is but its what is best for orzammar.
I had blood in my eyes for Bhelen and will happily live with whatever may come from that decision.
Both are crappy people, honestly. Just in different ways.

If you're willing to make your Warden a bit dirtier, go with Behlen, as it comes with a better 'result' for Orzammar.

If you're not willing to be that scummy, go with Harrowmont, but know that he doesn't really do Orzammar any favors.

I went with Harrowmont. It helped that the dwarves are the least appealing race for me in Origins :P. As long as I'm not utterly dooming them, I'm fine with my actions regarding them :P
kane původně napsal:
Harrowmont is a better man but Bhelen is a better leader if you have played the dwarf origin you will know how dirty Bhelen is but its what is best for orzammar.

Behlen is dirty as hell but Harrowmont is steeped in bigoted traditions.

I'm glad I didn't play a dwarf and had to deal with this. Go Human Mages and their ability to make Templar and Mage Circle work together! lol
Make a save before you choose, and then look at how they react, you'll see which one is the good person, and which is the bad. morally i mean.
Harrowmont is the better man (or dwarf, I guess) as a person, but he is detrimental to Orzammar and the dwarves. He's cleaner and less dirty, but he is not a good candidate for King. Bhelen is a dirty swine, but he is very beneficial to the town and the lower class dwarves. If your warden is the holiest of the holy, righteous until the end, etc., then don't choose Bhelen, but if you're willing to get your hands just a little bit dirty to make the Dwarves be better off, then choose Bhelen.
Having chosen a human mage (Amell family) as my first Dragon Age character, I regret not having the chance to participate more directly in these political schemes. I do wish Dragon Age 2 had a quest to help those who have unfairly suffered because I supported Harrowmont. Since the exiled Aeducan son is either the Hero or left as a foot note, it doesn't fit the game if Hawke helps the Aeducan exile. But the Deep Roads and empty thaigs in Dragon Age 2 seem empty without dwarves.
Naposledy upravil roninbernie; 22. zář. 2014 v 3.48
The dwarf origin was kinda cool but was a disappoinment playing as a dwarf. Literally nothing important is different when you go to Orzammar if you play as dwarf noble. And to think how many times I forced myself to play dwarf and when I finally do it I get nothing as a reward except a bunch of "what are you doing back exile?" speeches and a shield ( I admit it's a decent shield ). Biggest disappointment in this game.
As for Bhelan or Harrowmont, like everyone else said, they are both terrible. I guess it just depends on your views regarding entitlement. If you think bloodline royalty is important chose Bhelan, he's a prick, backstabber, liar and oportunist. But he is overall a better leader because he is so invested and dedicated ( obssed maybe? ) to ruling the kindom. On the other hand Harrowmont is your regular boring, without any sort of personality because he was always the king's second so he has become in my opinion just a copy of him. While stuck in the old ways and tradition he is also a more lenient ruler.
There's no good or bad choice, it's just a matter of personal prefference, depending on how they make you feel when you talk to them, which kinda sucks because this should be an important story plot.
I chose Harrowmont on my 1st playthrough because i chose a Dwarf Noble and got screwed over by Bhelan in the beginning
I always choose Harrowmont whenever I play the game, but at the end I always feel bad for choosing him. He's a bad leader but Bheln is a jerk. So whatever you choose you're going to end up regretting either one. It's so freaking annoying.
You have to pay attention to the story. Its tricky. DA Dwarves are darker than a blood mage. Bhelen is a murderous bastard. You disagree with him and you get axed, literally. If you are a defeated political enemy, he will kill you. If he is not chosen, he will try to take by force.
If you play the Dwarf Commoner, why would you not choose Bhelen?
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Datum zveřejnění: 12. srp. 2014 v 3.57
Počet příspěvků: 17