Ultra Street Fighter IV

Ultra Street Fighter IV

Controller issues to the max
I'm using DS4 tool to use my PS4 controller on PC (due to it being the only available thing for me to use)
It's totally fine fighting online (other than being difficult to input combos on), but in arcade any time Start is pressed it does "A NEW WARRIOR HAS ENTERED THE RING" and takes me to character select screen for 2p VS, which is only mildly annoying, but still part of the problem.
Another issue is that the UI on the main menu displays that it thinks my controller is a keyboard, and the control settings also reflect this; rendering me incapable of changing button binds.
Any help would be appreciated

- Just in case: yes, I have xb360 drivers installed
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16/6 megjegyzés mutatása
i also use the DS4 controller and i have no problem what so ever... i connect it with a cable from DS4 to the PC thats it.. no other program needed.. and when im in Street Fighter i go into controll settings and pick wireless controller, thats all i need to do and works every time.,
Ah, switching the inputs of everything that wasn't wireless controller worked for me; thanks!
No problem :) glad that i could help :)
I'm having this same problem and can't figure out how to fix it. What exactly did you do to stop it from thinking its a keyboard? EDIT: Never mind, I fixed it.
Legutóbb szerkesztette: Supez38; 2014. aug. 25., 21:02
Any time you have more then 1 controller plugged in or set up you run the risk of arcade mode giving you controller swap when pressing start. Only real way around this is to have only 1 controller plugged in or not use start to skip scenes.

Crapcom has NEVER addressed the issue of VS mode asking what controller you're using every time you go to the character select screen. They seem to think that this isn't annoying enough to bother giving us the option to specify which is which in the options. Some idiots seem to think that it's so people with big parties can use multiple controllers without having to go into options but the reality is it just messes up the win/loss records as player 2 will eventually click themselves before player 1 and cause the controller swap.

I bring this up EVERY month and EVERY month Crapcom just completely ignores the issue as something they are not going to waste resources on. It would be an extremely easy fix that would only take up a single programmers time for less then an hour but that's apparently asking way too much. Consols do not have this problem so that makes it a non issue from their standpoint. Same reason they didn't bother to make sure netcode was working on PC.

I really wish more people complained about this rather then accepting it. 1 man bringing it up each month is no where near enough to catch their tunnel vision. Unlike netcode this is something they could fix instantly if they bothered. Keep up the bad work Crapcom. Just keep making more costume packs I guess.
Legutóbb szerkesztette: DirtyStinkyHippy; 2014. aug. 26., 10:37
yeah, well said man, they sure do love to not fix the important things
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16/6 megjegyzés mutatása
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Közzétéve: 2014. ápr. 11., 16:04
Hozzászólások: 6