Team Fortress 2

Team Fortress 2

shut down a cheating server??
Is there anyway to shut down a cheating server? just found one where all, and I mean ALL of the host cheat. Its a modified server where there is more than the usual ammo and the game runs about 30 percent faster (pretty cool actually) It seems to be a rented server. Every host on that server cheat openly, im talking one hit kills, extra life, the list goes on. the regular players do have extra abilities like the whole server, but the host have extra uber cheat abilities.. thats not a fair game at all, give all players the same abilities, not just the hosts of a game so that they can always win. that is defined as cheating by valve and VAC. why does the VAC not do anything about it? unless.. it may be a server that is not backed by the VAC program?

anyway is there a way to shut the server down since the host always cheat? even today the host killed me when ever I got the intel, I mean like "bid farewell" kill while running with the intel.. -.- I tyed "why am I randomly dieing!" and the host said - "you must have gotten backed stabbed" nope the feed read "bid farewell" soo..

for any sceptics out there, I WILL post the ip address to this server upon request so you can see the open cheating for yourself... your jaw will drop. Come on valve how could you let this happen. tisk tisk
Laatst bewerkt door NeoTheOne007; 13 mei 2014 om 16:45
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If it is a private server, then there is nothing that valve could (or should) do.

But what is the IP, i want to cehck it out, it sounds fun :P
What you saw were probably admins using their admin powers. When you run your own server you can do anything you want with it, gameplay-wise at least. You could give yourself infinite ammo, infinite crits, uber-powerful weapons, etc. If they were using things like aimbots then it was either a non-VAC server or the admins were idiots that will be banned in a matter of weeks.
Origineel geplaatst door The Creepy Cupcake:
What you saw were probably admins using their admin powers. When you run your own server you can do anything you want with it, gameplay-wise at least. You could give yourself infinite ammo, infinite crits, uber-powerful weapons, etc. If they were using things like aimbots then it was either a non-VAC server or the admins were idiots that will be banned in a matter of weeks.

so theres nothing we can do to shut servers like this down. THey get off on creaming unsuspecting players, I figured it out pretty quick, we need to send them a message. Stop stinking up TF2
Valve please ban robin walker for using the valve rocket launcher.
Origineel geplaatst door Ben Jabituya:
:conwayfacepalm: Its their own server they can do what they want.

Its not vac bannable cheats, just server plugins.

Sounds like a bunch of butt heads anyways. I simply wont be going to that server again, but the server is fun in itself just if you dont mind playing agaisnt massive cheaters, I'll post the ip if you want to check it out.
If you don't like them don't give them free publicity and players. They probably make money off server ads.

enjoy, the most cheating server in the whole world..
You probably either ran into a bunch of admin abuse, or a premium server.

Premium servers have huge, game-breaking donator benefits like multiple sentries, speed boosts etc. Basically legal hacks. The most known premium servers are and Avoid these like the plague.

If I were you, I'd just put that server in your blacklist and move on.

But a game where a buch of hackers are trying to outhack each other would be fun to watch though.
Origineel geplaatst door John Caveson:
You probably either ran into a bunch of admin abuse, or a premium server.

Premium servers have huge, game-breaking donator benefits like multiple sentries, speed boosts etc. Basically legal hacks. The most known premium servers are and Avoid these like the plague.

If I were you, I'd just put that server in your blacklist and move on.

But a game where a buch of hackers are trying to outhack each other would be fun to watch though.

wait.. multiple sentrys! now that is cool, massive cheat, but coool
question. How do I purchase my own TF2 server??
Origineel geplaatst door uMADbro?:
question. How do I purchase my own TF2 server??

Well if you're skilled programing-wise you can make your own server. But there are many server providers that let you rent server for a small monthly fee. Should probably check those out.
You don't. You just run one. When you "purchase" a server, you're really just renting a computer that is running a server from someone. Unless you have a beast computer, for the most part people will lag if you run a server on your own. So people rent them out so they can have a dedicated machine for the server.
Origineel geplaatst door John Caveson:
Origineel geplaatst door uMADbro?:
question. How do I purchase my own TF2 server??

Well if you're skilled programing-wise you can make your own server. But there are many server providers that let you rent server for a small monthly fee. Should probably check those out.
You don't need any "programing" skills. It's easy as long as you're good with computers.
So I can run my own server all I need is another computer! sweet, Im going to create my own little cheat server : )
Origineel geplaatst door uMADbro?:
So I can run my own server all I need is another computer! sweet, Im going to create my own little cheat server : )
technically yeah, but if you're using it on the same internet as your other computer, it might eat up bandwidth.
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Geplaatst op: 13 mei 2014 om 16:41
Aantal berichten: 32