Fortix 2
Starting to move and dissapear
Hey guys,

I'm on the third level right now and when I try to conquer land my character dissapears in a red flash.

I'm not hit by any enemy, bullet or something.

What is it?
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Just tested that level a few times over no issues for me. Although i have experienced random deaths from time to time on some levels even though i wasn't hit by anything.
Yeah and why the hell does that happen? Known Bug?
Probably, it's pretty rare to happen to me though. If you have any difficulties in later levels do check out my community guide. I created it specifically for Impossible Perfect in case people have problems getting passed a certain point.
Ultima modifica da Mhill; 12 ott 2013, ore 9:44
At the moment I would like to play the game but with that problem (unless it is a "feature") I don't continue! It appears each time I try to make a bigger area for example from the start point a square to the wall.
If you can possibly screenshot it, i may be able to see what's going on. You sure your not bumping into turrets?
Ultima modifica da Mhill; 12 ott 2013, ore 10:02
Hi, I seem to have the same problem. I'm trying to do the second level of the campaign and I can't get a perfect rating 'cause I keep dying for no obvious reason. It's not happening in special places or anything but it happens far too often. Purple flash *BANG* you're dead. Makes the game unplayable. Any ideas??
I got the same problem too
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