Team Fortress 2

Team Fortress 2

Wut were they thinking!?
Late to the party, I know, but what did they mean when they added Wutville? I knew about the sightline situation, but that's not even the worse of if! There's so many nooks and crannies that can just completely obscure teleporters and heavies! Seriously, if you're engi didn't have a tele hidden in some obscure peice of geometry, they weren't trying hard enough.
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ZumoNacho INC (Zabanován) 11. kvě. v 15.04 
Ive always been more surprised by the case of Bread Space. Buggy mess, obviously a halloween map, added on a smismass update, that stayed on all year rotation and still had some glitches going on for weeks. How tf did all of that happen?
i would rather play wuttvile over breadspace... ♥♥♥♥♥♥ hate that map
I’d rather play wutville over cashworks
looked at screenshots and that's about it really

the art style is quite unique and not a bad idea if it was done better
Everyone hates on Wutville, the map is built like a community map from 10 years ago and I absolutely love it, brings me back to fond old memories when I first started playing the game.
the problem is they are not thinking. Not at all :roflo:
Naposledy upravil noob2007; 12. kvě. v 1.08
I'd rather play wutville over every map in the game
Debonsia původně napsal:
I'd rather play wutville over every map in the game
Do you need professional help?
Don't answer that,we know you do
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Na stránku: 1530 50

Datum zveřejnění: 11. kvě. v 14.55
Počet příspěvků: 8