Surviving Mars

Surviving Mars

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Enorats 17. maj 2019 kl. 20:22
Turning off ONLY dust devils
Is there any way to turn off only dust devils? These things are absolutely horrendous in their implementation. They wipe out half my exterior buildings every like 3 minutes, despite my being on a map that barely has them.

I'm getting the feeling that they spawn in basically the same location every single time, which is just absurd, and that location just happened to be the spot with 3 science boosts and a comfort boost clustered on top of one another.

I want to experience the other "disasters", especially since I have a feeling without them the terraforming process will be beyond boring.. but I really want these dust devils to just go away and never come back.
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Viser 1-13 af 13 kommentarer
Antpile 17. maj 2019 kl. 20:49 
I've yet to see one. I'm on a map where I get meteor showers and nothing else apparently, but so far nothing has been hit.
Enorats 17. maj 2019 kl. 21:13 
I seem to have solved the problem.

I placed a tiny dome over the spawn location and filled it with children. For some reason I haven't seen a dust devil in the area since.
Mnementh  [udvikler] 18. maj 2019 kl. 0:36 
Hi, Enorats!

Dust devil's are localized disaster. They always spawn in the same locations, which are represented with distinctive terrain - curly brown lines on the ground.
Sidst redigeret af Mnementh; 18. maj 2019 kl. 0:36
Ketamarine 18. maj 2019 kl. 23:58 
Oprindeligt skrevet af Mnementh:
Hi, Enorats!

Dust devil's are localized disaster. They always spawn in the same locations, which are represented with distinctive terrain - curly brown lines on the ground.

Wow I never knew that in like 100 hours.

What are those weird looking things that seem to be shooting dust out of the ground? I always thought it was some mystery related thing, but it was never involved in any of the myteries I've done...
DirtyBlue929 19. maj 2019 kl. 0:02 
I think you may be referring to dust storms - dust devils are what Ketamarine and the dev pointed out - areas with black lines on the ground that occasionally spit out immobile dust tornadoes and polymers. Dust storms can be turned off in the game rules without disabling achievements. Have fun!
Sidst redigeret af DirtyBlue929; 19. maj 2019 kl. 0:04
Mnementh  [udvikler] 19. maj 2019 kl. 0:43 
Oprindeligt skrevet af Ketamarine:
Oprindeligt skrevet af Mnementh:
Hi, Enorats!

Dust devil's are localized disaster. They always spawn in the same locations, which are represented with distinctive terrain - curly brown lines on the ground.
What are those weird looking things that seem to be shooting dust out of the ground? I always thought it was some mystery related thing, but it was never involved in any of the myteries I've done...
These are another localized disaster - dust geysers. They have the same effect as dust devils but are immobile. Dust devils and dust geysers apply dust to nearby buildings, increasing their maintenance.
n3mes1s 1. juni 2022 kl. 23:00 
Oprindeligt skrevet af Mnementh:
Hi, Enorats!

Dust devil's are localized disaster. They always spawn in the same locations, which are represented with distinctive terrain - curly brown lines on the ground.

Wrong or, why the missinformation?. Im sorry to necro this post but i guess this broke time ago? because ive seen dust devils being spawned everywhere without any curly marks on the ground or they spawn far way from them (i dont know how it works anymore, really). Its ridiculous. I was precisely avoiding those zones without avail lmao. I get dust devils everywhere. And it wont matter, dust devils advance through two entire sectors at least.. And it ruined my gameplay to the point that i no longer have the will to keep playing this game if i just cant design the colony i like without worrying about placing thousands of waste rock deposits and landpads everywhere. And no, i dont want to play sandbox with everything turned off. Disgusting.
Sidst redigeret af n3mes1s; 1. juni 2022 kl. 23:04
Alex 2. juni 2022 kl. 0:19 
Oprindeligt skrevet af n3mes1s:
Oprindeligt skrevet af Mnementh:
Hi, Enorats!

Dust devil's are localized disaster. They always spawn in the same locations, which are represented with distinctive terrain - curly brown lines on the ground.

Wrong or, why the missinformation?. Im sorry to necro this post but i guess this broke time ago? because ive seen dust devils being spawned everywhere without any curly marks on the ground or they spawn far way from them (i dont know how it works anymore, really). Its ridiculous. I was precisely avoiding those zones without avail lmao. I get dust devils everywhere. And it wont matter, dust devils advance through two entire sectors at least.. And it ruined my gameplay to the point that i no longer have the will to keep playing this game if i just cant design the colony i like without worrying about placing thousands of waste rock deposits and landpads everywhere. And no, i dont want to play sandbox with everything turned off. Disgusting.
That was one of the devs, so it should've been correct, at least at that time. Nowadays, the dust devils do spawn all around the map. That's what you get for shameless necroposting instead of making a new thread.

But since I'm feeling generous, here's a "fix" for your troubles: dust devils are blocked by big waste dumps, so just wall off your colony with them.
n3mes1s 2. juni 2022 kl. 8:47 
Oh my, so you just had to reply with another useless post, telling me to do WHAT I ALREADY DID AND EXPLAINED IN MY POST, because obviously you didnt even bother to read my post at all. Classic. And if i am shameless for necro posting you should be even more shameless to respond with a completely useless answer with the only purpose of trying to get attention to yourself, like always. kids, sigh. Oh wait, i had you already blocked for a reason, i knew something was off lol. Dam steam keeps unlogging me all the time.
Sidst redigeret af n3mes1s; 2. juni 2022 kl. 9:19
SkiRich 2. juni 2022 kl. 9:27 
Oprindeligt skrevet af n3mes1s:
Oprindeligt skrevet af Mnementh:
Hi, Enorats!

Dust devil's are localized disaster. They always spawn in the same locations, which are represented with distinctive terrain - curly brown lines on the ground.

Wrong or, why the missinformation?. Im sorry to necro this post but i guess this broke time ago? because ive seen dust devils being spawned everywhere without any curly marks on the ground or they spawn far way from them (i dont know how it works anymore, really). Its ridiculous. I was precisely avoiding those zones without avail lmao. I get dust devils everywhere. And it wont matter, dust devils advance through two entire sectors at least.. And it ruined my gameplay to the point that i no longer have the will to keep playing this game if i just cant design the colony i like without worrying about placing thousands of waste rock deposits and landpads everywhere. And no, i dont want to play sandbox with everything turned off. Disgusting.
Dude, you replied to the developer thats no longer a developer, calling them a liar for a post about Dust devils from 3 years ago. The game and developer has changed significantly since then. Its not misinformation if its true at the time of posting. Such is the danger for replying to a necroed post.
n3mes1s 2. juni 2022 kl. 9:31 
Oprindeligt skrevet af SkiRich:
Its not misinformation if its true at the time of posting. Such is the danger for replying to a necroed post.

And yet, there is not a single piece of information saying that the behaviour of dust devils changed in two years, meaning that they are just broken and have been broken since a long time. And it was the same in 2020, the last time i played before i came back. So, this is still missinformation. And if developers of today have a sense of dignity, they will at least try to avoid future missinformations (not that it matters at this point anyways). Thats the general purpose of my post. Also... how do you know that "dev" is no longer a dev? wait, dont bother to answer that lol.
Sidst redigeret af n3mes1s; 2. juni 2022 kl. 9:33
SkiRich 2. juni 2022 kl. 9:38 
He's still a dev, just not for SM anymore since Pdox dropped HG.
Engineer 2. juni 2022 kl. 9:38 
This thread has been locked. Please refrain from necroing threads. It is highly frowned upon by the community and may be regarded as spam. Thank you for your understanding.
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Dato opslået: 17. maj 2019 kl. 20:22
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