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Zerasko Dec 26, 2018 @ 10:19am
Untrusted file C:\Windows\System32\hid.dll
Hey guys...
Since yesterday my Paladins doesnt start, well the first Loading Screen is loading but after it i get an error message with the code (0xc0000142). Then i have to press ok and then i get a message from EasyAntiCheat with the Message that a untrusted file (C:\Windows\System32\hid.dll) doesnt make the programm work.
Could anyone please help me i have tried to solve it by myselve but i didnt make it.
Originally posted by The Self-Proclaimed Knight:
If you'll choose to refresh/reset , your files, but not apps, will be kept. Additionally, if you have two or more of partitions, or hdd/ssd, you can move/keep your personal stuff, including steam library, and reinstall OS . Just don't use C for that.
Lastly, double check all your software. Disable or uninstall anything what's not needed for game launch/work, but may cause problems.
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Showing 1-15 of 18 comments
Untrusted - not allowed. But not necessary bad.
hid.dll is a library file for the USB interface.
You can try : to update/upgrade /downrange your drivers. Check for Windows errors, verify game files.
Zerasko Dec 26, 2018 @ 11:16am 
Well i have now tried it a long time but with no progress. In my Updatebox there is no latest Update and Windows also cant find any issues.
Zerasko Dec 26, 2018 @ 11:25am 
I also dont want to reset the PC because then i delete all my data and my apps :/
Zerasko Dec 26, 2018 @ 11:32am 
But how do i actually verify the game files or what do you actually mean?
Originally posted by Zerasko:
But how do i actually verify the game files or what do you actually mean?
Here :
Zerasko Dec 26, 2018 @ 12:28pm 
Ahh i have already tried it...
The author of this thread has indicated that this post answers the original topic.
If you'll choose to refresh/reset , your files, but not apps, will be kept. Additionally, if you have two or more of partitions, or hdd/ssd, you can move/keep your personal stuff, including steam library, and reinstall OS . Just don't use C for that.
Lastly, double check all your software. Disable or uninstall anything what's not needed for game launch/work, but may cause problems.
Zerasko Dec 26, 2018 @ 12:48pm 
ok thank you i will try it overnight
i hope this will work
Zerasko Dec 26, 2018 @ 12:51pm 
What does Windows mean with "Apps"? Is it meaning Apps like for steam or preinstalled apps like explorer?
Originally posted by Zerasko:
What does Windows mean with "Apps"? Is it meaning Apps like for steam or preinstalled apps like explorer?
Usually that's Windows store apps, but keep in mind, in case of windows 10,some of your usual windows programs now also apps, but they will be installed again when you reset/refresh/reinstall.
Zerasko Dec 26, 2018 @ 12:58pm 
ok so data like Photos and Steam Apps or others will be safed while the rest get deledet?
And when i try to redownload windows 10 do i have to type in some kind of product key or is this data also safed?
Originally posted by Zerasko:
ok so data like Photos and Steam Apps or others will be safed while the rest get deledet?
And when i try to redownload windows 10 do i have to type in some kind of product key or is this data also safed?
You must move your steam games to D or other partition/drive. Your OS will be automatically activated,after reset/refresh/reinstall, if you connected to the web.
I don't know what you mean about re-download.
Zerasko Dec 26, 2018 @ 1:26pm 
OK i am now safe all my steam apps, Adobe Programms, And all my user data then i will reset my Laptop
Alright, don't forget something important :)
Zerasko Dec 26, 2018 @ 1:48pm 
thank you ^^
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Date Posted: Dec 26, 2018 @ 10:19am
Posts: 18