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account merge (pc-ps4)
so will I be able to merge my account on pc to ps4? I have more buddies that play these types of games on console but I also wanna be able to still play pc... I hope this is a thing. Cant really tell if it is cuz I havent been able to link my psn today (website issues)
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and if you mean merge as everything uve gained on PC transferring to the PS4 version, unlikely
☥ - CJ - lähetti viestin:

and if you mean merge as everything uve gained on PC transferring to the PS4 version, unlikely
I have been trying to link my account all day with very little help as to why its working. And why wouldnt they? It would make no sense at all.. Other games that are on pc and ps4 do (paragon, for example) and didnt they do it for smite?
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Sivua kohden: 1530 50

Lähetetty: 4.5.2017 klo 18.21
Viestejä: 2