Team Fortress 2
Shield item for heavy which I can't think of a name for
Ok, yes, I've posted ideas peoples haven't liked before. But
hey, I'm going to try again, because everyone knows that quitters
don't get candy and hugs from Barney. Actually yeah they do.

The Unnamed Shield
Level X Reinforced riot shield

- 60% movespeed penalty when deployed
- 40% weapon switch speed penalty
- User takes minicrits for 4 seconds after weapon switch
- Slows down turn speed while held up

You hold it up by holding down the right mouse button. While
held up, it absorbs (and recieves) 85% of damage dealt to you, but
ONLY if you're pointing it in the general direction of the source of
damage. It has 600 HP itself, and once it reaches 100 HP, the
ammount of damage it defends you against starts slowly ramping
down to a mere 10% at 0 health. Its health is represented by a
"shield integrity" bar at the bottom-right of the screen. It can be
repaired for 50 HP with a small ammo pack, or 100 HP with
a alrge ammo pack. If standing near a dispenser while holding it, you
will repair the shield for 100 health every dispense, but recieve
no ammo. Melee knockback against you while holding the
shield up is "reversed"; for example, if a demoknight charges
into you, he'll still damage your shield, but will bounce off of
it on impact instead of sending you flying. Airblast does NOT
count as melee knockback and still effects you the same.

Absorbing 85% of damage may sound a bit OP, but when
you consider how much DPS an entire team defending a point
and how much this item reduces your mobility when used, trust
me; this is NOT the miracle offensive push.

This could go as either a primary or a secondary, I suppose. If it were
a primary, it would offer the heavy a completely different playstyle and
purpose in the team which is more defensive than offensive. If it were
a secondary, it might be less "disruptive", but might make the heavy
too much of a mixed-bag powerhouse of offense and defense.
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15/5 megjegyzés mutatása
Sounds not so bad,but if it will be primary,it will be stupid.A heavy without minigun with shield sanvich/shotgun and fists vs anyone?If you cant shoot your shotgun for example while holding it,it's quite useless because what is the point of sitting on a point and absorbingg damage?You could counterdamage with minigun and stop enemy from pushing.So being a big target makes nothing for your team,because nobody will even try shoot at you if this shield is deployed and enemy know they better kill someone else before they die,and not shoot at guy that can absorb 10 pipes in the face.
AngryStudent eredeti hozzászólása:
Sounds not so bad,but if it will be primary,it will be stupid.A heavy without minigun with shield sanvich/shotgun and fists vs anyone?If you cant shoot your shotgun for example while holding it,it's quite useless because what is the point of sitting on a point and absorbingg damage?You could counterdamage with minigun and stop enemy from pushing.So being a big target makes nothing for your team,because nobody will even try shoot at you if this shield is deployed and enemy know they better kill someone else before they die,and not shoot at guy that can absorb 10 pipes in the face.

First of all, it's a seperate weapon. You can't use anything else while holding it.
The idea is less to make you a godmode figther and more to have you act as a sort
of shield for advancing players, or as a walking wall to slow enemies down in narrow
corridors or cover for people behind you.
Soopa (Potted plant overlord) eredeti hozzászólása:
AngryStudent eredeti hozzászólása:
Sounds not so bad,but if it will be primary,it will be stupid.A heavy without minigun with shield sanvich/shotgun and fists vs anyone?If you cant shoot your shotgun for example while holding it,it's quite useless because what is the point of sitting on a point and absorbingg damage?You could counterdamage with minigun and stop enemy from pushing.So being a big target makes nothing for your team,because nobody will even try shoot at you if this shield is deployed and enemy know they better kill someone else before they die,and not shoot at guy that can absorb 10 pipes in the face.

First of all, it's a seperate weapon. You can't use anything else while holding it.
The idea is less to make you a godmode figther and more to have you act as a sort
of shield for advancing players, or as a walking wall to slow enemies down in narrow
corridors or cover for people behind you.

Yeah narrow corridors,sure.But what about open maps just lik Payload ones.For example a simple upward,it will be more then useless defending (wait u can stand in front of a sentry,mother of GOD...)Better model and sugest to workshop a new cool-looking minigun.Would apreciate that much more ;) hope we will be able to see something made by you ingame c:
Why not just introduce the medic wall from MvM as a new medigun.

I had a new engie building idea with regards to building a solid wall as well which would be neat for blocking off areas (obviously the wall would have health) but tbh that would just get abused on 2fort.
Green Arrow (YDTMM) eredeti hozzászólása:
Why not just introduce the medic wall from MvM as a new medigun.

I had a new engie building idea with regards to building a solid wall as well which would be neat for blocking off areas (obviously the wall would have health) but tbh that would just get abused on 2fort.

I myself have often contemplated the idea of engy walls and wall-building
in general, ever since I played the fanmade gamemode "zombie fortress" and
saw how useful the carpenter perk's barricade ability is.

It STILL seems like there ought to be a way to make walls in this game.

AngryStudent eredeti hozzászólása:
Yeah narrow corridors,sure.But what about open maps just lik Payload ones.For example a simple upward,it will be more then useless defending (wait u can stand in front of a sentry,mother of GOD...)Better model and sugest to workshop a new cool-looking minigun.Would apreciate that much more ;) hope we will be able to see something made by you ingame c:

In open areas, as I said, it could be used to cover for snipers, demos waiting
to set off sticky traps, and generally being a walking but mortal peice of cover.
Legutóbb szerkesztette: Almy the Alien; 2014. jún. 20., 7:40
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15/5 megjegyzés mutatása
Laponként: 1530 50

Közzétéve: 2014. jún. 20., 6:43
Hozzászólások: 5