Team Fortress 2
Just starting TF2 shoots my CPU temps up by 30 degrees.
I know I'm running on a laptop, but is this normal?

It concerns me considering I've seen it hit over 90 degrees when playing at times, and it never seems to stop rising in temperature until I exit the game.

It's also odd, but it seems few programs seem to acknowledge that I have a GPU inside my laptop, even Hardware Monitor doesn't recognize it at all. The only reason I even know I HAVE a GPU (instead of just an Intel HD graphics thing) is because of the Nvidia Control center, even dxdiag doesn't see it.

Operating System: Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit
GPU: GeForce GT 525M
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2630QM CPU @ 2.00GHz (8 CPUs), ~2.0GHz
Memory: 6144MB RAM
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That's just how it is on labtops dude, mine has been doing that for a long time now...I am so far addicted to tf2 that I don't even care if it cooks my labtop at this point. I got an nvidia card too, just get used to it running hot and making noise now that they have added so much to the game ...I am just happy i can run it still.
Well in that case I'm just gonna grab an underside cooler and see if it helps.
90 degrees Celcius or Fahrenheit?
If your laptop's running at 90C, then you should be VERY concerned.
Dernière modification de icehat; 28 avr. 2013 à 16h02
Sanded a écrit :
Then yes, you should be concerned.
You generally want your laptop temprature to be under 70C, unless it's built to handle high tempratures.
By the way, what laptop do you have?
Frigging Geek Squad says nothing was wrong with it. "Passed the stress test" they said. "BS" I say.
cpu's use many watts of power when loaded...even on a laptop. desktop cpus have giant heatsinks to disappate the heat, its like a lightbulb, the heat from the watts has to go somewhere.. on a laptop the problem becomes thorny...and so they gimp the parts, and even then, you have a big problem. you can't get around this problem, any laptop running under full load is going to get hot, if it doesn't its seriously throttled on its power so it can't get hot, or perform well. as for not seeing the gpu, the new way is to switch to the gaming gpu only when necessary, so I guess you wouldn't see it until that happens.

Anyways on desktops a midrange gaming video card uses more power than your entire laptop, is thicker and probably just as long, and spews out more heat, so even if they gimp the laptop parts, they are still going to have a big problem dealing with heat if they try for any performance on a laptop.
Dernière modification de MA☝Omgwtfbbqstfu™; 28 avr. 2013 à 16h54
I'm aware of this. But a massive boost in heat just opening up a menu?

Recently it's started auto-shutdown at times when I'm playing. It wasn't that way for the longest time I've owned this thing. Which is about 2 years.
Dernière modification de Vaughan Vic; 28 avr. 2013 à 16h56
I wonder if Best Buy's folks even checked whether, say, the on-CPU fan still works.
Sanded a écrit :
I'm aware of this. But a massive boost in heat just opening up a menu?

Recently it's started auto-shutdown at times when I'm playing. It wasn't that way for the longest time I've owned this thing. Which is about 2 years.

you should turn it off and vac out the vents, dust clogging up the tiny heatsink fins inside is a bad problem on laptops, when laptops put out a lot of heat it means they are on the edge of the limits...

dunno about the menu thing but steampipe should solve the ridiculous loading issues with tf2, which might spike your system load just loading the menu...i'm guessing
They already cleaned the whole thing out and it's still getting hot. My local computer expert (would have taken it to him if I'd bought it from him) says he used to work on Geek Squad and that they were a bunch of tards so...
Dernière modification de Vaughan Vic; 28 avr. 2013 à 17h17
Also anyone got a good idea of how I get GPU temps if Hardware Monitor isn't catching it?
Run a mini fan on your laptop and run a cooling pad under it.
Sanded a écrit :
They already cleaned the whole thing out and it's still getting hot. My local computer expert (would have taken it to him if I'd bought it from him) says he used to work on Geek Squad and that they were a bunch of tards so...

Lol. Can we get legit geeks/nerds on Geek Squad?
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Posté le 28 avr. 2013 à 15h43
Messages : 31