Last Dream: World Unknown

Last Dream: World Unknown

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sorlok_reaves 2017년 6월 1일 오후 12시 49분
Semi-Automatic Save File Backups
We've all felt the pain of saving to the wrong slot and overwriting hours of progress.
Or perhaps a power failure, accidental restart, or just a plain old glitch caused your save file to corrupt itself. Either way, we at White Giant RPG Studios, LLC can help, with our latest feature: (Semi) Automatic Save File Backups!

Here's how it works. Every time you save a file, the file you are overwriting (if any) is copied into the "backupSaves" directory in the game folder. The three most-recent save files (per slot) are saved this way, so it only helps if the mistake you made (or glitch you found) happened recently.

When you want to recover a save file, just find the appropriately-named file in backupSaves (e.g., "backup.save9.rvdata.first" for the "first" backup of "Slot 9"), and copy the file into the game directory, then rename it to something (save9.rvdata, or any other number from 1 to 20). We recommend you COPY and paste (not CUT), because Steam Cloud sync may sometimes try to overwrite the file (and you will have to copy it again).

The backupSaves take less than a second to create, and can help you recover hours of lost playtime. But they are not black magic! We do not back these up on Steam cloud, and we only backup the three most-recent saves per slot. Also, any time spent playing between the backup and whatever problem you encountered cannot be recovered.

We hope this is helpful! If you have any trouble restoring from backup, please contact us!
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danheg 2017년 6월 1일 오후 2시 42분 
Is this automatic or is there an option that has to be chosen?
info  [개발자] 2017년 6월 1일 오후 3시 10분 
danheg - The backup process is automatic and will occur for everyone who plays Last Dream: World Unknown. If a Player accidentally overwrites their file or otherwise loses their progress, these backup files can be used to recover your data. If that ever happened to you, you could either follow the process above or contact us anytime at and we would be happy to help.
info 님이 마지막으로 수정; 2017년 6월 1일 오후 3시 10분
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