Niche - a genetics survival game

Niche - a genetics survival game

We need Niche 2
We need Niche 2!
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Or at least an update or smth for base Niche. I'm really sad they just dropped the game like this...
I agree with this, and I regularly fantasize about a sequel to Niche with the B&E genetics.
I agree with this through the roof.
yeah and add reptiles and insectoid creatures and blowholes does anyone agree?
peelypolice2010 eredeti hozzászólása:
yeah and add reptiles and insectoid creatures and blowholes does anyone agree?

What are blowholes?
peelypolice2010 eredeti hozzászólása:
yeah and add reptiles and insectoid creatures and blowholes does anyone agree?
I'd love reptiles and insectoids... idk what that other one means tho
blowholes are what whales and dolphins use/have
pet eredeti hozzászólása:
blowholes are what whales and dolphins use/have

Oh, then we already have one, on Whale Island. :P
also old graphics!!! i love the way the eyes and fur used to look bring it back grrr (at least as a setting)
Theres's 'Niche: Breed and Evolve' on the play store
I'd really like something like this with animated animals ... The nichelings are cute but tragically static. The difference to a classic browser breeding game is minimal, unfortunately.
And yet, it's the best you can find since otherwise you only find complex and realistic genetics in browser games where the animals aren't even 3D but only pictures with cookie cutter skins in different colors :-(
Legutóbb szerkesztette: ajfusch; máj. 17., 15:18
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