Team Fortress 2
YAYO Jan 21, 2017 @ 10:21am
MvM Experti ??????
Hola tengo una duda... durante mucho tiempo se dise que solo en " dos ciudades " salen australiums pero tambien las australiums salen en el modo " EXPERTO Y TODO ADDVANCED" y no es joda, no se como son las posibilidades eh visto de mucha gente que a sacado australiums en experto y de verdad me gustaria probarlo.

CREO que jugar two cities por 4 dolares y tener una maldita suerte de que un 7% de posibilidades de 1 a 6 jugadores salga una australium...
YO llevo 30 turnos en experto y 2 australiums la verdad me eh dado cuenta que es dificl sacarla y cuesta mucho dinero y como eh escuchado de que en experto le tocan estoy casi seguro que
tendre mas posibilidades de sacar una australium en experto antes que en two cities y menos dinero....

Resumen: Quiero saber si las posibilidades de sacar australium en el modo experto son mas altas o mas bajas.... No quiero seguir gastando 4 dolares y perderlos... GRACIAS...


Hello I have a doubt ... for a long time it was designed that only in "two cities" australiums leave but also the australiums come out in the "EXPERT AND ALL ADDVANCED" mode and it is not ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥, I do not know how the possibilities are seen a lot People who have taken australiums in expert and I really would like to try it.

I believe that playing two cities for 4 dollars and having a damn luck that a 7% chance of 1 to 6 players comes out an australium ...
I have 30 shifts in expert and 2 australiums the truth is I realized that it is difficult to remove it and it costs a lot of money and as I have heard that in an expert they touch I am almost sure that
I will have more chances to get an australium in expert than in two cities and less money ....

Summary: I want to know if the chances of taking australium in expert mode are higher or lower .... I do not want to keep spending 4 dollars and lose them ... THANKS ...
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Showing 1-3 of 3 comments
Jet Jan 21, 2017 @ 10:48am 
Es igual en todos los niveles. Excepto intermedio que no da australiums.
Mejor compra lo que quieras en vez de seguir gastando.
YAYO Jan 21, 2017 @ 10:49am 
Bien pero las posibilidades de aussy son distintas o no (?
Jet Jan 21, 2017 @ 11:50am 
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Date Posted: Jan 21, 2017 @ 10:21am
Posts: 3