Team Fortress 2
Can anyone help me with this problem?
Whenever I log in to play TF2, my advanced settings are always wrong in the way I want, I even change the settings but every time I log in again the settings are not saved as I left them, I use Mastercomfig on very low, so kinda It's already pretty obvious why this is always happening, but I use MasterComfig to make my game work better, I don't know if it's because of MasterComfig or some problem in the game's folders, but if anyone can help me, I'd really appreciate it.
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Remove mastercomfig, you don't need it anymore since the 64 bit update released. It will always overwrite your settings since that's what configs do.

It's either that or you go into the vpk and edit it yourself. Good luck with that, though, the creator has made it near indecipherable if you know next to nothing about TF2 console commands.
Last edited by rocketgreentea; May 6 @ 10:54am
@rocketgreentea I know about the 64-bit update, but my notebook is so horrible that it's capable of crashing my game even though I'm in the menu, I might be being stupid but thanks for the answers
Your config is overwriting any changes you make ingame

The solution is to create an autoexec file, which will essentially overwrite the overwrite.

Locate your tf/cfg folder and make another folder inside of it called “overrides” where you’ll put an autoexec.cfg file. In it, you can write down the commands you want to execute when the game launches to get the game how you want.
Which settings are changing?
You might want to use low preset instead. Very-low changes some things that are pretty important to gameplay like fov.
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Date Posted: May 6 @ 10:50am
Posts: 4