heelix Nov 15, 2020 @ 3:52am
Minimal Viewer Monitor-Mode ?
I'd like to use it for lectures but i assume that most of the viewers don't want to install the whole thing on their office-laptops.
Is there an option to have only a small viewer-only-client ? This could be setup in seconds with weblink and the viewers could only be present in form of a default-avatar placed at fixed positions with small sqare of their cam-image when the got one over their head. Yes it would be very limited, but we got used to use many different meeting-tools as we get invited without hezitation, but installing big software on business-pc is not possible or allowed in many cases. And without a broad acceptance the whole thing doesn't make sense.
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ENGAGE XR Ltd.  [developer] Nov 19, 2020 @ 1:36am 

Thanks for contacting ENGAGE Support.

Unfortunately at the moment, this feature is not available with ENGAGE.

We do offer support for Android phones and will support iOS in the future as an alternative means of joining an ENGAGE session on the desktop.

You can find the link to our download page here https://engagevr.io/download/

We do take our customer feedback very seriously so I have logged your request and submitted it to our Product Owner for review.

Thanks for your support and feedback.


The ENGAGE Team.

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