

Only mirroring shows on desktop, nothing in HMD
Hi Phil,
...well, that's unfortunate that Whirligig won't open in VR mode anymore !
I'm using Steam VR and a Valve Index headset.
Last edited by Ghanth; Apr 9 @ 11:10am
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Whirligig  [developer] Apr 9 @ 3:00pm 

Sorry that's happening. The first thing I'd make sure of is that SteamVR is set to be the default OpenXR app. If that doesn't work try the SteamVR version in the betas. If you've not used the betas before then it pretty easy. I've made this that explains it:


If that doesn't work then also try a full reset. The most sure way of that is this:

Close Whirligig.
Navigate here :
Find the folder called 'Whirligig' and rename or delete it.
Restart Whirligig.

Let me know how you get on. Fingers crossed one of those helps.

All the best

Ghanth Apr 10 @ 11:41am 
Hey ! Here are the informations i can give you.

SteamVR is set for using OpenXR by default by Valve. Now, that setting is "Factory set" and greyed out so it can't be changed by Valve index user.

The beta v.4.9841_steamvr is launching properly in VR

The 5.2 version doesn't

The reset didn't change the issue but solved the problem with UI in VR mode when it worked with the beta
Last edited by Ghanth; Apr 10 @ 12:48pm
Whirligig  [developer] Apr 11 @ 8:47am 
Thanks for the information.

It sounds like the OpenXR implementation is the cause if the SteamVR version is working. It could be an update to SteamVR that's caused the issue. Interesting that you say the option to change it is grayed out. It would make sense if you just have the index as you wouldn't have any other system wanting to set OpenXR as the default.

When building Whirligig I can set a forced OpenXR system and make it so it will only work in SteamVR. I could upload a beta that's set to that for you to try?

Next time I release a beta (which should be very soon) I'll look at uploading a version that will only open in SteamVR for you to try. Hopefully that'll fix it.

I'll let you know when that's live :)

Ghanth Apr 12 @ 11:19am 
Originally posted by Whirligig:
Thanks for the information.
Interesting that you say the option to change it is grayed out. It would make sense if you just have the index as you wouldn't have any other system wanting to set OpenXR as the default.
Exactly. No other system than Index.

Originally posted by Whirligig:
When building Whirligig I can set a forced OpenXR system and make it so it will only work in SteamVR. I could upload a beta that's set to that for you to try?
I'll let you know when that's live :)
Sure, I'll be glad to test.
I may have the same issue. However 5.2 beta did work fine for a few days. I am using a Quest 3 headset. I have tried both SteamVR and MetaLink with the same results. I have also switched between OpenXR versions. I also performed the full reset of Whirligig. Just after the Whirligig logo is displayed, I can see a 0:00 and a few random letters just out of my field of view, which then disappear after a few seconds leaving a black screen.
Whirligig  [developer] Apr 14 @ 8:50am 
I've uploaded a new beta 5.22. I think I managed to recreate the issue and I think it was down to the creation of the roaming folder in the new build. This might be why it worked to begin with and then when removing the roaming folder it stopped working. I've made the correction and uploaded a new version. Hopefully this one will work. Please let me know if it helps. As it's the creation of the roaming folder that is the issue (hopefully) if you are having problems straight away try removing it again.

I'm updating tonight with updates to Unity engine and anything else I can find to update.

I'll test with my HTV vive and Quest 3 and see if I get similar resaults. Possibly the updates might of helped though

@gfarmer_57 It's interesting that you say you did a full reset and still had the issue. Whirligig doesn't store anything in the registry, it's all help in the roaming folder location. Removing that folder should effectively reset everything. The fact that it's not helped could lead to something else.

I'll do my best to address the issue. If anyone else is having problems please let me know.

All the best

Last edited by Whirligig; Apr 14 @ 9:56am
Ghanth Apr 15 @ 12:46pm 
Hey Phil,

v5.22 does not solve it for me.

Same issue : SteamVR is waiting forever Whirligig to load while it's already on the desktop. In the desktop window I have no mouse pointer so I have to end quit 2 whilgig.exe in task manager.

Hope this will help you spot the issue.
Last edited by Ghanth; Apr 15 @ 12:48pm
Whirligig  [developer] Apr 16 @ 2:33am 
Thanks, I'll look at uploading a version that forces an open in SteamVR and let you know when it's online.

Just to clarify, the latest version to work is the SteamVR version in the betas isn't it?
Ghanth Apr 16 @ 8:36am 
Originally posted by Whirligig:
Just to clarify, the latest version to work is the SteamVR version in the betas isn't it?

Whirligig  [developer] Apr 17 @ 12:12pm 
I've uploaded a beta that will force Whirligig to open in SteamVR. This isn't a steamVR sdk integration which will take a bit longer. This is the same as the OpenXR one but instead of the defailt OpenXR platform being used it will use SteamVR. It's the latest beta whirligig_v5.23_steamvr

If you get a chance give it a try and let me know if it helps. If not I'll have to do a proper SteamVR SDK integration which will take a bit of time.

I tried v5.23_steamvr with the same result. Version 5.05 works fine. Version 5.11 or greater does not. When I use any of the 5.11 or greater betas, I can see the Whirligig logo in my headset. Once the logo is gone, I can see 00:00 and a few odd letters if I look up and to my left or right. These also disappear after a few seconds. When I first experienced the issue, I did try using the Whirligig directly from the Meta library using Meta's OpenXR. I also tried Quest with their Steam Client, and Quest to Steam via Virtual Desktop. Let me know if there is anything else I can do to help. I just went back to v5.05 for now.

I just tried v5.23_OpenXR using Meta's default OpenXR via Quest link and have the same issue.

Whirligig  [developer] Apr 18 @ 2:03am 
Hi, I think I have an idea on what's going on. It sounds like the roaming folder isn't being created properly I think. Would it be possible for you to send me a copy of that folder. It's located here:


If it's not there then that would also be the problem. My email is phileday@yahoo.co.uk.

Thanks for reporting this. Hopefully I'll be able to fix this soon.

Whirligig  [developer] Apr 18 @ 2:18am 
Also something to try is copying the production folder from the install folder to the roaming folder.

So in my case it's copying this folder:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Whirligig\production



That might fix the problem but I need to work out why it's not copying as well so the folder would still be useful if you have it.

Whirligig  [developer] Apr 18 @ 12:56pm 
Hello again. I've uploaded a new version with a roaming folder fix,whirligig_v5.231

If there are any missing files in the roaming folder it will copy them in there again. Hopefully this will fix it, fingers crossed.

Let me know if it helps :)

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