Team Fortress 2
Тема закрыта
Seriously, a freaking parachute?
Yeah, been playing since 2008, I'm done though. Thanks for finally giving me the motivation to quit valve. I'm uninstalling the game as I write this.

As if jumping training items in normal gameplay wasn't bad enough you went and added a freaking parachute? Seriously?
Well I guess all good things must come to and end and for me you've finally hit that end.

Since I know that no item has ever been removed from gameplay altogther this is where I get off. I guess I'll give you credit though, I did play this game longer than any other single game I've ever owned, I suppose I got my money's worth out of it.

...a freakin parachute.
< >
Сообщения 115 из 160
A freaking parachute because fall damage.
Don't let the door hit on the way out.
your quitting because of parachutes
It's just a parachute, dude, calm down and drink some Dew or something.
Отредактировано This...IS...BACON!; 18 июн. 2014 г. в 19:22
good bye and have a nice day
BenjiGonzo (Заблокирован) 18 июн. 2014 г. в 19:24 
Good riddance, this community is ♥♥♥♥♥♥ enough without people like you around.
Meh, it's something for everyone. Some people enjoy niche goof off items, some people like hardcore competitive items. Somepeople hate updates in general. The parachute is a fun goof off item with some utility, yes it seems really bad on paper and prooobably bad in practice. But will it be fun to use? Who knows. Think, Targe, Booties, Babyface Blaster, every grodbort weapon, etc.

At any rate, it's good the game gave you enjoyment for such a long time, good luck in your future gaming adventures fine sir!
Fumo Bnnuy n Frends (Заблокирован) 18 июн. 2014 г. в 19:27 
Автор сообщения: Magus
Yeah, been playing since 2008, I'm done though. Thanks for finally giving me the motivation to quit valve. I'm uninstalling the game as I write this.

As if jumping training items in normal gameplay wasn't bad enough you went and added a freaking parachute? Seriously?
Well I guess all good things must come to and end and for me you've finally hit that end.

Since I know that no item has ever been removed from gameplay altogther this is where I get off. I guess I'll give you credit though, I did play this game longer than any other single game I've ever owned, I suppose I got my money's worth out of it.

...a freakin parachute.
Theres the door, gtfo. Also can i have all your stuff?
Автор сообщения: newturtlebread3 senpai
Автор сообщения: Magus
Yeah, been playing since 2008, I'm done though. Thanks for finally giving me the motivation to quit valve. I'm uninstalling the game as I write this.

As if jumping training items in normal gameplay wasn't bad enough you went and added a freaking parachute? Seriously?
Well I guess all good things must come to and end and for me you've finally hit that end.

Since I know that no item has ever been removed from gameplay altogther this is where I get off. I guess I'll give you credit though, I did play this game longer than any other single game I've ever owned, I suppose I got my money's worth out of it.

...a freakin parachute.
Theres the door, gtfo. Also can i have all your stuff?
Yeah lets have a giveaway. The haters gotta hate.
This is the most retarded rage quit I have seen for a while. Congratulations for making me laugh.
Автор сообщения: Magus
Yeah, been playing since 2008, I'm done though. Thanks for finally giving me the motivation to quit valve. I'm uninstalling the game as I write this.

As if jumping training items in normal gameplay wasn't bad enough you went and added a freaking parachute? Seriously?
Well I guess all good things must come to and end and for me you've finally hit that end.

Since I know that no item has ever been removed from gameplay altogther this is where I get off. I guess I'll give you credit though, I did play this game longer than any other single game I've ever owned, I suppose I got my money's worth out of it.

...a freakin parachute.

Obligatory Rage-Quit-Because-Update/Weapon post.

Hope that money was Well spent. You get what I'm saying
Отредактировано Official Wallet Inspector; 18 июн. 2014 г. в 19:38
...and such a wonderful community you guys just make leaving all the easier.

In a week or two you'll see how absolutely game breaking this is and remember this post.
BenjiGonzo (Заблокирован) 18 июн. 2014 г. в 19:39 
Автор сообщения: Magus
...and such a wonderful community you guys just make leaving all the easier.

In a week or two you'll see how absolutely game breaking this is and remember this post.
Nope, see ya. Hope the door hits you on the way out.
< >
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Дата создания: 18 июн. 2014 г. в 19:20
Сообщений: 160