Conan Exiles
Help: No mini map, no life bars and xp display
my english is a little bit bad but maybe you can understand my problem

everyone on my server didnt have the problem, only me that I didnt have the mini map on the top, no life bars ( tralls and npc..everything) and also no display how much xp I get. I also look at the options and there is something with life bars on and of but it didnt works. (and restart is not the problem, im since 2-3 weeks on a privat server and play everyday)

i cant understand why only me have the problem and the other have everything. thats enoying, i dont want to make some boss fights without a lifebar -.-
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กำลังแสดง 1-11 จาก 11 ความเห็น
Alt + Z?
interesting what happend but thats not :/
I would have said the minimap was a mod feature, maybe the life bar as well. Hosav's Custom UI mod maybe? If it is, in your Inventory screen there should be a button to access a menu to turn features on and off. That might explain why your friends have the features showing and you don't. I'm not saying that's the solution to your problem, of course, but it might be.
but if its a mod, the other wouldnt have it too and not only me, or? in the menu is everything on. I also made a screenshot on my profile what i see.
Life bars exist in the base (non-modded) game. You can turn them on for everything (add numeric for you, add everything for other players and NPC/monsters) in the settings ---> gameplay menu.

Your life bar, stamina bar, and xp bar are in the upper left by default. Red is life, yellow stamina, white XP. The XP bar goes away when you hit level 60 because that's max level in the base game. The game can be heavily modded so I think Tachyon is correct.

There is no minimap (that I'm aware of) in the base game so that's likely a mod.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Macdallan; 16 พ.ค. 2022 @ 8: 59am
Judging from the screenshots, you're using Hosav's UI mod.

If you open your inventory (the one with the model of your character), in the bottom-left of the sceen, there should be a small button that says 'UI Settings'. From there, you can enable / disable the minimap, healthbars, etc.
I guessed right then. Your friends have the mod's appropriate options turned on. You don't.
I really hate these sort of threads where people are using mods but don't mention it and then blame the game for their issues. smh
Yeah, there's a LOT of it about.
I dont know much about the mods because normaly I dont play games with mods
and finally its normal, I find it xD thank you for your help
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กำลังแสดง 1-11 จาก 11 ความเห็น
ต่อหน้า: 1530 50

วันที่โพสต์: 16 พ.ค. 2022 @ 12: 10am
โพสต์: 11