Legend of Miro

Legend of Miro

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erretter Aug 19, 2016 @ 3:42am
RPG maker with own sprites or own engine?
Or... something totally different?
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Showing 1-13 of 13 comments
djeby  [developer] Aug 19, 2016 @ 3:58pm 
Not RPG Maker. It is 001 Game Creator + Our own scripts. Also, we have a mix of own sprites and some are from another artist.
djeby  [developer] Aug 19, 2016 @ 4:38pm 
Originally posted by Kijuta:
Originally posted by djeby:
Not RPG Maker. It is 001 Game Creator + Our own scripts. Also, we have a mix of own sprites and some are from another artist.
So the answer would be, "not technically" a rpg maker. But it's the exact same ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ thing when it comes down to the actual work you put into it.. This by all means is the same thing AS AN RPG MAKER, that is NOT my opinion. It is a fact to state this is a type of RPG maker engine, whether you agree or not djeby is irrelevant.

Misleading tools like this guy, UGH!.. Yay for talentless ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥, lol.

Nothing is misleading. I did not say it is not an RPG Maker style game. I responded to the user's question.
No, we did not use RPG Maker, we used a different software called 001 Game Creator.

I don't understand what you mean to say with scamming people. Everyone can see what the game looks like, what it offers and so on. No one obliges you to buy it. You don't like it, you don't buy it. As simple as that.

As stated before, this is our first title, so yes, we are not as experienced as other developers maybe.

Also we are not as "gifted" as you are.

I hope this answers your questions. Please leave your frustration aside for smaller games and don't troll and mislead people with childish comments.

I am not here to argue or mislead anyone. I just answer the questions directed at me.

Oh, by the way, i'm not actually a kid, i'm 26 and my name is Vlad. Nice to meet you :)

Another thing, please maintain a civilized language, or I will have to ban you, since children might see your message.

If you want to have a civilized dialogue with us, i will gladly respond to your questions about the game, if not, you are free to ignore this game :)

I wish you a great day and leave the anger and frustration aside. It is better for you and everyone else.

Another thing I wanted to clear for you is the fact that we worked 8 months, a team of only two people, for this game.

With what you say, basically you only consider games, the ones that are developed from scratch, without any engine, without any framework?

Why not use the available tools and frameworks that are intended to help developers?

Why reinvent the wheel when it already exists?
Last edited by djeby; Aug 19, 2016 @ 5:06pm
erretter Aug 19, 2016 @ 11:12pm 
Well I don´t know... I don´t want to buy a game that has been put to gether instead of being coded.
djeby  [developer] Aug 19, 2016 @ 11:34pm 
Originally posted by Erretter:
Well I don´t know... I don´t want to buy a game that has been put to gether instead of being coded.

It is your choice. It is not put together only. The use of frameworks or engines does not mean there is no coding involved. But like I said, it is your choice. :)

Have a great day.
djeby  [developer] Aug 20, 2016 @ 12:16am 
@Kijuta: Like i said before, you read between the lines. Because of your swearing, I will have to ban you from this community. Sorry, but you cannot control or keep a decent language.
naomha Aug 21, 2016 @ 4:38pm 
Originally posted by Kijuta:
Originally posted by djeby:
Not RPG Maker. It is 001 Game Creator + Our own scripts. Also, we have a mix of own sprites and some are from another artist.
So the answer would be, "not technically" a rpg maker. But it's the exact same ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ thing when it comes down to the actual work you put into it.. This by all means is the same thing AS AN RPG MAKER, that is NOT my opinion. It is a fact to state this is a type of RPG maker engine, whether you agree or not djeby is irrelevant.

Misleading tools like this guy, UGH!.. Yay for talentless ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥, lol.



Personally, I'm glad he got banned. Listen, it's one thing to play through a game and make valid reviews based on your experience. It's another thing to try to tear down a developer that has obviously worked hard on their game because you're just a knucklehead. To each their own though. People have no respect any longer, I swear.
djeby  [developer] Aug 21, 2016 @ 11:01pm 
Originally posted by naomha:
Originally posted by Kijuta:
So the answer would be, "not technically" a rpg maker. But it's the exact same ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ thing when it comes down to the actual work you put into it.. This by all means is the same thing AS AN RPG MAKER, that is NOT my opinion. It is a fact to state this is a type of RPG maker engine, whether you agree or not djeby is irrelevant.

Misleading tools like this guy, UGH!.. Yay for talentless ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥, lol.



Personally, I'm glad he got banned. Listen, it's one thing to play through a game and make valid reviews based on your experience. It's another thing to try to tear down a developer that has obviously worked hard on their game because you're just a knucklehead. To each their own though. People have no respect any longer, I swear.

Yes, of course. I am willing to have a dialogue with anyone, even if they have negative feedback. This is how we learn to get better.

But this has to stop, just because a game is built in a certain engine, doesn't mean it is bad.

I did not want to ban him, but no one wants to see him insulting without valid arguments.

Thanks for understanding.
namianwu Aug 22, 2016 @ 9:30am 
Originally posted by djeby:
Originally posted by naomha:



Personally, I'm glad he got banned. Listen, it's one thing to play through a game and make valid reviews based on your experience. It's another thing to try to tear down a developer that has obviously worked hard on their game because you're just a knucklehead. To each their own though. People have no respect any longer, I swear.

Yes, of course. I am willing to have a dialogue with anyone, even if they have negative feedback. This is how we learn to get better.

But this has to stop, just because a game is built in a certain engine, doesn't mean it is bad.

I did not want to ban him, but no one wants to see him insulting without valid arguments.

Thanks for understanding.

Don't worry about it, djeby. I think the only talentless one here was that guy, as he hides behind his cloak of anonymity to do what he would never dare to in real life.

Good luck on the launch of your game, and hope you guys do well.
djeby  [developer] Aug 22, 2016 @ 9:31am 
Originally posted by namianwu:
Originally posted by djeby:

Yes, of course. I am willing to have a dialogue with anyone, even if they have negative feedback. This is how we learn to get better.

But this has to stop, just because a game is built in a certain engine, doesn't mean it is bad.

I did not want to ban him, but no one wants to see him insulting without valid arguments.

Thanks for understanding.

Don't worry about it, djeby. I think the only talentless one here was that guy, as he hides behind his cloak of anonymity to do what he would never dare to in real life.

Good luck on the launch of your game, and hope you guys do well.

Thanks a lot. I appreciate it. The game is now live :)
The sad part about engines like RPG maker and the like is the hate they generate. I understand that many have tried to slap a "game" together in a short time using only stock assets in an attempt to make a quick buck but these titles are easy to spot and simple to avoid.

The problem lies with the "kiddies" (has nothing to do with your age) that have no idea the actual amount of work creating a game from scratch is. It is easy to see that you put work into this game and using assets provided from someone else helps ease that work load (why do you think the assets were created in the first place?)

It shouldn't matter WHAT assets are used but HOW they are used that determines the quality of a game.

Needless to say, ignore the hate Djeby, keep working, improving and learning (You know what they say about Rome). Trolls are people with no talent and no work ethic trying to tear others down to their level so they don't feel so lonely in the shallow end of the gene pool.
djeby  [developer] Aug 22, 2016 @ 9:33am 
Originally posted by ᴚᴏᴚᴚᴈ ⊗:
The sad part about engines like RPG maker and the like is the hate they generate. I understand that many have tried to slap a "game" together in a short time using only stock assets in an attempt to make a quick buck but these titles are easy to spot and simple to avoid.

The problem lies with the "kiddies" (has nothing to do with your age) that have no idea the actual amount of work creating a game from scratch is. It is easy to see that you put work into this game and using assets provided from someone else helps ease that work load (why do you think the assets were created in the first place?)

It shouldn't matter WHAT assets are used but HOW they are used that determines the quality of a game.

Needless to say, ignore the hate Djeby, keep working, improving and learning (You know what they say about Rome). Trolls are people with no talent and no work ethic trying to tear others down to their level so they don't feel so lonely in the shallow end of the gene pool.

Thanks a lot. I know. I appreciate your support.
cinedine Aug 22, 2016 @ 12:51pm 
Originally posted by Erretter:
Well I don´t know... I don´t want to buy a game that has been put to gether instead of being coded.

Every game is more or less "put together". You'd be an idiot if you don't use tools to lighten your work. Especially in programming to reduce so called boilerplate code.
The marketplaces for Unity and Unreal Engine 4 are full of blueprints, the internet is full of code snippets and libraries to use. Even major studios rather use those and some toolage instead of trying to re-invent the wheel every time.

I rather buy a game using a proven toolset and engine then some homebrew with who-knows how many bugs the developer didn't caught or can't even fix.
crmagic Aug 26, 2016 @ 5:25am 
Stardew valley was made entirely from scratch using C# and probably a game engine pre-made for that language.

It took him 4 YEARS to complete, and he had to drop a major feature to do THAT.

Very few people can dedicate 4 years of free time to something that may never turn a profit. That's way game creators exist. It drops dev time down to maybe 2 YEARS instead. So people can get things out in a decent time frame.

Either way, you get exactly as much out as you put into it. People who judge games by use of game creators are the same type of idiots who think waiters should focus solely on their pleasure for an hour then leave no tip.
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