Team Fortress 2

Team Fortress 2

Powerjack Vs Axtinguisher?
My vote; Powerjack FTW. Not just becase it has my name in it.... Power (nah it's jack)
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Zobrazeno 115 z 60 komentářů
Powerjack is alright, and the Axtinguisher is overpowered as hell.
Axtinguisher is best used in unison with a degeaser.

Powerjack is... Eh. Personally, I am an engi buddy with my homewrecker.
Axtinguisher is overused but not particularly overpowered. Since I'm a pybro, I usually use homewrecker though.
Between the Axtinguisher and Powerjack, I would choose the powerjack in most cases.
Maple (Zabanován) 1. úno. 2014 v 14.10 
Powerjack works pretty good with the phlog from my perspective.
I abuse the Axtinguisher like nobodies business. But I'd say the best one is the powerJack hands down.
Naposledy upravil Melve_Tofu; 1. úno. 2014 v 14.11
The Smart Patrol (Zabanován) 1. úno. 2014 v 14.49 
Powerjack- O pyro
Homewrecker- D pyro
Jill (Zabanován) 1. úno. 2014 v 14.51 
powerjack i like running faster then my team to the control point
Powerjack and Rake are both great melee for non-degreaser offensive pyros. Powerjack is also good with Degreaser and Shotgun playing as 'special forces scout', but will just never be any kind of replacement for the ridiculous power of the axtinguisher (for serious play).
If powerjack- stock, stock, powerjack
If axtinguisher- degreaser, reserve/flare, axtinguisher

that's it in my opinion
Degreaser + Reserve shooter + Homewrecker Pybro master race.
Spades (Zabanován) 9. dub. 2014 v 4.51 
I use the Gas Jockey's Gear with Detonator (Attendant included) as my main loadout, and man, what a mobility. Also, the 75 hp really helps.
Spades (Zabanován) 9. dub. 2014 v 4.52 
Craig původně napsal:
Jack Christ původně napsal:
If powerjack- stock, stock, powerjack
If axtinguisher- degreaser, reserve/flare, axtinguisher

that's it in my opinion
Dat revive dou
I'm gonna go with Axtinguisher on this one. I'm not really a user of either, being a Homewrecker Pyro.
Powerjack for me. You have no idea how often I deny Dead ringer spies with that thing and get free hp out of it. Oh and I use it for mobility aswell as kill off pyros. y'know, that thing the axtinguisher can't do.
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Zobrazeno 115 z 60 komentářů
Na stránku: 1530 50

Datum zveřejnění: 1. úno. 2014 v 14.02
Počet příspěvků: 60