Final Days
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Mike (+7 Software)  [utvikler] 11. okt. 2016 kl. 21.46
This is where I'll post changelogs and patch notes for every version I release. If you'd like to be notified about changes, then just subscribe to this discussion (I've locked this thread so that I'm the only one posting here).
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Mike (+7 Software)  [utvikler] 11. okt. 2016 kl. 21.50 
v0.16.2 alpha
  • Fixed: Mouse position could be incorrect in fullscreen when multiple monitors with different resolutions are connected
  • Added: Log details of graphics adapters (to help with troubleshooting)
  • Added check at startup to ensure the graphics device supports at least Direct3D feature level 9_3 (DirectX 9.0c)
Mike (+7 Software)  [utvikler] 13. okt. 2016 kl. 17.59 
v0.16.2.1 alpha
  • Fixed: Potential "ObjectDisposedException" crash when closing the game
Mike (+7 Software)  [utvikler] 16. okt. 2016 kl. 19.20 
v0.16.3 alpha
  • Fixed: Server would crash if hosting a public game and port 27015 (used for Steam server browser) was already in use. Now tries to find the first available port from: 27015-27020, 26900-26905, 4242
  • Added: Now also attempts to forward the Steam server browser port via UPnP
  • Changed: If Windows Media Player is not installed and user does not want to install it, then ask them if they'd like to play anyway with music disabled
  • Added: Can disable music (and Windows Media Player requirement) with command line switch: /nomusic
Mike (+7 Software)  [utvikler] 28. okt. 2016 kl. 3.18 
v0.17 Release Announcement
v0.17.0 alpha
  • Added new animated field of view effect (to better distinguish it from lighting effects) (NOTE: Only enabled when graphics quality is at least "medium")
  • Changed visual effect when picking up items (no more screen flash)
  • Added sound effects for picking up health and armour
  • Added: Ammo name pops out of player whenever the ammo type is changed
  • Changed: Bullet trails are now a slightly different colour depending on ammo type
  • Changed: Game now starts in fullscreen on the main display by default (instead of the active display)
  • Added: Can now select which display to go fullscreen on (under video options)
v0.17.0.1 alpha
  • Added: Host can now change map and/or difficulty via in-game menu (or options menu in the dedicated server)
  • Fixed: The map select screen didn't select the current map on opening
  • Changed: Scroll arrow controls in the server browser screen are now only enabled if scrolling is possible
v0.17.0.2 alpha
  • Added new large map: Graveyard
  • Changed: Made aiming accuracy less harsh. Walking (holding Shift for KB controls) now has no accuracy penalty. Accuracy also improves a lot faster now when moving slowly.
  • Changed: Removed "always run" option (for KB controls). Player now runs normally, and walks when holding Shift.
  • Changed: Added chat key to controller help screen
  • Changed: Centred keyboard help screen
  • Changed: Made Final Days title graphic animated
  • Added Steam forums link to More Info menu
v0.17.0.3 alpha
  • Added final stats after game over for single player
Sist redigert av Mike (+7 Software); 27. jan. 2018 kl. 17.34
Mike (+7 Software)  [utvikler] 6. nov. 2016 kl. 1.24 
v0.17.0.4 alpha
  • Included "LogUploader" application to make uploading of log files easier
Sist redigert av Mike (+7 Software); 26. des. 2016 kl. 16.44
Mike (+7 Software)  [utvikler] 8. nov. 2016 kl. 20.34 
v0.17.0.5 alpha
  • Added some additional logging to try help diagnose a couple of rare crashes
Sist redigert av Mike (+7 Software); 26. des. 2016 kl. 16.44
Mike (+7 Software)  [utvikler] 11. nov. 2016 kl. 2.17 
v0.17.1 alpha
  • Fixed: Field of view TV static effect was messed up in split-screen mode
  • Changed: Only show white screen flash when spawning in split-screen mode
Sist redigert av Mike (+7 Software); 26. des. 2016 kl. 16.44
Mike (+7 Software)  [utvikler] 13. nov. 2016 kl. 18.12 
v0.17.1.1 alpha
  • Fixed: Hopefully fixed crash at startup which I think was caused by messed up NVIDIA DSR (Dynamic Super Resolution) settings
Sist redigert av Mike (+7 Software); 26. des. 2016 kl. 16.44
Mike (+7 Software)  [utvikler] 23. nov. 2016 kl. 1.55 
v0.18 Release Announcement
v0.18.0 alpha
  • Added training mode
v0.18.0.1 alpha
  • Merged changes from v0.17.1
v0.18.0.2 alpha
  • Merged changes from v0.17.1.1
  • Changed: Simplified full screen video options
  • Added custom graphics quality settings (available under Video Options > Advanced). Can now disable the animated field of view effect if the original plain black version is preferred.
v0.18.0.3 alpha
  • Changed: Increased the max active enemies on all maps to 200. This almost doubles the previous limit for most maps.
  • Changed: Increased number of enemies in "Carpark"
  • Changed: Increased number of crates in "The Wall" and "Graveyard", and decreased in "Duplex"
  • Changed: Increased number of barrels in all maps (except "Crossroads")
  • Changed: Improved appearance of TV static effect
  • Fixed some minor performance issues with the training stage
v0.18.0.4 alpha
  • Added new map: "Hotel Floor"
  • Changed: Made the larger fonts a little sharper
Sist redigert av Mike (+7 Software); 27. jan. 2018 kl. 17.35
Mike (+7 Software)  [utvikler] 24. nov. 2016 kl. 23.50 
v0.18.0.5 alpha
  • Fixed: Potential crash at startup if the graphics adapter/driver is unsupported
Sist redigert av Mike (+7 Software); 26. des. 2016 kl. 16.44
Mike (+7 Software)  [utvikler] 25. nov. 2016 kl. 4.38 
v0.18.1 alpha
  • Fixed: In multi-player games, enemy counts weren't reset properly after everyone died. This resulted in there being more enemies than normal after continuing.
Sist redigert av Mike (+7 Software); 26. des. 2016 kl. 16.44
Mike (+7 Software)  [utvikler] 22. des. 2016 kl. 1.25 
v0.19 Release Announcement
v0.19.0 alpha
  • Changed: Networking: Improved responsiveness of packet re-sending and reduced potential connection choking
  • Changed: Networking: Reduced connection timeout to 10 seconds (from 25s)
  • Fixed: Try to gracefully handle missing/corrupted content (instead of crashing)
v0.19.0.1 alpha
  • Changed: Cycling the camera between players is now much smoother (particularly on high latency connections)
  • Changed: Camera movement is now much smoother in spectator mode (particularly when there's a lot of enemies on screen)
  • Fixed: The initial pings shown in the server browser were usually higher than the actual ping. Now a second ping is sent immediately after the first to get a more accurate result sooner.
  • Fixed: Other players labels could sometimes be cut off on the right or bottom edges of the screen
v0.19.0.2 alpha
  • Changed: Made frame rate much smoother when vertical sync is disabled
  • Changed: Made movement of off-screen players much smoother
v0.19.0.3 alpha
  • [Steam] Changed: Map name is now shown in the Steam server browser
  • Changed: Server Browser: Improved handling and display of errors
  • Changed: Server Browser: Added animation to "Finding Games" message
  • Changed: Made bullet trails sharper and brighter
  • Changed: Made camera movement a little smoother
  • Changed: Server Browser: Show server version (if available)
v0.19.0.4 alpha
  • Added: Can now launch dedicated server directly when starting a game
  • Added: Dedicated Server: Now shows required bandwidth in config screen
  • Fixed: In some rare circumstances, the game would not start in full screen mode correctly and would instead appear as a small window in the top-left of the screen
  • Fixed: The "chat active" notification wasn't flashing anymore
  • Added new "World Detail" graphics quality option which basically controls the maximum visible amount of debris and blood. The "Low" and "Medium" presets now have improved performance as a result.
  • Fixed: Position of off-screen players could be incorrect at first after they spawned
  • Changed: Frame rate setting is now part of advanced video options. The "High" and "Medium" presets use 60fps, and the "Low" preset uses 30fps.
  • Changed: To make advanced video options less confusing, it now only has a "back" option instead of both "apply" and "cancel"
  • Fixed: Vertical alignment of message box options was incorrect
v0.19.0.5 alpha
  • [Steam] Fixed: The last pressed key/button in the Steam overlay could carry across into the game (e.g. pressing "Escape" to close the Steam overlay could result in "Escape" also being pressed in game)
  • [Steam] Added: When using a controller and manually connecting to a server, Steam's "Big Picture" gamepad text input is now used for entering the address (if you're in Big Picture mode)
  • Fixed: Game would crash when starting training mode (broken in v0.19.0.3)
  • [Steam] Added official Steam Controller support
v0.19.0.6 alpha
  • Fixed: Crash when joining a game from the server browser (broken in v0.19.0.5)
v0.19.0.7 alpha
  • Fixed: Normalize names and text before displaying them (should at least display fullwidth latin characters now)
  • Fixed: Server: Added a basic check for missing content at startup (to try avoid crash if game was not installed correctly)
  • Changed: Gamepad: "RS-Click" now also opens/closes doors, and "X" now also cycles ammo types (the opposite direction to "Y")
  • Changed: Can now display in-game help using a controller (instead of having to press "F1" on the keyboard)
  • Changed: Improved appearance of help for Keyboard/Mouse and Steam Controller
  • [Steam] Changed: Steam Controller: Added a small inner deadzone to the touchpad to make turning less sensitive in the centre
  • [Steam] Changed: Steam Controller: Can now disable option to ignore accidental touches (via control options)
  • Changed: Tried to make exit options clearer
  • [Steam] Fixed: Final Days sometimes relaunched after exiting when using Steam Big Picture and a Steam Controller
v0.19.0.8 alpha
  • [Steam] Fixed: Made initialisation of the Steam Controller more robust (to avoid potential crashes if the config is invalid)
  • [Steam] Fixed: Server: If Steam game server failed to initialise, the server would crash when a user tried to connect
Sist redigert av Mike (+7 Software); 27. jan. 2018 kl. 17.35
Mike (+7 Software)  [utvikler] 26. des. 2016 kl. 16.43 
v0.19.1 alpha
  • Fixed rare crash related to setting music volume
  • [Steam] Fixed: App could take 5 seconds longer to start if there were no Steam Controllers connected
  • Fixed: Prevent screensaver from starting while Final Days is running (needed when using a controller)
  • Fixed: Server: Prevent computer from going to sleep while dedicated server is running
Mike (+7 Software)  [utvikler] 1. jan. 2017 kl. 21.51 
v0.19.1.1 Release Announcement
v0.19.1.1 alpha
  • [Steam] Fixed: When launching the dedicated server from the game, the game would still appear as "running" in Steam and could not be launched again until the dedicated server was closed.
Sist redigert av Mike (+7 Software); 27. jan. 2018 kl. 17.36
Mike (+7 Software)  [utvikler] 27. jan. 2017 kl. 1.22 
v0.20 Release Announcement
v0.20.0 alpha
  • Added: Can now drag objects
  • Changed: All windows now use the Final Days icon
  • Changed: After starting the dedicated server from the game, move the server window to the foreground
  • Changed: Made some performance improvements
v0.20.0.1 alpha
  • Changed: Increased the object throw force a bit
  • Added: Can now drop ammo that you're carrying (to give it to other players). Only works with non-standard ammo when you have at least 1 full clip left.
  • Changed: Greatly improved the smoothness of physics updates (particularly when there's a lot of enemies on screen, or on high latency connections)
  • Changed: Improved lag compensation for shooting
v0.20.0.2 alpha
  • Fixed a rare potential crash related to the new physics updates changes (introduced in v0.20.0.1)
  • Fixed: Alleviated some performance bottlenecks in the server
v0.20.0.3 alpha
  • Changed: Added a gradient effect to the bullet trails
  • Changed: Updated the fonts to include the most common Latin and Cyrillic characters
  • Fixed: Pressing "Q" while typing feedback would act like the user clicked "Cancel"
  • Fixed: Pressing "Q" or "E" while entering text in the menu (e.g. manual connect, or player name) would act like "Cancel" or "Enter"
  • Fixed: UPnP port forwarding did not work in some cases, even though it was configured correctly
  • Fixed: Enemies could sometimes appear to not move (introduced in v0.20.0.1)
v0.20.0.4 alpha
  • Fixed: Sound effects could sometimes be too loud
  • Changed: Updated training mode to mention how to drop ammo
v0.20.0.5 alpha
  • Changed: Dedicated Server: Keep CPU usage to a minimum when there's connections
  • Added new map: "Hospital" (inspired by a concept from Makofire)
  • Changed: Mode/Map select screen now shows map size in the description
Sist redigert av Mike (+7 Software); 27. jan. 2018 kl. 17.37
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