Oxygen Not Included

Oxygen Not Included

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KoryTheKind Oct 21, 2022 @ 2:08pm
Somnium synthesizer stopped?
There isn't squat for information about this new building. The current status of it is: Fully Restored, but it's in a permanent off state.

It has a backlog of o2, as well as 24 dream journals, with a bunch of dream journals on the floor of the sleepers room.

Is this a bug, or am I missing something? I thought it was supposed to be always on as long as it has o2 and journals.

I disabled the building, and enabled it, which caused it to work

Alternatively saving, and loading works.
Last edited by KoryTheKind; Oct 21, 2022 @ 2:30pm
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Showing 1-10 of 10 comments
Cherlo Oct 30, 2022 @ 4:15am 
It stopped working for me also. Fully Restored but no dream journal count. It went to 25, activated the buff then after a while did nothing. I assume the buff has a time limit then you're supposed to collect 25 journals again? DIsabling didn't work. Restart didn't work.
Last edited by Cherlo; Oct 30, 2022 @ 4:16am
kampfer91 Oct 30, 2022 @ 6:22am 
Seems it need to supply oxygen and dream journal again .
Baruna87 Oct 30, 2022 @ 10:10am 
also for me stop working, a have to disable/enable to make it work, but only work for some minutes and stop again, a have 32 dupes all with pijamas,
KoryTheKind Oct 30, 2022 @ 2:24pm 
It does require a regular amount of oxygen and dream journals to keep it up and running.

To optimize the structure I have a mini base next to it, with 6 ladder beds, those 6 dupes have a 100% sleep schedule. A fridge under them in an airflow tile C02 pit is full of 10kg food, they have a couple of toilets as well.

With that said, the only thing that can go wrong is the machine, it has more than enough o2 from 4+ electrolyzers, and a steady supply of dream journals.
Cherlo Oct 31, 2022 @ 7:43am 
It was working for me. It's just that the text that normally displays the dream journal count on the tooltip text is gone. Maybe replaced with "Fully Restored"? Now I have to look at the details at the bottom to see the dream journal count.

I dont understand the !00% sleep schedule thing. At first, I tried setting up a special schedule for the sleepers so they would sleep more often but they still only sleep until their fatigue is fully restored. So they end up sleeping the same amount of time regardless of how much time is alotted. I'm just training the sleepers until they have a reasonable athletics skill with pajamas and then put them back to work.
KoryTheKind Nov 2, 2022 @ 6:59am 
Originally posted by Cherlo:
It was working for me. It's just that the text that normally displays the dream journal count on the tooltip text is gone. Maybe replaced with "Fully Restored"? Now I have to look at the details at the bottom to see the dream journal count.

I dont understand the !00% sleep schedule thing. At first, I tried setting up a special schedule for the sleepers so they would sleep more often but they still only sleep until their fatigue is fully restored. So they end up sleeping the same amount of time regardless of how much time is alotted. I'm just training the sleepers until they have a reasonable athletics skill with pajamas and then put them back to work.

As long as your dupes are getting that constant bonus from the machine, and the machine is active.

There are two general approaches, having a bunch of dupes wearing PJs with a normal schedule, or maybe +1-2 more sleep blocks, or just having 6 constantly sleeping. They will still go to the bathroom and eat, even with a 100% sleep schedule.

Once I got my base extended to the sleep machine, and had all the infrastructure in place, then the next few dupes I pulled from the printing pod are ones I specifically wanted for the eternal sleep crew. I just prefer them to have the PJs rather than my whole colony.

I don't need to train their athletics, as the bathroom and food is within 10 tiles of their sleep beds.

Last edited by KoryTheKind; Nov 2, 2022 @ 7:17am
lordironvein Dec 2, 2022 @ 4:33pm 
is there some other requirements to use this building? I've got O2 supplied and pajamas set aside and assigned, but they don't wear them.

I suspect a distance issue (currently it's quite far from my barracks; just above the magma layer), but nothing was specifically mentioned.
Nett Feb 24, 2023 @ 11:57am 
This problem has persisted. is it a known bug?
KoryTheKind Feb 24, 2023 @ 1:36pm 
Originally posted by lordironvein:
is there some other requirements to use this building? I've got O2 supplied and pajamas set aside and assigned, but they don't wear them.

I suspect a distance issue (currently it's quite far from my barracks; just above the magma layer), but nothing was specifically mentioned.

Someone needs to pick up the dream journals and pack them into the machine, you can't automate that unfortunately (last time I played mid last year)
KoryTheKind Feb 24, 2023 @ 1:36pm 
Originally posted by Nett:
This problem has persisted. is it a known bug?

Perhaps, did you try loading your saved game or exiting the game? That seemed to fix it for me.
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Date Posted: Oct 21, 2022 @ 2:08pm
Posts: 10